similar to: mixtures as outcome variables

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "mixtures as outcome variables"

2006 Oct 14
error in lme4 for R 2.4.0 (PR#9297)
Full_Name: Din Chen Version: 2.4.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I just updated the R.2.4.0. and got the error message for random effect modelling, which was working on R.2.3.1. library(lme4) mmod <- lmer(bright ~ 1+(1|operator), pulp) summary(mmod) Then when I tried to extract the residuals and random effect using: resid(mmodr) ranef(mmodr) I got error message:
2012 Sep 07
metafor package: study level variation
Hello. A quick question about incorporating variation due to study in the metafor package. I'm working with a particular data set for meta-analysis where some studies have multiple measurements. Others do not. So, let's say the effect I'm looking at is response to two different kinds of drug treatment - let's call their effect sizes T1 and T2. Some studies have multiple
2004 Feb 13
predict function
I am using R to do a loess normalisation procedure. In 1.5.1 I used the following commands to normalise the variable "logratio", over a 2d surface (defined by coordinates x and y): > array <- read.table("121203B_QCnew.txt", header=T, sep="\t") > array$logs555<-log(array$s555)/log(2) > array$logs647<-log(array$s647)/log(2) >
2008 Nov 18
lmer p-values for fixed effects missing
I am trying to replicate the repeated measures example from Dr.Faraway's book (Extending the linear model with R) as follows: data(vision) vision$npower <- rep(1:4,14) mmod <-lmer(acuity~power+(1|subject)+(1|subject:eye),vision) When I look at the fixed effects p-value, it is missing. Am I missing something here? Thanks. Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error t value
2011 Nov 09
Error in drawing
I have got following error in drawing wavelet fitting. can some one help? > library(faraway) > data(lidar) > newlidar<-lidar[c(1:128),] > library(wavethresh) > wds <- wd(newlidar$logratio) > draw(wds) Error in plot.default(x = x, y = zwr, main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, : formal argument "type" matched by multiple actual arguments [[alternative HTML
2011 Jul 13
Colors in R
HI everyone, I''m trying to assign colors to multiple lines in a graph. Problem is I don''t want to type in as many colors as there are there a way around this? In brief, I''m plotting the logratio for up to 60 samples and want a different color for each sample. Here is the code I''m using now.. Any help is greatly appreciated.. Best LT data <-
2009 Nov 26
analyse tab delimited textfile microarray data(help)
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: not available URL: <>
2006 Oct 17
About compositional data analysis
The compositional data xi=(x_i1,x_i2,...,x_in), for each fixed i , xij>0, and sum(xij)=1; I want to compare the mean( u_i) of several groups i.e. H0: u_1=u_2=...=u_N or H0: u_11=u_21=...=u_N1 Are there any ANOVA tpye tools to do this work in R? Thanks, WEN S Q [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jun 27
compositional time series
Dear R users, i am wondering if anyone has some hints for this problem (i have not found a clear answer after searching the R-mailing list archive, '' in R, and R-Wiki, and the like...): let's assume that i have 4 periods compositional time series data: t=1, A=0.1; B=0.5; C=0.4 t=2, A=0.2; B=0.4; C=0.4 t=3, A=0.5; B=0.3; C=0.2 t=4, A=0.4; B=0.3;
2009 Feb 18
Inaccurate result for 0. (PR#13538)
Full_Name: Attila Lengyel Version: 2.8.0 OS: WinXP Submission from: (NULL) ( > -0.3+0.1+0.1+0.1 [1] 2.775558e-17
2011 Jun 28
Weighted Least Square Model for a Binary Outcome
Dear R Users, I would like to use R to fit a Weighted Least Square model for a binary outcome, say Y. The model is the one widely used for a binary dependent variable when the logistic model has not been proposed. Does anyone know how to specify the weight as the square root of 1/(E(Y)(1-E(Y)) in lm() or any other regression functions? I know that varPower() in the package of gls() can provide
2003 May 11
NLME - multilevel model using binary outcome - logistic regression
Hi! I'm pretty raw when working with the R models (linear or not). I'm wondering has anybody worked with the NLME library and dichotomous outcomes. I have a binary outcome variable that I woul like to model in a nested (multilevel) model. I started to fit a logistic model to a NLS function, but could not suceed. I know there are better ways to do it in R with either the LRM or GLM wih
2010 Jan 03
Interpreting coefficient in selection and outcome Heckman models in sampleSelection
Hi there Within sampleSelection, I'm trying to calculate the marginal effects for variables that are present in both the selection and outcome models. For example, age might have a positive effect on probability of selection, but then a negative effect on the outcome variable. i.e. Model<-selection(participation~age, frequency~age, ...) Documentation elsewhere describes one method for
2002 Oct 11
Odd outcome of attr with environments (PR#2148)
Hi everyone, I think the following error is slightly odd: > fred <- new.env() > happy <- function() fred > happy() <environment: 0x8a425b8> > attr(happy(), "foo") <- 1:10 Error: invalid (NULL) left side of assignment But naturally this works > attr(fred, "foo") <- 1:10 > fred <environment: 0x8a425b8> attr(,"foo") [1] 1
2008 Mar 11
"Longitudinal" with binary covariates and outcome
Hi Folks, I'd be grateful for suggestions about approaching the following kind of data. I'm not sure what general class of models it is best situated in (that's just my ignorance), and in particular if anyone could point me to case studies associated with an R approach that would be most useful. Suppose I have data of the following kind. Each "subject" is observed at say 4
2012 Apr 04
meta-analysis, outcome = OR associated with a continuous independent variable
Hello everyone, I want to do a meta-analysis of case-control studies on which an OR was computed based on a continuous exposure. I have found several several packages (metafor, rmeta, meta) but unless I misunderstood their main functions, it seems to me that they focus on two-group comparisons (binary independent variable), and do not have the option of using a continuous independent variable.
2004 Dec 20
outcome of big rsync. Puzzling
Hi, I just completed a really big rsync described earlier. Ie about 13,945 directories transfered about 600GB of data. Of 13,945 directories, 13,9441 directories transfer with matching du -b sizes of the preimage to the size of the destination machine image. of the 4 remaining directories i found source vs destination in bytes --------- a) 20480 vs 34922496 b) 28672 vs
2009 Aug 17
weighting nlme in multivariate outcome
Dear R-nlme expert We need two pieces of information about the fitting of a nlme model which we cannot extract from the R help files and would be most grateful if you could help us. We fit an energy allocation growth model with 4 parameters to individual growth curves using the nlme routine. We thus have repeated age and size measurements of individuals and therefore allow for random
2008 Aug 01
Major difference in the outcome between SPSS and R statistical programs
Dear collegues, I have used R statistical program, package 'lmer', several times already. I never encountered major differences in the outcome between SPSS and R. ...untill my last analyses. Would some know were the huge differences come from. Thanks in advance, Ronald In SPSS the Pearson correlation between variable 1 and variable 2 is 31% p<0.001. In SPSS binary logistic
2018 Mar 19
[LEARNING OUTCOME] Wi-Fi WPA Hacking Tool is Totally Useless on New Wireless Routers
Hi, I am sharing my learning outcomes. Recently I downloaded Kali Linux 64-bit Version 2018.1 and ran it on my HP laptop with the integrated Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 Wireless Network Card. I wanted to test if I could hack the Wi-Fi WPA password on Ruckus R700 Access Point (AP) and the Aztech DSL8900GR(AC) Wireless Router. So I started using the Reaver WPA cracking tool. I understand