similar to: replace values in a matrix subject to boolean condition

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "replace values in a matrix subject to boolean condition"

2012 Oct 18
speeding read.table
R 2.15.1 OS X Colleagues, I am reading a 1 GB file into R using read.table. The file consists of 100 tables, each of which is headed by two lines of characters. The first of these lines is: TABLE NO. 1 The second is a list of column headers. For example: TABLE NO. 1 COL1 COL2 COL3 COL4 COL5 COL6 COL7 COL8 COL9 COL10
2013 Jan 03
splitting matrices
Dear useRs, i want to split a matrix having 1116rows and 12 columns. i want to split that matrix into 36 small matrices each having 12 columns and 31 rows. The big matrix should be splitted row wise. which means that the first small matrix should copy values which are in first 31 rows and 12 columns of the big matrix. similarly 2nd small matrix should contain values from 32nd to 63rd row of the
2013 Jan 02
list of matrices
dear useRs, i have a list containing 16 matrices. i want to calculate the column mean of each of them. i tried >sr <- lapply(s,function(x) colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)) but i am getting the following error >Error in colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE) : 'x' must be numeric can it be done in any other way? and why i am getting this error?? thanks in advance.. elisa [[alternative
2005 May 02
"apply" question
Dear R users, I??ve got a simple question but somehow I can??t find the solution: I have a data frame with columns 1-5 containing one set of integer values, and columns 6-10 containing another set of integer values. Columns 6-10 contain NA??s at some places. I now want to calculate (1) the number of values in each row of columns 6-10 that were NA??s (2) the sum of all values on columns 1-5
2012 Nov 23
Summary statistics for matrix columns
Hi, is there a way I can calculate a summary statistics for a columns matrix let say we have this matrix x <- matrix(sample(1:8000),nrow=100) colnames(x)<- paste("Col",1:ncol(x),sep="") if I used summary summary(x) i get the output for each column but I need the output to be in matrix with rownames and all the columns beside it this how I want it
2016 Dec 20
colnames for data.frame could be greatly improved
Hello, colnames seems to be not optimized well for data.frame. It escapes processing for data.frame in if ( && do.NULL) return(names(x)) but only when do.NULL true. This makes huge difference when do.NULL false. Minimal edit to `colnames`: if ( { nm <- names(x) if (do.NULL || !is.null(nm)) return(nm) else
2006 Nov 30
Quicker way of combining vectors into a data.frame
Hi, In a function, I compute 10 (un-named) vectors of reasonable length (4471 in the particular example I have to hand) that I want to combine into a data frame object, that the function will return. This is very slow, so *I'm* doing something wrong if I want it to be quick and efficient, though I'm not sure what the best way to do this would be. I know it is the combining into data
2012 Feb 15
neuralnet problem
Hello List ! I'm a bright new R user, and I encounter a problem when trying to use the neuralnet package. I have a training set with 8 inputs, and there are 3 outputs (I need 3 distinct neurones as output). Although I read the examples, and the package article, I don't know how to tell R there are 3 outputs (3 outputs neurones). Here is my actual code : # All = input data All <-
2006 Mar 28
weights in glm (PR#8720)
Full_Name: Robert Pusz Version: 2.2.1 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( Hello, In my opinion something is wrong with 'weights' option in glm. My code is following: ###begin of the code#### cl <- c(5012, 106, 3410, 5655, 1092, 1513, 557, 1351, 3133, 2063, 3257, 4179, 5582, 5900, 8473, 4932, 3463, 5596, 2262, 0, 2638, 1111, 4881, 4211, 6271, 5257, 6926, 6165, 0, 0,
2011 Aug 25
replicate lines of data frame
Greetings! I am just now learning to use R for my dissertation project. I need to manipulate a lot of text and numeric data. I created a data frame that has 7 columns and 127 unique rows. Now I need to replicate each line 6 times and then later change values in the first 2 columns. I am trying to figure out how to accomplish this. I think that I need to use rep(my.df, each=6) but it does
2008 Feb 21
column name handling and long labels
Hi, I have two loosely related questions which could make my live again a bit easier: 1) Is there a simple way to select a range of columns in a data frame using column names? I am thinking of something like mydf[1,"col4":"col8"] 2) I have a data frame with many columns and they all have short variable names which is good in most cases but sometimes it would be nice to have
2005 Apr 14
data manipulation
Hello, my question is about the data handling. I have a data set that is lined as: 4 1 17 1 1 -5.1536 -0.1668 -2.3412 -0.5062 0.9621 0.3640 0.3678 -0.5081 -0.2227 0.8142 -0.0389 -0.0445 -0.0578 -0.1175 -0.1232 0.8673 -0.1033 -0.0796 -0.0341 -0.1716 -0.1801 -0.7014 0.6578 0.5611 4 1 17 2 1 -5.1536 -0.1668 -2.3412 -0.5062 0.9621 0.3640 0.3678 -0.5081 -0.2227 0.8142 -0.0389 -0.0445
2006 Dec 14
Better way to change the name of a column in a dataframe?
Hello R users -- If I have a dataframe such as the following, named "frame" with the columns intended to be named col1 through col6, > frame col1 col2 cmlo3 col4 col5 col6 [1,] 3 10 2 6 5 7 [2,] 6 8 4 10 7 1 [3,] 7 5 1 3 1 8 [4,] 10 6 5 4 9 2 and I want to correct or otherwise change the
2006 May 15
what's wrong with my "gls"? it does not allocate memory... even for the simplest AR1 model...
> myfit1 <- gls(col1 ~ col2+col3+col4+col5+col6-1, data=data2, corr=corAR1( 0.3202), method='ML') Error: cannot allocate vector of size 199712 Kb if I get rid of the "corr=corAR1(0.3202)" option, it works okay... can anybody help me? thanks a lot! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Aug 19
converting coordinates from utm to longitude / latitude
Hi, is there a function in R to convert data read with read.shape and which is originally in UTM coordinates into longitude / latitude coordinates? I found the convUL() function from the PBSmapping package but I have no idea how I could apply that to the read.shape object. Many thanks, Werner __________________________________________________ Do sragenden Schutz gegen Massenmails.
2016 Dec 27
colnames for data.frame could be greatly improved
Hi there, Any update on this? Should I create bugzilla ticket and submit patch? Regards Jan Gorecki On 20 December 2016 at 01:27, Jan Gorecki <J.Gorecki at> wrote: > Hello, > > colnames seems to be not optimized well for data.frame. It escapes > processing for data.frame in > > if ( && do.NULL) > return(names(x)) > > but
2009 Nov 05
Set colors in a PCA plot based on a gradient vector
Hi all, I'm making a PCA plot with eight variables (columns taken from a larger data frame "fieldTrial0809[idx,c(39:46)]"). I then want the symbols in the plot to be colored as a gradient from red to blue, depending on the value of another column in "fieldTrial0809[idx, c(48)]" containg temperatures from -12.1 to -5.4. I don't want to use the heat.colors(n)
2006 Apr 05
List to Array
Hi, this is probably the easiest thing to do but I manage not finding the answer: I have a list with matrices of exact same format and headers. Now I would like to transform the list into an normal array. What is the proper way to do this? as.array changes the entire format and right now I only found the method of creating a new array, going through the entire list and copy the matrix in each
2006 Jan 10
matching country name tables from different sources
Hi, Before I reinvent the wheel I wanted to kindly ask you for your opinion if there is a simple way to do it. I want to merge a larger number of tables from different data sources in R and the matching criterium are country names. The tables are of different size and sometimes the country names do differ slightly. Has anyone done this or any recommendation on what commands I
2006 May 12
optimal way to compute matrix subtotals?
Hi! I have large matrices, one column per variable and I have a vector of factors / grouping symbols. Then I am computing subtotals for the groups but it takes pretty long and thus I wanted to ask if there is a better way to do it or if this is already the best way: subTotals <- function(x, groupvec)"rbind",lapply(split(x,groupvec),colSums,na.rm=T)) Thanks reading my