Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "best analysis method : for time series ans cross sectional data"
2005 Oct 31
nls() fit to Kahnemann/ Tversky function
Dear WizaRds,
I would like to fit a curve to ten points with nls() for one
unknown parameter gamma in the Kahnemann/ Tversky function, but somehow
it won't work and I am unable to locate my mistake.
p.kum <- seq(0.1,1, by=0.1)
felt.prob.kum <- c(0.16, 0.23, 0.36, 0.49, 0.61, 0.71, 0.85, 0.89, 0.95,
1) ## how to find a function that fits these points nicely?
2004 Nov 20
How to change the significant codes default?
Dear R experts,
I am posting this question on behalf of a Japanese R user
who wants to know how to change the siginificant codes default.
As you know, R's default significant codes are:
Signif. codes: 0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1
But he says that it is usual in economics to give codes such as
`***' for 0.01, `**' for 0.05 and `*' for
2006 Oct 19
How to get multiple Correlation Coefficients
I have used a polycor package for categorical correlation coefficients.
I run the following script. But there were no results.
Could you tell me how to correct the script?
Thanks in advance,
vars <- names(sdi)
for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
for (j in 1:length(vars)) {
paste(vars[i]," and ", vars[j])
polychor(vars[i], vars[j])
# corr
Kum-Hoe Hwang, Ph.D.Phone :
2006 Mar 05
what is scale function? Is it for variable transformation?
I read R books about scale function for variable transformation.
Acoording to this book
scale function leads me to better regression results. Or am I worng?
I hope somebody tell me about a scale function?
Is it for variable transformation?
Kum-Hoe Hwang, Phone : 82-31-250-3516Email : phdhwang@gmail.com
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Feb 14
Any packages for conducting AHP( Analytic Hierarchy Process) data
Hi, R Lovers!
I have some survey data. I'd like to run R or R packages for processing data
from AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) survey.
Are there any R packages or subsititues for running data from AHP survey.
Thanks in advance,
Kum-Hoe Hwang, Ph.D.Phone : 82-31-250-3516 Email : phdhwang@gmail.com
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jul 06
How to sample x-y coordinates from GIS files
Hi Gurus!
I have a job that is to get randomly samples from point-based GIS data (sp
called shape GIS files) under the total sum resctricted.
For example, I would like to take random smaples under the 1000 persons in
each city.
The randomly sampled persons should not be over 1000 any case.
Thank you in advance,
Kum-Hoe Hwang, Ph.D.
Phone : 82-31-250-3283
Email : phdhwang@gmail.com
2005 Feb 11
How to solve error : "cannot allocate vector of size 1208235 Kb"
Howdy R gurus !
I am newbie to R
I use R 2.0.1 in Windows XP. When I run R
I got the follwoing memory error.
My physical memory size is 3 Gb.
My R got the memory problem when it reached to
about 2 Gb.
Thanks in advance,
> library(spdep)
> sfr.lagsarlm <- lagsarlm(sfr.data$Bldgsqft ~ sfr.data$Ncounty + sfr.data$Nugb + sfr.data$Ngroup, data=sfr.data, listw=sfr.listw,
2009 Jan 10
Help needed for Loading "tm" package
Howdy Gurus again
Thanks to Tony.Breyal, I was able to writing the following script for
analyzing a text document.
But I got an error with "tm' package. I don't why I got the error from the R
script below. I think I followed proccess of R tm manual.
I use R v2.8.1. and tm_0.3-3.zip under Win XP.
Thanks in advance,
Kum Hwang
> # setting directory
> my.path
2006 May 18
how to get coefficients of regression or Anova
Hi R Gurus!
I conducted regression and anova followings :
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.07e-01 5.95e-02 10.19 < 2e-16 ***
nemp 2.87e-06 1.04e-07 27.63 < 2e-16 ***
as.factor(corridor1)A -8.81e-02 2.13e-02 -4.14 3.6e-05 ***
2013 Jan 31
glm poisson and quasipoisson
I have a question about modelling via glm. I have a dataset (see dput)
that looks like as if it where poisson distributed (actually I would
appreciate that) but it isnt because mean unequals var.
> mean (x)
[1] 901.7827
> var (x)
[1] 132439.3
Anyway, I tried to model it via poisson and quasipoisson. Actually, just to
get an impression how glm works. But I dont know how to
2010 Feb 16
Error of Stepwise Regression with number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?
Howdy, R Grues
I have enjoyed R, but I cannot solve one problem easily. Please help my problem.
When I tried the R script, I got the following Error. This error
results from input data file exported through a Excel spreadsheet
Error in step(lm(pop.rate ~ as.numeric(year) + as.factor(policy) +
as.numeric(nation.grant) + ?:
??number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?
2009 Jan 15
How to Solve the Error( error:cannot allocate vector of size 1.1 Gb)
Hi, Gurus
Thanks to your good helps, I have managed starting the use of a text
mining package so called "tm" in R under the OS of Win XP.
However, during running the tm package, I got another mine like memory problem.
What is a the best way to solve this memory problem among increasing a
physical RAM, or doing other recipes, etc?
###### my R
2009 Jan 09
[R} how to build TermDocMatrix in tm text mining package of R
Howdy Gurus
I 'd like to ask a question about how to build TermDocMatrix in tm text
mining package.
It is not clear about importing a plain text file, and them converting that
text file into TermDocMatrix file, etc to me.
How can I build a TermDocMatrix of " a plain text document file for text
Or are there any good manuals?
Thank you in advance,
Kum-Hoe Hwang, Ph.D.
2006 May 18
how to get correct coefficients from lm model
I apologize for duplicated posting. But I decided to correct my previous
I had the regression results using
r <- lm(Y ~ nemp + as.factor(devt), data=d).
First, there is the result of anova(r). Here I could not find regression
Response: Y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
nemp 1 58.2 58.2 1233.23 < 2e-16 ***
2002 Aug 30
syntax for push to remote rsync server
I have set up two servers as rsync servers with ssh, they sync
agianst each other. I can pull data down from either remote node when logged
into one of them, using a module defined on both servers. However I don't
seem to be able to push from the localhost to the remote rsync server. I
think I'm using the incorrect syntax. If someone could highlight where I'm
going wrong it would
2008 Jul 25
Scatterplot matrix one column vs. the rest of the dataset
have a data frame composed of many columns. I would like to hold one column
constant and scatter plot it agianst all of the other columns? how do I do
this? I have only been able to plot(x) and use indexes to create an entire
scatterplot matrix, but not hold one constant.
Let's not spend our time and resources thinking about things that are so
little or so large that all they really do
2003 Aug 10
Possible samba options:
I plan to use samba to substitute two NT4 server (PDC/BDC) howewer I
am not sure if it would fit:
I have not been able to find either in the samba 3.0 and samba-tng
documentation the following informations:
1. Can I have three different serever on which putting the home
directories of the users (of course this would be set in their profiles) ?
logon_home parameter seem to forbide this ...
2008 Oct 22
plotting matrix
a <- c(1:26)
b <- rnorm(25)
e <- rnorm(25)
f <- rnorm(25)
g <- data.frame(b,e, a,f)
I would like to plot a agianst all possibilities and then shoot it out
to a pdf one graph per page. I think it would be okay to have this as
a lattice plot or a ggplot with many graphs per page. I can figure
all of that out I think, but I need something like
r <- as.matrix(g)
plot(.~a, data=r)
2006 Oct 12
How to Get Categorical Correlation Coefficient
Howdy Gurus !
I have a different correlation result from the same data. The
"corridor1" string variable is expressed
as a number like the "corridor2" number variable.
> levels(corridor1)
[1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F"
2016 Apr 03
use one way ANOVA to select genes
i want to select the significant genes form ?5 clusters (groups) by one way ANOVA ?in r#######################################################################################
# i want use One way ANOVA to select the siginificant from the clusters above?
selectgene <- function(GropuData,pvalue=0.05, na.rm=TRUE, file=1:5){# if each gruop in one ?txt file ?? ??? ? ??? ? fdata <-