similar to: Problem using stepAIC/addterm (MASS package)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Problem using stepAIC/addterm (MASS package)"

2017 Aug 23
MASS:::dropterm.glm() and MASS:::addterm.glm() should use ... for extractAIC()
Hi, I have sent this message to this list the July, 7th. It was about a problem in MASS package. Until now there is no change in the devel version. As the problem occurs in a package and not in the R-core, I don't know if the message should have been sent here. Anyway, I have added a copy to Pr Ripley. I hope it could have been fixed. Sincerely Marc Le 09/07/2017 ? 16:05, Marc Girondot via
2002 Apr 01
something confusing about stepAIC
Folks, I'm using stepAIC(MASS) to do some automated, exploratory, model selection for binomial and Poisson glm models in R 1.3. Because I wanted to experiment with the small-sample correction AICc, I dug around in the code for the functions stepAIC dropterm.glm addterm.glm extractAIC.glm and came across something I just don't understand. stepAIC() passes dropterm.glm() a
2005 Aug 15
stepAIC invalid scope argument
I am trying to replicate the first example from stepAIC from the MASS package with my own dataset but am running into error. If someone can point where I have gone wrong, I would appreciate it very much. Here is an example : set.seed(1) df <- data.frame( x1=rnorm(1000), x2=rnorm(1000), x3=rnorm(1000) ) df$y <- 0.5*df$x1 + rnorm(1000, mean=8, sd=0.5) # pairs(df); head(df) lo <-
2006 May 08
Panel Data Estimators (within, between, Random Effects estimator)
Dear R Users, Here is another probelm/question. I would like to run some panel regressions with R. Therefore I have combined several time periods of data for different individuals in my database. I have already run pooled OLS but I would need to calculate a Fixed Effects Estimator (within estimator). Unfortunately I couldn't find anything like that in the RSearch and I suppose that lme
2005 Dec 18
GLM Logit and coefficient testing (linear combination)
Hi, I am running glm logit regressions with R and I would like to test a linear combination of coefficients (H0: beta1=beta2 against H1: beta1<>beta2). Is there a package for such a test or how can I perform it otherwise (perhaps with logLik() ???)? Additionally I was wondering if there was no routine to calculate pseudo R2s for logit regressions. Currently I am calculating the pseudo R2
2011 Nov 07
help with programming
> >  Dear moderators, Please help me encode the program instructed by follows. Thank u! Apply the methods introduced in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, say the > rank-based variable selection and BIC criterions, to the Boston housing > data. >  The Boston housing data contains 506 observations, and is publicly available in the R package mlbench (dataset “BostonHousing”).  The
2009 May 05
stepAICc function (based on MASS:::stepAIC.default)
Dear all, I have tried to modify the code of MASS:::stepAIC.default(), dropterm() and addterm() to use AICc instead of AIC for model selection. The code is appended below. Somehow the calculations are still not correct and I would be grateful if anyone could have a look at what might be wrong with this code... Here is a working example: ## require(nlme) model1=lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data =
2017 Jun 08
stepAIC() that can use new extractAIC() function implementing AICc
I would like test AICc as a criteria for model selection for a glm using stepAIC() from MASS package. Based on various information available in WEB, stepAIC() use extractAIC() to get the criteria used for model selection. I have created a new extractAIC() function (and extractAIC.glm() and extractAIC.lm() ones) that use a new parameter criteria that can be AIC, BIC or AICc. It works as
2004 Feb 01
3 little questions
> From: Siegfried.Macho > > Dear R-helpers, > > 3 questions: > 1. Is there a package that contains a routine for computing > Kendall's W > (coefficient of concordance), with and without ties ? Is that the same as Kendall's tau, as in cor(..., method="kendall")? > 2. Is there a package that contains a routine for computing > Goodman' s
2010 Aug 05
multiple comparisons after glm
Dear list members, I have a question concerning multiple comparisons after using glm. My response variable is days until emergence of an insect species. The explanatory variables are sex (two levels), parasitoids added (two levels) and populations (34 levels). I would like to know now which populations are different in days until insect emergence. For this I used multiple comparisons as
2011 Apr 27
Rule-based regression models: Cubist
Cubist is a rule-based machine learning model for regression. Parts of the Cubist model are described in: Quinlan. Learning with continuous classes. Proceedings of the 5th Australian Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence (1992) pp. 343-348 Quinlan. Combining instance-based and model-based learning. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning
2011 Apr 27
Rule-based regression models: Cubist
Cubist is a rule-based machine learning model for regression. Parts of the Cubist model are described in: Quinlan. Learning with continuous classes. Proceedings of the 5th Australian Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence (1992) pp. 343-348 Quinlan. Combining instance-based and model-based learning. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning
2004 Jan 23
Problem with hasArg() using R-files
Please do give reproducible example. The code you gave, which you claimed `works correctly' doesn't: > SDT.Optim <- function(crit = NULL, Hess = F) + { + q <- length(par); x <- data + if(hasArg(crit)) + cat("\n Crit present\n") + else +
2003 Apr 28
stepAIC/lme problem (1.7.0 only)
I can use stepAIC on an lme object in 1.6.2, but I get the following error if I try to do the same in 1.7.0: Error in lme(fixed = resp ~ cov1 + cov2, data = a, random = structure(list( : unused argument(s) (formula ...) Does anybody know why? Here's an example: library(nlme) library(MASS) a <- data.frame( resp=rnorm(250), cov1=rnorm(250), cov2=rnorm(250),
2003 Nov 28
problem with nls()
I wanted to use the nls() module to solve a Problem from Sen & Srivastava (1990, p.209). Here is the (basic) code used to perform the estimation: library(SenSrivastava) library(nls) data(E9.8) # Use Linear Least Square for estimating start values lm.obj <- lm(R.1 ~ I.1 + S.1, data = E9.8) nls1.obj <- nls(R.1 ~ b.0 + b.1*(I.1^a.1-1)/a.1 + b.2*(S.1^a.2-1)/a.2,
2003 Jun 25
probelem of function inside function
Hi, I encountered a problem when I am trying to write my own function which contains another function. To simplify a problem, I tried the following simplified function, hope someone can idenfity the problem for me. I have a simple data frame called "testdata" as following: >
2012 Oct 30
error in lm
Hi everybody I am trying to run the next code but I have the next problem Y1<-cbind(score.sol,, score.pur) > vol.lm<-lm(Y1~1, data=vol14.df) > library(MASS) > stepAIC(vol.lm,~fsex+fjob+fage+fstudies,data=vol14.df) Start: AIC=504.83 Y1 ~ 1 Error in addterm.mlm(fit, scope$add, scale = scale, trace = max(0, trace - : no addterm method implemented for
2008 Oct 11
step() and stepAIC()
The birth weight example from ?stepAIC in package MASS runs well as indeed it should. However when I change stepAIC() calls to step() calls I get warning messages that I don't understand, although the output is similar. Warning messages: 1: In model.response(m, "numeric") : using type="numeric" with a factor response will be ignored (and three more the same.) Checked
2003 Jul 30
Hi, I am experiencing a baffling behaviour of stepAIC(), and I hope to get any advice/help on this. Greatly appreciate any kind advice given. I am using stepAIC() to, say, select a model via stepwise selection method. R Version : 1.7.1 Windows ME Many thanks! ***Issue : When stepAIC() is placed within a function, it seems that stepAIC() cannot detect the data matrix, and the program is
2012 Nov 02
stepAIC and AIC question
I have a question about stepAIC and extractAIC and why they can produce different answers. Here's a stepAIC result (slightly edited - I removed the warning about noninteger #successes): stepAIC(glm(formula = (Morbid_70_79/Present_70_79) ~ 1 + Cohort + Cohort2, family = binomial, data = ghs_70_79, subset = ghs_70_full),direction = c("backward")) Start: AIC=3151.41