similar to: Violin plot for discrete variables.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Violin plot for discrete variables."

2005 Oct 26
horizontal violin plots?
I am trying to make horizontal violin plots. I have tried both vioplot and simple.violinplot, but both of them seem to not be willing to take the horizontal option. Is this correct, or am I just bungling it somehow? For instance, for vioplot (from the example shown, with the horizontal modification): > vioplot(bimodal,uniform,normal, horizontal=TRUE) Error in median(data) : need numeric data
2005 Mar 20
Interaction term in anova - how it should be written in a manuscript table?
Dear Rgurus, Interaction terms in the linear models function lm are specified by the colon : eg: x ~ a + b + a:b a shortcut for the above is: x ~ a*b the output if calling anova on the lm object will be the same in both cases a .... b .... a:b ... Resdiuals ... What I am wondering is how the interaction term (a:b) given above should be written in a table in an manuscript? a ) a*b b )
2017 Jul 24
Compare output of Violin plot from ggplot2 and vioplot . Need Explanation
Hi,? I have made violin plot with both ggplot2 and vioplot package with same data.? The results and code are as follows.? ################### ?Loading data? data.melt <- dget("") ################### ?Violin plot by library(vioplot) library(vioplot) data.use_11<- data.melt$value[data.melt$ident == 0]
2010 Dec 23
Vioplot / list help
Hi, I have some data (lots of year,distance pairs), which I can straightforwardly boxplot: dists <- read.table("movedists.dat") with(dists,plot(as.factor(V1),V2)) If I want to plot these data as violin plots using vioplot, this approach doesn't work: > with(dists,vioplot(as.factor(V1),V2)) Error in Summary.factor(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, : min not
2013 Mar 26
Increase font size in plots
Hi I am using violin plots (type of boxplots) and  I am trying to increase the font size in the plots. It looks like that the violin plots do not work as "normal" plots as the cex parameters are ignored. You can have a loot at the code below require('vioplot') data1<-rnorm(100) data2<-rnorm(10) data3<-rnorm(1000) vioplot(data1,data2,data3,cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2)
2008 Apr 22
Feed list of vectors to vioplot()?
Hi, I have a list of vectors and am trying to coerce them into something that vioplot will take as groups of data to be plotted independently. Can someone nudge me into the right direction? Thanks, Joh
2011 Nov 22
logarithmically scaled y-axis in vioplot
Dear all I am trying to make a graphic with the "vioplot" package. I use the following code: library(vioplot) x1 <- GSMrxDL x2 <- WIFI x3 <- UMT vioplot(x1, x2, x3, ylim=c(0, 10), names=c("GSMrxDL", "WIFI", "UMT"), col="gold") title("NIS Strahlung", xlab="Sender", ylab="V/m") Now I want to scale the y-axis
2006 May 29
variation on vioplot?
I have been using the package vioplot to make boxplot/densityplots. Now I am looking for a variation of this, and I was wondering if someone could give me any tips on how to do what I want. I have nine groups of values, each group containing two sets of numbers which show the difference between two values, such as this: Start dev Stop dev -1 10 5 -2 0
2004 May 28
Is there a way to represent the ... argument in signature?
Hi! I guess that it cant work. but maybee I am wrong. I would like to define a function rbind. > rbind function (..., deparse.level = 1) { which works only for objects of class Myclass Is it possible to use something like setMethod("rbind",signature(...="Myclass",deparse.level="numeric") This gives an error. Or should I use rbind.Myclass Eryk. Dipl. bio-chem.
2016 Apr 30
Removing NAs from dataframe (for use in Vioplot)
Hi First post and a relative R newbie.... I am using the vioplot library to produce some violin plots. I have an input CSV with columns off irregular length that contain NAs. I want to strip the NAs out and produce a multiple violin plot automatically labelled using the headers. At the moment I do this Code:? ds1 = read.csv("")
2004 Nov 08
how lambda is computed in smoot.spline given _df_
Hi, I posted some days ago a question concerning the computation of lambda in the smooth.spline function (which I repreat at the bottom of the mail) given _df_ . Unfortunately the documentation is not clear to me. Maybee someone can help to answer in my view the basic question: If the penalized log likelihood is L = (y - f)' W (y - f) + lambda c' Sigma c how the _lambda_ in the above
2004 Jul 01
Hi!! I want some help to install the RMySQL package. I've tried to configure some things but i'm still getting erros. Anybody could help me?? Thank's Talita Perciano Costa Leite Graduanda em Ci??ncia da Computa????o Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL Departamento de Tecnologia da Informa????o - TCI Constru????o de Conhecimento por Agrupamento de Dados - CoCADa
2005 Mar 03
Need suggestions for plotting 3D plot
Hi Everybody, I am a newbie in R. I have a data in the form of a matrix which I want to make some 3D plots using R. There is some functions for instance hist() for 2D plots, but I cant find any function for 3D plots. Is there any function available in R for 3D plots? If so, is there any documention available on internet so that I can go through. With regards, Soumyadeep
2004 May 28
Simple list manipulation question
I have a list of vectors $A "AB" "BC" "CD" $B "GF" "HG" "FH" "FJ" and I want to convert it into a dataframe of form A AB A BC A CD B GF B HG B FH B FJ Just can't quite come up with a nice "R" solution for it. Thanks, Sean
2008 Feb 04
adding the mean and standard deviation to boxplots
Dear list, How can I add the mean and standard deviation to each of the boxplots using the example provided in the boxplot function? boxplot(len ~ dose, data = ToothGrowth, boxwex = 0.25, at = 1:3 - 0.2, subset = supp == "VC", col = "yellow", main = "Guinea Pigs' Tooth Growth", xlab = "Vitamin C dose mg",
2011 Jan 16
rootogram for normal distributions
Using R-2.12.1 and latticeExtra-0.6-14, I would like to understand why a rootogram displaying samples from the Poisson distribution looks like I expected it, whereas a rootogram using the normal distribution does not: library(latticeExtra) rootogram(~rpois(1000, lambda = 50), dfun = function(x) dpois(x, lambda = 50)) rootogram(~rnorm(1000), dfun = function(x) dnorm(x,mean(x),sd(x))) I
2008 Aug 06
How to calculate GLM least square means?
Hello R-helpers, I would like to calculate least square means after having built a GLM with quasipoisson errors. In my model the dependent variable is continuous, I have one continuous independent variable and one categorical independent variable (that is the variable for which I would like to calculate the least square means). I've looked around for the command to calculate the least
2005 Oct 20
Boxplot labels
I am creating boxplots from a dataframe and would like to add to the standard output a marker representing the value from a particular row in the dataframe. .....And I apologize if the solution is as trivial as it seems it should be. Thanks for any assistance. Keith
2005 Mar 09
Plotting several series on one set of axes
Dear All, I am rather rusty with my R, but I recall being able to do something like plot(x1,...);plot(x2,add=TRUE,...) to plot two series on the same axes. Any suggestions how this may be done will be appreciated.
2012 Aug 25
sourcecode for the balloonplot function from the gplots package
Hi, I want to take a look at the sourcecode for balloonplot. I would appreciate it if I could get help on overcoming the following problem : > methods(balloonplot) [1] balloonplot.default* balloonplot.table* ? ? ?Non-visible functions are asterisked > balloonplot.default Error: object 'balloonplot.default' not found > How do I access the non-visible functions? Thanks, Ravi??