similar to: R on red hat 2.1 problem while trying to generate image

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2005 Apr 22
help with POSIX
For the r script below >datestr <- "01/01/2004" >as.POSIXct(as.Date(datestr, "%d/%m/%Y")) I get the following output "2003-12-31 18:00:00 Central Standard Time" Why is the date a day before. I guess its something to do with the time, but is there a way to get it to return 2004-01-01 instead? Thanks in advance... -Sandeep [[alternative HTML version
2005 Jun 30
FW: plot legend outside the grid
-----Original Message----- From: Ghosh, Sandeep Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:43 PM To: 'Berton Gunter' Subject: plot legend outside the grid Thanks for the pointers... I managed to get everything to look and feel the way I want except for the legend to plot outside the grid... Thanks for the note on the par, but I'm not able to it to plot outside the plot grid.. dataFrame <-
2005 May 05
Need some quick help with lattice - barchart
For the following code below, the x-axis ticks are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 when I was expection them to be 1,2,8,9,10,11,12. Please help me figure out where is the mistake. library(lattice) testdata <- 1,2005,9.24,6.18,634, 2,2005,8.65,6.05,96, 8,2004,6.81,6.51,16, 9,2004,9.0,7.29,8, 10,2004,8.84,6.18,524, 11,2004,8.54,6.35,579, 12,2004,9.97,6.3,614, 12,2005,8.75,5.84,32,
2005 Jun 28
Help with stripplot
For the following code is there a way to make the jitter all line up horizontally, instead of them being just randomly spread around a value. So for ex if there are multiple values at 63 for genotype wt then all the values should be plotted on the same y value of 63 but spaced apart by a certain factor or noise.. library(lattice); dataFrame <- 64,'wt',
2005 Jul 05
plot legend outside the grid
Thanks Bert for all the help. I got the legend figured out Friday but left early becoz of long weekend so didn't get a chance to reply.. I modified the plot margins a little bit and Here's what I finally had... par(mar=c(c(10, 6, 6, 10) + 0.1)); par(xpd=FALSE); with (dataFrame, stripchart(marbles_buried ~ genotype, method="jitter", vertical=TRUE, col = c('blue',
2005 Mar 22
Question with lattice xyplot
Hi All, I have a quick question and any help is greatly appreciated. For the following data when I try to produce the image using xyplot function in lattice package, the key has 4 rows instead of 2. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and what is the way to fix the problem. Here the code that I'm running studyData <- "A",0,4.477,
2005 Apr 25
Need help with panel.segment..
Hi All, For the following code, I'm not sure why the error bars are appearing horizontal. Can someone please tell me how to fix the problem. testdata <-
2005 Apr 21
Need help with R date handling and barchart with errorbars
Hi All.. Have a question.. For the following r code testdata <- "1/1/04","LV1",3.8,2,87, "2/1/04","LV1",3.2,3,28, "3/1/04","LV1",3.4,3,88, "4/1/04","LV1",3,2,26, "5/1/04","LV1",3.8,2,87, "6/1/04","LV1",3.2,3,28,
2012 Nov 15
Detected alarm on channel 5: Red Alarm
Dear, i using this scenario. jitsi---> asterisk---->EPABX------> Local Telephone when i am calling from jitsi to no 88 its giving this message and getting busy tone. == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 -- Executing [88 at myphones:1] Dial("SIP/sandeep-00000004", "DAHDI/g0/88,20,rt") in new stack -- Called g0/88 [Nov 15 09:53:54] WARNING[3169]: chan_dahdi.c:7536
2005 Apr 22
Need help arranging the plot in different fashion than the default format
I want to change the way the plot is appearing in the barchart .. testdata <-
2006 May 17
Renaming from BATCH scripts.
I often use R CMD BATCH to run my files (e.g. script.R), and get the output recorded in script.Rout -- this is great. On my setup (R.2.3.0 on linux), if any plots are created, they get stored in This can get confusing if I have several batch scripts in one directory. I've written a simple shell script to rename to e.g. so that later I can easily identify
2005 Jul 23
"%03d" in the pdf command
The pdf man page contains the following text: pdf(file = ifelse(onefile, "Rplots.pdf", "Rplot%03d.pdf"), width = 6, height = 6, onefile = TRUE, family = "Helvetica", title = "R Graphics Output", fonts = NULL, version = "1.1", paper, encoding, bg, fg, pointsize) I am creating multi-page graphics in which each
2000 Jun 16
postscript device on R-1.1.0
Am I the only one with this problem? > postscript() Error in old$command == "default" : comparison (1) is possible only for vector types The function postscript() is creates a list called "old". the function wants to access old$command, but old does not have a component called command. > postscript function (file = ifelse(onefile, "",
2014 Jun 10
[LLVMdev] use of undeclared identifier '__NR_*' error while building clang
Hi guys, I am following this[1] tutorial to install clang. However, I have made a small change in the configure command, and I am running it with '--enable-optimized' option to avoid the debug build. I am getting the errors (given at the end) related to *undeclared identifiers '__NR_*'*. Can someone please provide some input about how to tackle this issue? On my other machine, I
2011 Nov 05
How to infer default width and height for a device?
Hi. GENERAL: Is there a general method for inferring default device settings, particularly 'width' and 'height', that works for all devices? AFAIK, the answer is no, but there might be functions out there that I don't know of. POSTSCRIPT SPECIFIC: If not, I'm considering implementing such a method myself. Is it possible for R to infer the default 'width' and
2000 Aug 10
Usage questions
Can I ask a couple of usage questions? (RedHat Linux 6.1, R-1.1) 1. This may just indicate I'm a dinosaur who can't leave SAS behind. I want to write programs and run them with source() to see what they do, then I would like to use the "up arrow" to go back through the commands that were in the file, fiddle them, see what they do, and so forth. Is there no way? SAS has a
2009 Aug 11
Generating R plots via Ruby CGI
Greetings, I'm trying to debug a simple two-line plot routine in R called test.R: cor(swiss) plot(swiss$Catholic, swiss$Examination) These commands work fine when typed into R. They also work fine when I invoke this routine by the following line into my terminal: R --slave < /Library/WebServer/Documents/gsa/test.R My ultimate goal is to send data to this R routine via a web
2003 Jul 07
Xvfb and R
Hi I have recently installed and implemented Xvfb (X virtual frame buffer) so that I can create jpegs using R over CGI (SUSE Linux 8.1 and Apache 1.3). I have noticed that in order to do this, a file ( is created in my cgi-bin directory everytime a cgi script is run. This could cause problems though as I have a multi-user system where it is possible that two different users will run
2005 Mar 02
.ps and .pdf page size differences in FC vs. Debian
R version: 2.0.0 OS: Fedora Core 1 When I'm using Fedora Core 1, (and subsequent Rplots.pdf created after using ps2pdf which are created from the command line execution of R are too large to fit on a US Letter sized page when printed. The same code will produce a US letter sized page when I'm on my Debian Sid box. Both boxes are connected to the same shared
2000 Nov 16
postscript error
I have generated a graph on the X11 device, but when I > dev.copy(postscript) postscript 3 > X11 2 > the file is generated but contains a prologue only. Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong? Just to anticipate the upgrade reply ... > version _ platform i686-pc-linux-gnu arch i686 os linux-gnu