similar to: Time Series

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Time Series"

2005 May 25
question: corCAR1 in lme
Hello all, I am trying to use lme to examine how a response variable (Chla) changes over time in different treatments (2 Temp & 2 Light levels). Within each treatment combination, there are two replicate tanks (each with unique TankID) with coral fragments in them. All tanks are subject to the same environment until Time=0, when treatments are imposed, and Chla is measured for each
2004 Feb 05
Multilevel in R
Hello, I have difficulties to deal with multilevel model. My dataset is composed of 10910 observations, 1237 plants nested within 17 stations. The data set is not balanced. Response variable is binary and repeated. I tried to fit this model model<- glmmPQL( y ~ z1.lon*lun +*lun + z1.lon*lar +*lar + z1.lon*sca +*sca +z1.lon*eta +*eta, random = ~ lun + lar + sca
2004 Feb 10
Diagnostic in multilevel models
I have fit a model with glmmPQL function in MASS library. I fit a binomial longitudinal response variable nested in 17 stations. I would like to know how I can obtain elements of diagnostic checks about these models in order to choose best model. I use summary(), but can I use other functions like in lme, for example anova? I would be thankfull for all the insights. Fabrizio Consentino.
2009 Oct 08
acf for a univariate time series in a data frame
hi everyone! i want to check the autocorrelation function for a univariate time series (streamflow) in a data frame as below: < DF <- read.table("D:/file path....") < DF year jan feb mar apr ...... dec 1966 0.504 0.406 0.740 0.241 0.429 1967 0.683 0.529 0.780 0.443 0.503 . . . . what i first tried is: acf (DF, plot = TRUE)
2008 Jan 01
PerformanceAnalytics version 0.9.6 released to CRAN
We are pleased to announce the availability on CRAN of PerformanceAnalytics version 0.9.6. This is a feature and bugfix release. PerformanceAnalytics is a library of econometric functions for performance and risk analysis. This library aims to aid practitioners and researchers in utilizing the latest research in
2008 Jan 01
PerformanceAnalytics version 0.9.6 released to CRAN
We are pleased to announce the availability on CRAN of PerformanceAnalytics version 0.9.6. This is a feature and bugfix release. PerformanceAnalytics is a library of econometric functions for performance and risk analysis. This library aims to aid practitioners and researchers in utilizing the latest research in
2008 Oct 08
partial autocorrelation plots ACF type=p
Dear users, I have two continuous variables which are two different measures taken each year from 1975 to 2005. I want to see if the two variables are correlated but need to take into account the fact that they are a time series. I have been following an example from 'The R Book' where you plot the ACF: par(mfrow=c(1,1) acf(cbind(x,y)) and this appeared to work fine, producing four
2010 Apr 29
a question on autocorrelation acf
Hi R users, where can I find the equations used by acf function to calculate autocorrelation? I think I misunderstand acf. Doesn't acf use following equation to calculate autocorrelation? [image: R(\tau) = \frac{\operatorname{E}[(X_t - \mu)(X_{t+\tau} - \mu)]}{\sigma^2}\, ,] If it does, then the autocorrelation of a sine function should give a cosine; however, the following code gives a
2010 Aug 30
How to Remove Autocorrelation from Simple Moving Average time series
Hi R experts, I am trying to remove autocorrelation from Simple Moving Average time series. I know that this can be done by using seasonal ARIMA like, library(TTR) data <- rnorm(252) n=21 sma_data=SMA(data,n) sma_data=sma_data[-1:-n] acf(sma_data,length(sma_data))
2006 Mar 04
replicated time series - lme?
Dear R-helpers, I have a time series analysis problem in R: I want to analyse the output of my simulation model which is proportional cover of shrubs in a savanna plot for each of 500 successive years. I have run the model (which includes stochasticity, especially in the initial conditions) 17 times generating 17 time series of shrub cover. I am interested in a possible periodicity of shrub
2011 Aug 25
Autocorrelation using acf
Dear R list As suggested by Prof Brian Ripley, I have tried to read acf literature. The main problem is I am not the statistician and hence have some problem in understanding the concepts immediately. I came across one literature ( on auto-correlation giving the methodology. As per that literature, the auto-correlation is arrived at as per following.
2012 Jul 26
loop for, error: obj type 'closure' not subsetable
Hi everyone, I've got the following problem: I've got a matrix [1000,2] and two vectors. In very matrix row there is two coefficients b0 and b1. The vectors are two variables x and y. I want to do a loop to take b0 and b1 and with x and y calculate the residual of a linear model and calculate the second order coefficient of autocorrelation. What I did is : rho<-function(mat, x,y){
2005 Oct 10
acf.plot() question
When I run the "acf()" function using the "acf(ts.union(mdeaths, fdeaths))" example, the "acf()" function calls the "acf.plot()" function to generate this plot... The plot in the lower right-hand corner is labeled "fdeaths & mdeaths", but the negative lags appear to belong to "mdeaths
2010 Apr 17
interpreting acf plot
Hello, I am attending a course in Computational Statistics at ETH and in one of the assignments I am asked to prove that a time series is not autocorrelated using the R function "acf". I tried out the acf function with the given data, according to what I found here: this test data does not look IID but rather shows some trends so how can I
2005 Jun 16
lm and time series: simple question
Hello: This question is partly about R and partly out of my ignorance about time series. I want to regress one time series on another, taking into account the autocorrelation (in an AR1 model) within each series. I am interested in how the standard error changes when the acf is taken into account. I've made both of my datasets into ts objects and used the basic lm function (with
2008 Nov 20
different ACF results
Dear all, I have one Model (M3) fitted using the lme package, and I have checked the correlation structure of within-group errors using plot(ACF (M3,maxLag=10),alpha=0.05) But now I am not sure how to interpret this plot for the empirical autocorrelation function. The problem is that I am used to see/interpret diagrams in which all the autocorrelation Lags, except lag-1, are inside the
1999 Jul 08
new time series package available
Fritz just put the first version of a new time series package to the contrib section at CRAN. The package is called "tseries.tgz" and provides a library for time series analysis. It contains acf Autocorrelation Function adf.test Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test amif Auto Mutual Information Function bds.test BDS Test
1999 Jul 08
new time series package available
Fritz just put the first version of a new time series package to the contrib section at CRAN. The package is called "tseries.tgz" and provides a library for time series analysis. It contains acf Autocorrelation Function adf.test Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test amif Auto Mutual Information Function bds.test BDS Test
2008 May 15
How to remove autocorrelation from a time series?
Dear R users, someone knows how to remove auto-correlation from a frequencies time series? I've tried by differencing (lag 1) the cumulative series (in order to have only positive numbers) , but I can't remove all auto-correlation. If it's useful I can send my db. x <- # autocorrelated series new1<-cumsum(x) new2<-diff(new1,lag=1,differences = 1) acf(new2) #
2006 Nov 28
ccf documentation bug or suggeston (PR#9394)
On 11/28/2006 11:50 AM, A.I. McLeod wrote: > Hi Duncan, Hi Ian. > > ccf(x,y) does not explain whether c(k)=cov(x(t),x(t+k)) or d(k)=cov(x(t),x(t-k)) is calculated. The following example demonstrates > that the c(k) definition is used: > ccf(c(-1,1,rep(0,8)),c(1,rep(0,9))) > However S-Plus acf uses the d(k) definition in their acf function. I don't think our code looks