similar to: Stats Question: Single data item versus Sample from Normal Distribution

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2005 Apr 05
Stats Question: Single data item versus Sample from Norma l Distribution
Here's one possibility, assuming muhat and sigmahat are estimtes of mu and sigma from N iid draws of N(mu, sigma^2): tStat <- abs(x - muhat) / sigmahat pValue <- pt(tStat, df=N, lower=TRUE) I'm not quite sure what df tStat should have (exercise for math stat), but given fairly large N, that should make little difference. Andy > From: Ross Clement > > Hi. I have a
2012 Aug 22
log-normal distribution fitting with expected value = 1
Dear R users, I would like to estimate mu and sigma of a log-normal distribution, where I know that the expected value is 1, as it is a normalized distribution. That means as E(x) = exp (mu + 1/2*sigma^2) = 1 that 2*mu = -sigma^2 . Therefore I only need to fit one parameter either sigma or mu. How could I do this in R? Thank you very much for your help! biophil [[alternative HTML version
2008 Jul 22
F test
Dear R users,   I need to do a F test on the hypothesis that a 2 by 1 vector (X_1, X_2)' has the mean vector  (M_1, M_2)'. Specifically, I would like to assume the X vector comes from a bivariate Normal distribution (M, Sigma). Then, given 1000 observations on X, I wanted to test if the means of X agree with the means of the target Normal distribution. Any function or package in R could do
2008 Sep 15
help on sampling from the truncated normal/gamma distribution on the far end (probability is very low)
Hi, guys, I am trying to sample from a truncated normal/gamma distribution. But only the far end of the distribution (where the probability is very low) is left. e.g. mu = - 4; sigma = 0.1; The distribution is Normal(mu,sigma^2) truncated on [0,+Inf]; How can I get a sample? I tried to use inverse CDF method, but got Inf as answers. Please help me out. Also, pls help me on the similar
2008 Mar 27
options in 'rnorm' to set the lower bound of normal distribution to 0 ?
Dear list, I have a dataset containing values obtained from two different instruments (x and y). I want to generate 5 samples from normal distribution for each instrument based on their means and standard deviations. The problem is values from both instruments are non-negative, so if using rnorm I would get some negative values. Is there any options to determine the lower bound of normal
2006 Jul 20
Loss of numerical precision from conversion to list ?
I?m working on an R-implementation of the simulation-based finite-sample null-distribution of (R)LR-Test in Mixed Models (i.e. testing for Var(RandomEffect)=0) derived by C. M. Crainiceanu and D. Ruppert. I'm in the beginning stages of this project and while comparing quick and dirty grid-search-methods and more exact optim()/optimize()-based methods to find the maximum of a part of the
2013 Sep 15
DataEllipse versus Ellipse Function in R
Hi: Does Ellipse and dataellipse function in R produce the same ellipse? I wanted to see how the radius for the Ellipse function in R calculated. Also what is the var-covariance matrix, if any, assumed for the dataellipse function? Heres an example of the code where I am generating Multivariate normal data and creating ellipse using the 2 functions: library(car) library(mvtnorm) mu =
2003 Sep 30
truncated multivariate normal
Please, I would like to know how to generate a truncated multivariate normal distribution k - dimensional, X ~ NT(mu, Sigma), where the elements of X to be non-negative (except the first), and the first dimension is strictly larger than zero. Example: X ~ NT_2(mu, Sigma), where mu=c(0.5, 0.5) and Sigma=c([120, 191], [191,154]), with X_1>0 and X_2>=0 Could anybody help
2006 Oct 31
Put a normal curve on plot
I would like to be able to place a normal distribution surrounding the predicted values at various places on a plot. Below is some toy code that creates a scatterplot and plots a regression line through the data. library(MASS) mu <- c(0,1) Sigma <- matrix(c(1,.8,.8,1), ncol=2) set.seed(123) x <- mvrnorm(50,mu,Sigma) plot(x) abline(lm(x[,2] ~ x[,1])) Say I want to add a normal
2004 Mar 29
Right shift for normality
Hello, My data is discrete, taking values between around -5 and +5. I cannot give bounds for the values. So I consider it as numerical data and not categorical data. The histogram has a 'normal' shape, so I test for normality via a chisquare statistic (by calculating the expected values by hand). When I use the sample mean and variance, the normality hypothesis has to be rejected.
2016 Jul 17
Muestrear de una normal multivariante.-
¡Hola a todos! Estoy intentando muestrear de una normal multivariante donde hay dos grupos de variables que deben tener una relación "manipulable" entre sí pero ignoro cómo hacerlo. Les cuento, he intentado lo siguiente: # covarianzas del primer grupo de variables: Sigma_U <- matrix(c(.25, .2, .2, .25), ncol=2) # covarianzas del segundo grupo de variables: Sigma_W <- diag(2) #
2009 Sep 24
Fw: Re: Multiple Normal Curves
Sorry about the subject --- On Thu, 24/9/09, KABELI MEFANE <> wrote: From: KABELI MEFANE <> Subject: Re: [R] Multiply Normal Curves To: Date: Thursday, 24 September, 2009, 11:48 AM R -helpers   i have been trying to do this problem without must success,i managed to do a graph for x, but it is not what i want to
2004 Jun 25
Simulating from a Multivariate Normal Distribution Using a Correlation Matrix
Hello, I would like to simulate randomly from a multivariate normal distribution using a correlation matrix, rho. I do not have sigma. I have searched the help archive and the R documentation as well as doing a standard google search. What I have seen is that one can either use rmvnorm in the package: mvtnorm or mvrnorm in the package: MASS. I believe I read somewhere that the latter was
2011 Jun 25
Multivariate normal density in C for R
Does anyone know of a package that uses C code to calculate a multivariate normal density? My goal is to find a faster way to calculate MVN densities and avoid R loops or apply functions, such as when X and mu are N x K matrices, as opposed to vectors, and in this particular case, speed really matters. I would like to be able to use .C or .Call to pass X, mu, Sigma, and N to a C program and have
2008 Apr 01
set the lower bound of normal distribution to 0 ?
Tom Cohen <> skrev: Thanks Prof Brian for your suggestion. I should know that for right-skewed data, one should generate the samples from a lognormal. My problem is that x and y are two instruments that were thought to be measured the same thing but somehow show a wide confidence interval of the difference between the two intruments.This may be true that these
2008 Jul 05
help about random generation of a Normal distribution of several variables
Hello. Somebody knows how can I generate a set of n random vectors of a normal distribution of several variables? For example, I want to generate n=100 random vectors of two dimensions for a normal with mean c(0,1) and variance matrix: matrix(c(2,1,1,3),2,2). Thanks in advance, Arnau.
2009 Jun 03
Would like to add this to example for plotmath. Can you help?
Greetings: I would like comments on this example and after fixing it up, I need help from someone who has access to insert this in R's help page for plotmath. I uploaded a drawing that is created by the following code This will be a good addition to the plotmath help page/example.
2010 Jul 06
plotmath vector problem; full program enclosed
Here's another example of my plotmath whipping boy, the Normal distribution. A colleague asks for a Normal plotted above a series of axes that represent various other distributions (T, etc). I want to use vectors of equations in plotmath to do this, but have run into trouble. Now I've isolated the problem down to a relatively small piece of working example code (below). If you would
2012 Sep 11
Strange result from GAMLSS
Hi Folks! Just started using the gamlss package and I tried a simple code example (see below). Why the negative sigma? John > y <- rt(100, df=1)> m1<-fitDist(y, type="realline")Warning messages:1: In MLE(ll3, start = list( =, eta.sigma = eta.sigma, : possible convergence problem: optim gave code=1 false convergence (8)2: In MLE(ll4, start = list( =
2006 Aug 04
Doubt about Student t distribution simulation
Dear R list, I would like to illustrate the origin of the Student t distribution using R. So, if (sample.mean - pop.mean) / standard.error(sample.mean) has t distribution with (sample.size - 1) degree free, what is wrong with the simulation below? I think that the theoretical curve should agree with the relative frequencies of the t values calculated: #== begin options===== # parameters