Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1600 matches similar to: "Treatment-Contrast Interactions"
2005 Feb 24
Adding up intervals by activity
Hello all,
I have a data frame with the following columns: timestamp, activity,
Each row contains information about an activity that occured over a time
interval. "Timestamp" is when the interval ended, "Activity" is a factor
that represents the type of activity, and "Interval" is a double which
represents an interval in time. The data frame is sorted
2005 Mar 09
Flattening a list of data frames
Hello all,
Simple version of my problem:
I've got a list of data frames, where each data frame has the same
number of columns and the same column names. I'd like to flatten the
list into one large data frame. Is there an easy way to do this?
Quick example code:
a <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,3),y=c(5,7,9)
b <- data.frame(x=c(2,4,7,9),y=c(2,3,5,4))
z <- list(a,b)
# Do
2012 Jul 02
Trouble using the dns_alt_names config option
I''m trying to put a puppet master on an EC2 instance, and have it be
accessible to agentes using either its EC2 DNS name (e.g.,
ec2-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com) or a friendlier alias (e.g.,
My /etc/puppet/puppet.conf looks like:
2009 Aug 28
how to explain the interaction terms regarding "treatment contrast" of lm model
Dear list,
I am confused on how to explain the interaction term in the context of
"treatment contrast".
for example, I have an data frame as below:
sub group val
1 a group1 3.685625
2 a group1 3.407445
3 a group1 4.040920
4 a group1 2.890875
5 b group1 3.853280
6 b group1 4.113585
7 b group1 3.043250
8 b group1 3.800920
9 c group1 5.394305
10 c
2010 Aug 29
glm prb (Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "contr.treatment") : )
glm(A~B+C+D+E+F,family = binomial(link = "logit"),data=tre,na.action=na.omit)
Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "contr.treatment") :
contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels
glm(A~B+C+D+E,family = binomial(link = "logit"),data=tre,na.action=na.omit)
runs fine
glm(A~B+C+D+F,family = binomial(link =
2004 Nov 19
Why is RH using such an outdated version of OpenSSL ?
I understand that they may have back-ported the fix but I just tried
installing Net::SSLeay on a Centos 3.3 box and it wouldn't install, saying
that the openssl version was old and suggested I get 9.7b or later?
How are you handling this problem? I am resorting to recompiling OpenSSL
9.7d .
2004 Dec 02
treatment contrasts and summary.lm
Dear list members,
I have a 2-factor ANOVA where the summary.lm output looks like this
(using treatment contrasts):
Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.0389 0.0220 1.7695 0.0817
as.factor(Block)1 0.0156 0.0066 2.3597 0.0215
as.factor(Block)2 -0.0018 0.0037 -0.4857 0.6289
as.factor(Block)3 -0.0007 0.0026 -0.2812 0.7795
2007 Jul 12
how to estimate treatment-interaction contrasts
Hello, R experts,
Sorry for asking this question again again since I really want a help!
I have a two-factor experiment data and like to calculate estimates of
interation contrasts say factor A has levels of a1, a2, and B has
levels of b1, b2, b3, b4, and b5 with 3 replicates. I am not sure the
constrast estimate I got is right using the script below:
2005 Nov 15
Repeates Measures MANOVA for Time*Treatment Interactions
Dear R folk,
First off I want to thank those of you who responded with comments for
my R quick and dirty stats tutorial. They've been quite helpful, and
I'm in the process of revising them. When it comes to repeated
measures MANOVA, I'm in a bit of a bind, however. I'm beginning to see
that all of the documentation is written for psychologists, who have a
2010 Sep 06
Correct coefficients from treatment contrasts?
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2004 Apr 06
fit.contrast or some other for interactions and stratified
I was trying to do a bunch of planned contrast but ran into a snag.
fit.contrast won't work with an Error term in aov. Ok, then I use lme.
Only, now it seems there is no way to enter the interaction terms
(something like "x1:x2"). I couldn't find a way to use the interaction
term in the help. Is there an undocumented method or some other
command for planned contrasts?
2011 Aug 17
contrast package with interactions in gls model
I try to explain the efffect of (1) forest where i took samples's soils (*
Lugar*: categorical variable with three levels), (2) nitrogen addition
treatments (*Tra*: categorical variable with two levels) on total carbon
concentration's soil samples (*C: *continue* *variable) during four months
of sampling (*Time:* categorical and ordered variable with four levels).
I fitted the
2010 Feb 03
What are Type II or III contrast? (contrast() in contrast package)
?contrast in the contrast package gives me the following description.
However, I have no idea what Type II and III contrasts are. Could
somebody explain it to me? And what does 'type' mean here?
*?type?*: set ?type="average"? to average the individual contrasts
(e.g., to obtain a Type II or III contrast)
2007 Feb 14
se.contrast confusion
I've got what I'd expect to be a pretty simple issue: I fit an aov object
using multiple error strata, and would like some significance tests for the
contrasts I specified.
In this contrived example, I model some test score as the interaction of a
subject's gender and two emotion variables (angry, happy, neutral), measured
at entry to the experiment (entry) and later
2003 Oct 08
Contrast specified with C() - R vs S-Plus problem
For a n-level factor, I'd like to specify the first contrast and have
the remaining n-2 constructed automatically so that the set is
orthogonal. I then test the contrasts with summary.lm(anova-object).
In S-Plus, the following works:
>y.anova <- aov( y ~ C(CO2,c(1,0,-1)) )
In R, it fails with the following error:
2003 Nov 05
Could anyone please explain how to set up contrasts between means in R. I want to know if "before I conduct an experiment and believe the mean for 1 and 2 will be different from means 3 and 4, Is this true?" That is what I have to prove or disprove, I thought that contrasts would be the way to go. Thanks for the help.
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2003 Jun 26
Correct contrast for unreplicated 2K factorial design
Hi all,
I have been trying to reproduce an analysis from Douglas Montgomery?s
book on design and analysis of experiments. Table 6.10 of example 6.2 on
page 246, gives a table as follows:
> NPK <- expand.grid(A=mp,B=mp,C=mp,D=mp)
> Rate <- c(45,71,48,65,68,60,80,65,43,100,45,104,75,86,70,96)
> filtration <- cbind(NPK,Rate)
> filtration
A B C D Rate
1 - - - - 45
2008 Nov 28
Contrast SS
Hi all,
Hopefully this is an easy question and I've overlooked something
simple. I want to present specific contrasts in an ANOVA table. I can
of course get the significance tests with summary.lm, but my adviser
wants the results in ANOVA format. Here is a minimal example:
> x <- factor(c(rep("condition.1", 5), rep("condition.2", 5), rep("condition.3", 5)))
2010 Dec 06
less than full rank contrast methods
I'd like to make a less than full rank design using dummy variables
for factors. Here is some example data:
when <- data.frame(time = c("afternoon", "night", "afternoon",
"morning", "morning", "morning",
"morning", "afternoon", "afternoon"),
2005 Mar 10
contrast matrix for aov
How do we specify a contrast interaction matrix for an ANOVA model?
We have a two-factor, repeated measures design, with
Cue Direction (2) x Brain Hemisphere(2)
Each of these has 2 levels, 'left' and 'right', so it's a simple 2x2 design
matrix. We have 8 subjects in each cell (a balanced design) and we want to
specify the interaction contrast so that: