Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "lme versus proc mixed in SAS"
2004 Nov 18
how to rewrite this without a loop ?
Dear Rexperts,
First of all let me say that R is a wonderful and useful piece of
The only thing is that sometimes it takes me a long time to find out how
something can be done, especially when aiming to write compact (and
efficient) code.
For instance, I have the following function (very rudimentary) which
takes a (very specific) data frame as input and for certain subsets
2005 Sep 22
redirect and sieve
I have set up postfix to use dove-cot lda. This works perfect. Sieve
works a bit...
I would like to user the redirect feature of sieve. Having followed the
wiki I added the following in my .dovecot.sieve :
require "redirect";
if header :contains "subject" ["order", "buy"] {
redirect "orders at company.dom";
With this setup I
2005 Sep 21
ldap: No password in reply
I'm trying to set up dovecot with ldap (and postfix) by following the
page on the wiki.
I configured everything, but something is wrong:
dovecot: Sep 21 12:03:59 Info: auth(default): client in: AUTH 1 PLAIN
service=IMAP secured lip= rip=
dovecot: Sep 21 12:03:59 Info: auth(default): client out: CONT 1
dovecot: Sep 21 12:03:59 Info:
2001 Feb 08
[Fwd: RedHat 7.0, Wine and Matlab: a fontproblem??]
I tried to run Matlab (version Release 12, Win98) on
my Redhat 7.0 machine using codeweavers-wine version 20010112.
Wine seems to work fine when I tested some simple Windows
applications: notepad, freeceel, wordpad, calculator...
Word and Excel however only show the welcome window and crash
immediately afterwards before the real Word/Excel-window should
Matlab seems to
2005 Jan 19
Problems with smbpasswd: any local changes are discarted after connection request
Can anybody confirm the following problem:
bash-2.05# grep ankerpos /usr/samba.moonrock/private/smbpasswd
bash-2.05# /usr/samba.moonrock/bin/smbpasswd -c /usr/samba.moonrock/lib/smb.conf
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
bash-2.05# grep ankerpos
2005 Jan 20
Excel files & file modification time
Hi everyone,
I have a problem on samba running on RHEL 3 kernel 2.4.21 with RHEL 3
samba packages - samba-3.0.7-1.3E.1.
The problem is, that when people open excel files (with office 97
version of excel) the file modification time is changed (even if the
file is only opened and excel closed without saving).
This same problem does not occur on the [homes] share (in every test
untill now it never
2001 Feb 07
[Fwd: RedHat 7.0, Wine en Matlab: een fontprobleem??]
ik heb getracht om Matlab (versie Release 12 op Win98 op
aparte partitie op mijn hd) mbv wine te draain op mijn RedHat 7.0.
Het betreft codeweavers-wine, versie 20010112.
Matlab start heel fijn op, wine spuwt een proces of 15 en vreet
zowat al mijn geheugen op maar voor de rest lijkt hij wel te werken.
applicaties zoals notepad, wordpad, freecell, etc werkten perfect..)
2005 Sep 20
LDA with postfix lock problem
I'm trying to set up dovecot as the delivery agent for postfix. I
configured postfix with:
mailbox_command = = /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver
In the logs I see the following error:
Sep 20 17:19:26 zalm deliver:
open(/var/mail/.temp.zalm.8045.65c09c28953ea20c) failed: Permission denied
Sep 20 17:19:26 zalm deliver: file_lock_dotlock() failed with mbox file
2006 Jun 30
SAS Proc Mixed and lme
I am trying to use lme to fit a mixed effects model to get the same
results as when using the following SAS code:
proc mixed;
class refseqid probeid probeno end;
model expression=end logpgc / ddfm=satterth;
random probeno probeid / subject=refseqid type=cs;
lsmeans end / diff cl; run;
There are 3 genes (refseqid) which is the large grouping factor, with
2 probeids nested within each refseqid,
2009 Jun 25
lme gives different results to SAS Proc Mixed
http://www.nabble.com/file/p24211204/repeated.csv repeated.csv
Dear all,
I'm currently trying to replicate some Proc Mixed results using lme() and
have a curious result I can't explain.
The dataset is a repeated measures example where patients (each on one of
several treatments) are measured over a number of days. Putting aside issues
of the error covariance structure I'm using
2012 Sep 21
translating SAS proc mixed into R lme()
Dear R users,
I need help with translating these SAS codes into R with lme()? I have a
longitudinal data with repeated measures (measurements are equally spaced
in time, subjects are measured several times a year). I need to allow slope
and intercept vary.
SAS codes are:
proc mixed data = survey method=reml;
class subject var1 var3 var2 time;
model score = var2 score_base var4 var5 var3
2012 Mar 09
pdMat class in LME to mimic SAS proc mixed group option? Group-specific random slopes
I would like to be able to use lme to fit random effect models In which some but not all of the random effects are constrained to be independent. It seems as thought the pdMat options in lme are a promising avenue. However, none of the existing pdMat classes seem to allow what I want.
As a specific example, I would like to fit a random intercept/slope mixed model to longitudinal observations in
2007 Apr 06
translating sas proc mixed to lme()
Hi All
I am trying to translate a proc mixed into a lme() syntax. It seems that I was
able to do it for part of the model, but a few things are still different.
It is a 2-level bivariate model (some call it a pseudo-3-level model).
CLASS cluster_ID individual_id variable_id ;
RANDOM Dp Dq / SUBJECT = cluster_ID
2007 Jun 05
lme vs. SAS proc mixed. Point estimates and SEs are the same, DFs are different
R 2.3
Windows XP
I am trying to understand lme. My aim is to run a random effects regression in which the intercept and jweek are random effects. I am comparing output from SAS PROC MIXED with output from R. The point estimates and the SEs are the same, however the DFs and the p values are different. I am clearly doing something wrong in my R code. I would appreciate any suggestions of how I can
2006 Jun 30
lme and SAS Proc mixed
I am trying to use lme to fit a mixed effects model to get the same
results as when using the following SAS code:
proc mixed;
class refseqid probeid probeno end;
model expression=end logpgc / ddfm=satterth;
random probeno probeid / subject=refseqid type=cs;
lsmeans end / diff cl; run;
There are 3 genes (refseqid) which is the large grouping factor, with
2 probeids nested within each refseqid,
2010 Nov 07
varclus in Hmisc vs SAS PROC VARCLUS
I'll apreciate your guidance on how can I re-create the output from SAS PROC
VARCLUS in R. I've found the varclus function in Hmisc. However, is it
possible to use that function to compute for each variable the 1-R**2 ratio
(this is the ratio of 1 minus the R-squared with Own Cluster to one minus
the R-squared in the Next Closest cluster)?
Thanks in advance for any help,
2011 Apr 14
Help converting SAS Proc mixed to R code
To anyone that may be able to help,
First I applogize if this message ends up in your inbox twice. The first
one seemed to get stuck in a pending status so I deleted and started over.
I am relatively new to R, however I know the basics through some classes I
have taken. Unfortunately the classes left off the more complicated
analysis that I need to learn and use. I am attempting to replicate
2004 Mar 30
rank() vs SAS proc rank
SAS proc rank has ties options of high and low that would allow
producing ranks of the type found in the sports pages, e.g.,
rank (c(1,1,2,2,2,2,3)) == 1 1 3 3 3 3 7
Could R support these ties.methods?
2010 Sep 05
cov.unscaled in NLS - how to define cov.scaled to make comparable to SAS proc NLIN output - and theoretically WHY are they different
I am running a 3-parameter nonlinear fit using the default Gauss-Newton
method of nls.
initialValues.L = list(b=4,d=0.04,t=180);
fit.nls.L = nls(
myModel.nlm ,
start = initialValues.L,
control = nls.control(warnOnly = TRUE),
summary.nls.L = summary(fit.nls.L);
I run the same analysis in SAS proc NLIN.
proc nlin data=apples outest=a;
parms b=4 d=.04 t=180;
model Y =
2008 Jun 25
R alternative to SAS PROC REPORT
R has wonderful graphics but I am wondering whether there is anything in R to provide customization of tables like PROC Report does in SAS.
A Smile costs Nothing
But Rewards Everything
Happiness is not perfected until it is shared
-Jane Porter
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