Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "client-server setup for R"
2004 Feb 23
HTTP Post connections in R
Is there any existing functions to open an HTTP
connection and HTTP POST some R data?
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
but within R.
Nathan Whitehouse
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX, USA
nlwhitehouse at yahoo.com
http://rho-project.org: rho- open source
2005 Nov 08
(no subject)
My name is kerlim arturo.
i was search into internet about R apache y PhP and i found your mail into foro.
i want create a stadistic's software on line with language R,apache y php .
i want know, what is the steps for developer this stadistic's software? where can i get information about language R, apache y php; and examples between language R and php ('source').
can I
2003 Mar 07
Moving average
Does anyone know if R has the functionality to calculate a simple moving
average. I cant seem
to find it in the help menu.
Dr Wayne R. Jones
Statistician / Research Analyst
KSS Group plc
St James''s Buildings
79 Oxford Street
Manchester M1 6SS
Tel: +44(0)161 609 4084
Mob: +44(0)7810 523 713
A division of Knowledge Support Systems Group plc
2004 May 17
Problem with package SJava
Hello all,
I'm trying to run SJava package (0.65 modified downloaded from :
http://stats.math.uni-augsburg.de/iPlots/alpha/) on windows NT 2000 and R
1.8.01. I have also downloaded the PDF Calling R from Java and when I want
to execute the following code:
import org.omegahat.R.Java.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Essai{
public static void main (String [] args) {
REvaluator e = new
2005 Feb 22
Loading C functions into R
Hi everybody,
I have the source of a C program that includes some archives .c and some
libraries .h. I'm developing a program using R and I want it to load the C
program I told before. How can I do that? I was looking for some function in
R to do that and I found the .C() but I can't understand how it works.
Somebody could help me?
Talita Perciano Costa Leite
Graduanda em
2005 May 02
eigenvalues of a circulant matrix
It is my understanding that the eigenvectors of a circulant matrix are given as
where the matrix has dimension given by p x p and omega is one of p complex
roots of unity. (See Bellman for an excellent discussion on this).
The matrix created by the attached row and obtained using the following
indicates no imaginary parts for the
2002 Apr 16
Classification Analysis
Hi everyone,
Could somebody explain to me what is the package/function for
classification analysis. I am performing analysis of music files in the form
of MIDI files. I end up with about 750 dependent variables from the
analysis, I also have a number of independent/grouping variables that I set
manually. What I would like is to be able to predict which group a
particular MIDI files belongs to
2005 May 05
Precision in R
Could anyone help me with the following issue.
Using the GSL library in R I define the following code:
{ r<-0:n;
ans }
>SS(10) yields 34.91868
>SS(40) yields 5.340422
>SS(60) yields 180.3162
Doing the same computations in maple I get
2004 Sep 23
decompose a correlation matrix
Is there a simple way to decompose the upper triangle
of a correlation matrix to a linear list;
For example:
X 1 2 3
Y 2 1 4
Z 3 4 1
so you get a list like:
xy 2
XZ 3
YZ 4
I suspect you can do it with a matrix transformation, but
that beyond me at present.
Many thanks
Department of Molecular and Human Genetics,
Baylor College of Medicine,
2005 Jun 14
Calling C from Fortran
I would like to call C routines from Fortran under linux as suggested in
section 5.6 of
the "Writing R extensions" documentation.
I'm familiar with Fortran but not with C.
I understand the example provided in Fortran:
subroutine testit()
double precision normrnd, x
call rndstart()
x = normrnd()
call dblepr("X was", 5, x, 1)
call rndend()
but I don't understand
2005 Jul 28
using integrate with optimize nested in the integration
Hi guys
im having a problem getting R to numerically integrate for some function,
say f(bhat)*optimize(G(bhat)), over bhat. Where id like to integrate this over some finite range, so that here as we integrate over bhat optimize would return a different optimum.
For instance consider this simple example for which I cannot get R to return the desired result:
f <- function(bhat) exp(bhat)
2002 Jul 30
chisq.test, basic question
The cells are interpreted as counts, so by scaling you're analyzing a
different experiment (one with fewer observations). So the chi-squared value
will change (the terms (O-E)^2/E in the statistic scale linearly ignoring
rounding and "Yates' continuity correction").
The chisq.test on the original data is a test of association. Conventionally
you decide ahead of time on a
2003 Feb 27
multidimensional function fitting
Take a look at package mgcv. Hope this helps. --Matt
-----Original Message-----
From: RenE J.V. Bertin [mailto:rjvbertin at despammed.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:39 PM
To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [R] multidimensional function fitting
I have been looking around for how to perform a multidimensional, arbitrary
function fit (in any case non-linear; more below),
2005 Jun 15
need help on computing double summation
Dear helpers in this forum,
This is a clarified version of my previous
questions in this forum. I really need your generous
help on this issue.
> Suppose I have the following data set:
> id x y
> 023 1 2
> 023 2 5
> 023 4 6
> 023 5 7
> 412 2 5
> 412 3 4
> 412 4 6
> 412 7 9
> 220 5 7
> 220 4 8
> 220 9 8
> ......
Now I want to compute the
2004 Sep 15
Splitting vector into individual elements
Is there a means to split a vector into its individual
elements without going the brute-force route for arguments
to a predefined function call?
offred.rgb <- c(1, 0, 0) * 0.60;
## Brute force style
offred.col <- rgb(offred.rgb[1],
names = "offred")
## Desired style
2004 Dec 08
memory problem
I am trying to run a very computationally expensive procedure in
R-2.0.0. and the process always gets killed after approx 8 minutes. This
procedure calls some of my own C++ code - in case it was this code
causing a memory leak I unload and then reload the .so file every time,
however I still get the same problem. The procedure is run 16000 times
and always calls the lm() function. My
2002 Jul 02
mean and array
In general this is what "apply" does. In your example you could use
rowMeans(ar) as well, I think.
Reid Huntsinger
-----Original Message-----
From: Olivier Martin [mailto:olivier.martin at inrialpes.fr]
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:55 AM
To: r-help
Subject: [R] mean and array
Hi all,
I have an array, one say ar, with 3 dimensions.
>200 3 4
I would like to
2005 Mar 03
regression on a matrix
Hi -
I am doing a monte carlo experiment that requires to do a linear
regression of a matrix of vectors of dependent variables on a fixed
set of covariates (one regression per vector). I am wondering if
anyone has any idea of how to speed up the computations in R. The code
#regression function
#Linear regression code
qreg <- function(y,x) {
2005 Apr 28
have to point it out again: a distribution question
Stock returns and other financial data have often found to be heavy-tailed.
Even Cauchy distributions (without even a first absolute moment) have been
entertained as models.
Your qq function subtracts numbers on the scale of a normal (0,1)
distribution from the input data. When the input data are scaled so that
they are insignificant compared to 1, say, then you get essentially the
2009 Nov 20
Remove leading and trailing white spaces
I have a character string and I would like to remove the leading and
tailing white spaces. The example for 'sub' shows how to remove the
trailing white spaces, but I still can't figure out how to remove both
trailing and leading white spaces because I can't find any documentation
for what "+$" means or what "\\s+$" means. Maybe its because I don't
have a