Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "CI for Ratios of Variance components in lme?"
2013 Jun 07
Function nlme::lme in Ubuntu (but not Win or OS X): "Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance"
Dear all,
I am estimating a mixed-model in Ubuntu Raring (13.04ΒΈ amd64), with the
fm0 <- lme(rt ~ run + group * stim * cond,
subj=pdSymm(~ 1 + run),
subj=pdSymm(~ 0 + stim)),
When I check the approximate variance-covariance matrix, I get:
> fm0$apVar
[1] "Non-positive definite
2003 Mar 31
nonpos. def. var-cov matrix
R 1.6.2 for Windows, Win2k:
I have fitted a weighted least squares model using the code
"wls.out <- gls(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 - 1, data = foo.frame,
weights = varConstPower(form = ~ fitted(.), fixed = list(power = 0.5),
const = 1))"
The data has 62 rows and the response is zero when the covariates are
zero. The purpose of the model was to account
for the the fact that
2001 Nov 14
lme: how to extract the variance components?
Dear all,
Here is the question:
For example, using the "petrol" data offered with R.
pet3.lme$sigma gives the residual StdDev.
But I can't figure out how to extract the "(intercept) StdDev",
although it is in the print out if I do "summary(pet3.lme)".
2006 Feb 16
testing the significance of the variance components using lme
Hi R-users,
I am using lme to fit a linear mixed model with the nlme package,
does anyone know if it is possible to obtain standard error estimates of the variance components estimators and an adequate method to test the significance of the variance component?
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2003 Mar 04
How to extract R{i} from lme object?
Hi, lme() users,
Can some one tell me how to do this.
I model Orthodont with the same G for random
variables, but different R{i}'s for boys and girls, so
that I can get sigma1_square_hat for boys and
sigma2_square_hat for girls.
The model is Y{i}=X{i}beta + Z{i}b + e{i}
b ~ iid N(0,G) and e{i} ~ iid N(0,R{i}) i=1,2
orth.lme <- lme(distance ~ Sex * age, data=Orthodont,
2005 Jun 26
Components of variance
Could someone identify a function that I might use to perform a
components of variance analysis? In addition to the variance
attributable to each factor, I would also like to obtain the SE of the
Thank you,
John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
Baltimore VA Medical Center GRECC and
University of Maryland School of Medicine Claude Pepper OAIC
University of
2003 Jun 25
within group variance of the coeficients in LME
Dear listers,
I can't find the variance or se of the coefficients in a multilevel model
using lme.
I want to calculate a Chi square test statistics for the variability of the
coefficients across levels. I have a simple 2-level problem, where I want to
check weather a certain covariate varies across level 2 units. Pinheiro
Bates suggest just looking at the intervals or doing a rather
2001 Oct 09
PROC MIXED user trying to use (n)lme...
Dear R-users
Coming from a proc mixed (SAS) background I am trying to get into
the use of (n)lme.
In this connection, I have some (presumably stupid) questions
which I am sure someone out there can answer:
1) With proc mixed it is easy to get a hold on the estimated
variance parameters as they can be put out into a SAS data set.
How do I do the same with lme-objects? For example, I can see the
2008 Aug 29
extract variance components
I would like to extract the variance components estimation in lme function
a.fit<-lme(distance~age, data=aaa, random=~day/subject)
There should be three variances \sigma_day, \sigma_{day %in% subject } and
I can extract the \sigma_e using something like a.fit$var. However, I cannot
manage to extract the first two variance components. I can only see the
results in
2004 Apr 05
2 lme questions
1) Is there a nice way of extracting the variance estimates from an lme fit? They don't seem to be part of the lme object.
2) In a series of simulations, I am finding that with ML fitting one of my random effect variances is sometimes being estimated as essentially zero with massive CI instead of the finite value it should have, whilst using REML I get the expected value. I guess
2005 Jan 24
mcnemar.test odds ratios, CI, etc.
Does anyone know of another version of the Mcnemar test that provides:
1. Odds Ratios
2. 95% Confidence intervals of the Odds Ratios
3. Sample probability
4. 95% Confidence intervals of the sample probability
Obviously the Odds Ratios and Sample probabilities are easy to calculate
from the contingency table, but I would appreciate any help on how to
calculate the confidence
2007 Jan 03
mcmcsamp and variance ratios
Hi folks,
I have assumed that ratios of variance components (Fst and Qst in
population genetics) could be estimated using the output of mcmcsamp
(the series on mcmc sample estimates of variance components).
What I have started to do is to use the matrix output that included
the log(variances), exponentiate, calculate the relevant ratio, and
apply either quantile or or HPDinterval to get
2007 Jan 02
How to extract the variance componets from lme
Here is a piece of code fitting a model to a (part) of a dataset, just
illustration. I can extract the random interaction and the residual
in group meth==1 using VarCorr, but how do I get the other residual
Is there any way to get the other variances in numerical form directly -
seems a litte contraintuitive to use "as.numeric" when extracting
2006 Jun 01
understanding the verbose output in nlme
I have found some postings referring to the fact that one can try and
understand why a particular model is failing to solve/converge from the
verbose output one can generate when fitting a nonlinear mixed model. I am
trying to understand this output and have not been able to find out much:
**Iteration 1
LME step: Loglik: -237.4517 , nlm iterations: 22
reStruct parameters:
2006 May 17
nlme model specification
Hi folks,
I am tearing my hair out on this one.
I am using an example from Pinheiro and Bates.
### this works
mod.lis <- nlsList(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asymp, xmid, scal),
data=Orange )
### This works
mod <- nlme(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asymp, xmid, scal),
fixed = Asymp + xmid + scal ~ 1,
start =
2004 Oct 18
manual recreation of varConstPower using new fixed effects variables in nlme
Hello, I am trying to design new variance structures
by using fixed effects variables in combination with
the VarPower function. That is, I would like to
create and evaluate my own variance function in the
data frame and then incorporate it into the model
using varPower, with value=.5.
As a start, I am trying to recreate the function of
VarConstPower by introducing two new variables in the
2017 Aug 09
Plotting log transformed predicted values from lme
I am performing meta-regression using linear mixed-effect model with the
lme() function that has two fixed effect variables;one as a log
transformed variable (x) and one as factor (y) variable, and two nested
random intercept terms.
I want to save the predicted values from that model and show the log curve
in a plot ; predicted~log(x)
2005 Aug 03
glmmPQL error in logLik.reStruct
Dear R users,
I'm attempting to fit a GLM with random effects using the tweedie family
for the error structure. I'm getting the error:
iteration 1
Error in logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3)
I'm running V2.1.0
I notice from searching the lists that the same error was reported in
May 2004 by Spencer Graves, but no-one was able to
2001 Sep 12
error in nlme
I'm getting an error from nlme that has me stymied. I have a data set
,'mydata', with variables: AChE, Dose, sex, set, and mrid; 'set' and 'mrid'
indicate two levels of nesting, with 'set' nested within 'mrid'. I want to
fit the model:
mod <- nlme(AChE ~ Cexp(Dose, A, B, m), data=mydata, fixed = A+B+M~sex,
random=A+B+m~sex | mrid/set,
2005 Nov 08
Simple Nesting question/Odd error message
I'm attempting to analyze some survey data comparing multiple docks. I
surveyed all of the slips within each dock, but as slips are nested
within docks, getting multiple samples per slip, and don't really
represent any meaningful gradient, slip is a random effect. There are
also an unequal number of slips at each dock.
I'm having syntactical issues, however. When I try