Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "plotting image/contour on irregular grid"
2007 Sep 12
plot contour map for irregular data points
I'm dealing with the following problem:
I have a table with x and y coordinates and corresponding values of
a mineral concentration, let's call it z.
Can someone provide me a short step-by-step manual for the steps
necessary to get a contour map?
How to sort and interpolate my matrix to an equidistant grid which
can afterwards be plotted by contour(x,y,z)? (e.g. fill the
2010 Oct 24
Contour Plot on a non Rectangular Grid
Dear All,
I would like to plot a scalar (e.g. a temperature) on a non-rectangular
domain (or even better: I would simply like to be able to draw a contour
plot on an arbitrary 2D domain). I wonder if there is any tool to
achieve that with R. I did some online search in particular on the list
archives, found several queries similar to this one but was not able to
find any conclusive answer.
2010 Jun 22
contour plots
Hi All,
I'm having difficulty making a contour plot a would like some help.
A standard contourplot can be made by having an x,y, and some matrix (shape
x*y) with contents:
x = 1:10
y = 1:10
cont <- matrix(runif(100,min=1,max=2),nrow=10,ncol=10)
Looks very nice.
Sometimes data comes in a different format however. Basically an x and an y,
and a vector z with all
2003 Aug 14
Contouring irregular xyz data via TIN
I have XYZ data available in a MySQL database. I get it out, can plot
the data with the plot() function, load it into a geoR datastructure.
But what I actually would like to do is a simple contouring of the data
based on a no Kriging interpolation such as TIN based.
I know the first thing I shold do is interpolate a full matrix for the
region I have my points for, then contour should
2003 Aug 13
Contour plot for arbitrary (x,y,z)
Is there an easy-to-use contour plot function analogous to scatterplot3d
that can draw handle a dataset of arbitrary (x,y,z) triplets? That is,
say x, y, and z are each measured quanties, and exhibit neither order
nor regularity.
I looked at the lattice package function "contourplot" but it seems
complicated, and it's not clear from the documentation whether it can
2003 Apr 02
S intrp function
I am trying some S-Plus scripts that I used a few years ago on R. Many
things have worked flawlesly and I am very impressed with the work the
developers have done. (As I remember, the license fee on S-Plus at that
time was ~$4500 per seat (AIX) ouch!!) So, thank you.
My question relates to the intrp function, which takes irregularly
spaced xyz data and produces a regular xyz grid
2005 May 16
Fitting Contour to Data Points
Apologies for the mass mailing today!
I am attempting to produce a contour plot for phsical data on a map
matrix. I have a small number of data points which each has an (x,y)
co-ordinate together with a corresponding value which I would like to
cvreate a contour plot for.
I have tried the following code:
but am told:
Error in contour.default(data$x, data$y,
1998 Dec 04
contour labelling [was "Re: image ()"]
> From: Bill Simpson <wsimpson at uwinnipeg.ca>
> Subject: Re: contour labelling [was "Re: [R] image ()"]
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> > We may be missing the crux here: was it to have a means of
> > displaying such surfaces?
> Yes, bang on. I knew of the
> existence of the Delaunay code in the R libraries. Yes I want
> to make a picture that
2003 Jan 15
Contour Plots
I can't seem to get the below data organized in such a manner so as to
generate a contour plot
using any of the functions {lattice.contourplot, base.contour,
base.filled.contour}. I was wondering
if anyone could please tell me what I need to do to accomplish this.
2009 Oct 01
Help for 3D Plotting Data on 'Irregular' Grid
Dear All,
Here is what I am trying to achieve: I would like to plot some data in 3D.
Usually, one has a matrix of the kind
y_1(x_1) , y_1(x_2).....y_1(x_i)
y_2(x_1) , y_2(x_2).....y_2(x_i)
y_n(x_1) , y_n(x_2)......y_n(x_i)
where e.g. y_2(x_1) is the value of y at time 2 at point x_1 (see that
the grid in x is the same for the y values at all times).
2003 Jul 27
contourplot:how to get it to label all contours like 'contour'
one of the nice things about contour is that it labels all contour lines.
contourplot only labels each particular elevation a single time.
i.e., if there are two contour lines corresponding to z = 45, it will only
label one of them.
is there a way to get contourplot to automatically label all the contour lines,
even those that are repeated?
i ask because i want to plot contour plots *w/
2010 Nov 03
R package BibTex entries: looking for a more general solution
== Summary ==
* Problem: BibTeX entries extracted from R packages via citation()
require too much manual editing to be
of general use.
* Proposal: Date: fields should be made mandatory in package DESCRIPTION
files, perhaps
beginning with warnings from R CMD check
* Proposal: Package authors should be encouraged to use a (new)
Contributors: field in the DESCRIPTION file
rather than packing all
2013 Feb 14
Clip a contour with shapefile while using contourplot
Hi, I have done the interpolation for my data and I was able to create the
contours in multipanel with the help of Pascal. Now, I want to clip the
contour with the shapefile. I want only the portion of contour to be
displayed which falls inside the boundary of the shapefile.
The data mydata.csv can be found on
The data for shapefile can be
2010 Nov 19
Using image/contour with unevenly spaced data...
Is it possible to plot unevenly spaced data with image/contour function?
Below is an example of the type uneven data that I'm trying to plot with
image/contour functions. For example, I would like to have the x-distance on
the x-axis and y-distance on the y-axis and then the temperature values
determine the color used. Unfortunately this data was sampled such that it is
not evenly
2009 Mar 15
Contour plots of four two-dimensional matrices
I have four large two-dimensional matrices of which I want to create contour
plots. Something like
works but only gives me one plot at a time. If I combine the four matrices
into one three-dimensional matrix, which I'll name "seven", there should be
a way of doing something like this
contourplot(seven[,,k] for k in 1 to 4)
2007 Dec 04
2/3d interpolation from a regular grid to another regular grid
Hello R users,
I have numerical data sampled on two grids, each one shifted by 0.5
from the other.
For example:
grid1 = expand.grid(x=0:3, y=0.5:2.5)
grid2 = expand.grid(x=0.5:2.5, y=0:3)
gridFinal = expand.grid(x=0.5:2.5, y=0.5:2.5)
plot(gridFinal, xlim=c(0,3), ylim=c(0,3), col="black", pch=19)
points(grid1, xlim=c(0,3), ylim=c(0,3), col="red", pch=19)
2005 Feb 08
Fw: Contour plot
I understand that I need to have a (in this case) square matrix with all the
data. But the question now is;
- can the contourplot not interpolate the missing values
or alternatively
- I have fit a model to the z data (z = 100 + 0.5x + 0.5y). How can I make
from this model a "square" matrix z to make a contour plot?
Kind regards, Darius Blaszijk
----- Original Message -----
2009 Nov 19
plot filled.contour over continent map
Dear all,
As a newbie in R I would like to do the following (simple?) thing:
to plot a filled.contour plot over a map showing country boundaries (e.g. for Europe)
What i do is:
map('worldHires',xlim=c(-10,40),ylim=c(35,70),boundary = TRUE,border=0.1)
filled.contour(mslp, zlim=c(1000,1020),color.palette = colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white",
2006 Jul 01
SUMMARY: making contour plots using (x,y,z) data
A few days ago, I had asked a question on this mailing list about
making a contour plot where a function z(x,y) is evaluated on a grid
of (x,y) points, and the data structure at hand is a simple table of
(x,y,z) points. As usual, R has wonderful resources (and subtle
complexity) in doing this, and the gurus of the list showed me the
way. Here's a complete working example. One might
2010 Jul 10
contourplot by year
Hi - I have a dataframe with 4 variables - long, lat, temp and year. I would
like to plot temperature by lat and long in contour plots by year. There
are 391 data points. When I try
contourplot(temp~long*lat|year,data=hake,cuts=10,labels = TRUE,contour =
TRUE,pretty = TRUE,region=TRUE)
I get plots with dots around by data, but not contour lines or filled in
I have also used the