Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "question about k in step"
2010 Feb 10
using step() with package geepack
I'm using the package geepack to fit GEE models.
Does anyone know of methods for add1 and drop1 for a 'geeglm' model object, or perhaps a method for extractAIC based on the QIC of Pan 2001? I see there has been some mention of this on R-help a few years ago (RSiteSearch("QIC")).
The package does provide an anova method for its model objects, and update() seems to work:
2008 Nov 28
AIC function and Step function
I would like to figure out the equations for calculating "AIC" in both
"step() function" and "AIC () function". They are different. Then I
just type "step" in the R console, and found the "AIC" used in "step()
function" is "extractAIC". I went to the R help, and found:
"The criterion used is
AIC = - 2*log L + k *
2011 Feb 23
request for patch in "drop1" (add.R)
By changing three lines in drop1 from access based on $ to access
based on standard accessor methods (terms() and residuals()), it becomes
*much* easier to extend drop1 to work with other model types.
The use of $ rather than accessors in this context seems to be an
oversight rather than a design decision, but maybe someone knows better ...
In particular, if one makes these changes (which I am
2005 Feb 24
Forward Stepwise regression based on partial F test
I am hoping to get some advise on the following:
I am looking for an automatic variable selection procedure to reduce the
number of potential predictor variables (~ 50) in a multiple regression
I would be interested to use the forward stepwise regression using the
partial F test.
I have looked into possible R-functions but could not find this
particular approach.
There is a function
2007 Mar 13
inconsistent behaviour of add1 and drop1 with a weighted linear model
Dear R Help,
I have noticed some inconsistent behaviour of add1 and drop1 with a
weighted linear model, which affects the interpretation of the results.
I have these data to fit with a linear model, I want to weight them by
the relative size of the geographical areas they represent.
> example
2012 Nov 02
add1() alternative
I'm trying to build a hierarchical logistic regression model with lme4
package, but I have a problem on selecting the variables to include in this
In a simple logistic regression, using Forward selection, i use a likelihood
ratio test to check which variables i should include in the model, using the
function add1().
The problem is that this function doesn't work with the
2003 May 08
All possible subset selection?
I am wondering if there is a function in R to do all
possible subset selection, e.g. using AIC/BIC. It
seems to me the function step can not do all possible
I am also want to know why the following functions
give me different results. It seems I missed some
points here.
lm <- lm(y ~., data=somedata)
Many thanks,
Zheng Huang
2013 May 01
Trouble with methods() after loading gdata package.
Greetings to r-help land.
I've run into some program crashes and I've traced them back to methods()
after the package gdata is loaded. I provide now a minimal re-producible
example. This seems bugish to me. How about you?
dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100))
lm1 <- lm(y ~ x, data = dat)
methods(class = "lm")
## OK so far
2010 Aug 27
how can I change the significance level in test F to select
variable in step command?
I used
step(model0, ~x1+x2+x3+x4, direction=c("forward"), test='F',
but it does't work.
Silvano Cesar da Costa
Departamento de Estat?stica
Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Fone: 3371-4346
2009 Apr 20
automatic exploration of all possible loglinear models?
Is there a way to automate fitting and assessing loglinear models for
several nominal variables . . . something akin to step or drop1 or add1
for linear or logistic regression?
Christopher W. Ryan, MD
SUNY Upstate Medical University Clinical Campus at Binghamton
40 Arch Street, Johnson City, NY 13790
"If you want to build a ship, don't drum
2011 Jun 21
Stepwise Manova
Hello all,
I have a question on manova in R:
I'm using the function "manova()" from the stats package.
Is there anything like a stepwise (backward or forward) manova in R (like there is for regression and anova).
When I enter:
step(Model1, data=Mydata)
R returns the message:
Error in drop1.mlm(fit, scope$drop, scale = scale, trace = trace, k = k, :
no 'drop1'
2011 May 21
unbalanced anova with subsampling (Type III SS)
Hello R-users,
I am trying to obtain Type III SS for an ANOVA with subsampling. My design
is slightly unbalanced with either 3 or 4 subsamples per replicate.
The basic aov model would be:
fit <- aov(y~x+Error(subsample))
But this gives Type I SS and not Type III.
But, using the drop() option:
drop1(fit, test="F")
I get an error message:
"Error in
2000 Apr 04
Hierarchical Regression
I'm a clinical psychologist desperately trying to get rid of SPSS. I
just discovered R and like it quite a lot. The main reason why we're
still using SPSS is the hierarchical regression where you enter
bundles of variables into a linear model and get an R-sqare increase
tested with an F-test. I already found add1 and drop1 but would
rather need addn and dropn. Is there
2000 Apr 19
scale factors/overdispersion in GLM: possible bug?
I've been poking around with GLMs (on which I am *not* an expert) on
behalf of a student, particularly binomial (standard logit link) nested
models with overdispersion.
I have one possible bug to report (but I'm not confident enough to be
*sure* it's a bug); one comment on the general inconsistency that seems to
afflict the various functions for dealing with overdispersion in GLMs
2008 Oct 22
forward stepwise regression using Mallows Cp
So I recognize that:
1. many people hate forward stepwise regression (i've read the archives)--but I need it
2. step() or stepAIC are two ways to get a stepwise regression in R
But here's the thing: I can't seem to figure out how to specify that I want the criteria to be Mallow's Cp (and then to subsequently tell me what the Cp stat is). I know it has something to do with
2008 Aug 01
drop1() seems to give unexpected results compare to anova()
Dear all,
I have been trying to investigate the behaviour of different weights in
weighted regression for a dataset with lots of missing data. As a start
I simulated some data using the following:
N <- 200
sigma <- matrix(c(1, .5, .5, 1), nrow = 2)
sim.set <- as.data.frame(mvrnorm(N, c(0, 0), sigma))
colnames(sim.set) <- c('x1', 'x2') # x1 & x2 are
2011 Jun 20
Stepwise model comparisons for mlogit
I am trying to perform a backwards stepwise variable selection with an mlogit model. The usual functions, step(), drop1(), and dropterm() do not work for mlogit models.
Update() works but I am only able to use it manually, i.e. I have to type in each variable I wish to remove by hand on a separate line.
My goal is to write some code that will systematically remove a certain set of variables
2005 Apr 23
question about about the drop1
the data is :
>table.8.3<-data.frame(expand.grid( marijuana=factor(c("Yes","No"),levels=c("No","Yes")), cigarette=factor(c("Yes","No"),levels=c("No","Yes")), alcohol=factor(c("Yes","No"),levels=c("No","Yes"))), count=c(911,538,44,456,3,43,2,279))
2006 Aug 06
extractAIC using surf.ls
Although the 'spatial' documentation doesn't mention that extractAIC
works, it does seem to give an output.
I may have misunderstood, but shouldn't the following give at least
the same d.f.?
> library(spatial)
> data(topo, package="MASS")
> extractAIC(surf.ls(2, topo))
[1] 46.0000 437.5059
> extractAIC(lm(z ~ x+I(x^2)+y+I(y^2)+x:y, topo))
2008 May 13
R help: problems with step function
Dear List Members,
I have encountered two problems when using the step function to
select models. To better illustrate the problems, attached is an
R image which includes the objects needed to run the code attached.
lm.data.frame have factor variables with 3 levels.
The following run shows the first problem. AICs (* and **) are different.
I noticed that the Df for rs13482096:rs13483699 is 4,