similar to: scaling axes when plotting multiple data sets

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "scaling axes when plotting multiple data sets"

2004 Nov 22
variable object naming
Is it possible to give a temporary object a name that varies with each run of a foreloop? For example, I want to fill a matrix every time I run a loop, and I want a new matrix with each run, with an appropriate new name. i.e.: for(i in 1:5){... matrix.i<-some values ...} so that in the end I would have: matrix.1 matrix.2 matrix.3 matrix.4 matrix.5 Thanks, Ben Osborne -- Botany Department
2005 Mar 01
na.strings in readLines or
When reading a data set into R using readLines, na.strings="-99.99" is ignored. Is there an equivalent command for readLines? Alternatively, either immediately after reading into R or once the data set has been converted to a data frame, what is the appropriate command (or appropriate use of to convert my -99.99s to NAs? Thanks, Ben Osborne -- Botany Department University of
2004 Dec 04
AIC, AICc, and K
How can I extract K (number of parameters) from an AIC calculation, both to report K itself and to calculate AICc? I'm aware of the conversion from AIC -> AICc, where AICc = AIC + 2K(K+1)/(n-K-1), but not sure of how K is calculated or how to extract that value from either an AIC or logLik calculation. This is probably more of a basic statistics question than an R question, but I thank
2005 Apr 18
R-squared in summary(lm...)
What is the difference between the two R-squareds returned for a linear regression by summary(lm...)? When might one report multiple vs. adjusted R-squared? Thank you, Ben Osborne -- Botany Department University of Vermont 109 Carrigan Drive Burlington, VT 05405 benjamin.osborne at phone: 802-656-0297 fax: 802-656-0440
2004 Dec 13
AIC, glm, lognormal distribution
I'm attempting to do model selection with AIC, using a glm and a lognormal distribution, but: fit1<-glm(BA~Year,data=pdat.sp1.65.04, family=gaussian(link="log")) ## gives the same result as either of the following: fit1<-glm(BA~Year,data=pdat.sp1.65.04, family=gaussian) fit1<-lm(BA~Year,data=pdat.sp1.65.04) fit1 #Coefficients: #(Intercept) Year2004 # -1.6341
2004 Oct 09
Does anyone know of a list of functions that R already "knows?" I can't seem to find this anywhere in the help documentation. For example, I want to count the number of occurences of a certain value in a column of a data frame: What do I have to do to tell R to "Count?" Thanks, Ben Osborne -- Botany Department University of Vermont 109 Carrigan Drive Burlington, VT 05405
2009 Apr 17
Create histogram from data matrix
Hello! Thanks for reading this request for assistance. I have a question regarding creating a histogram-like figure from data that are not currently in the correct format for the "hist" command. Specifically, my data have been processed and are in a matrix with columns containing the variables of interest and separate columns containing the number of times this variable was
2009 Apr 10
Subset a data frame for plotting
Hello, I have a question regarding how to subset/select parts of a data frame (matrix) in order to plot data associated only with this subset. Specifically I have a large data frame in which one column contains ID values (dates), and other columns contain data I would like to plot (temperature, light, etc.). I would like to break up this large matrix so as to plot data associated
2004 May 08
Installing R 1.9.0 on OSX
I've downloaded and installed R 1.9.0 under OS X 10.3.3. I then removed my previous R 1.8.0 installation by following the instructions in the readme file, e.g., 1. drag the "StartR" icon into the Trash; 2) go inside your Home directory and search for the Library folder. Inside the Library folder in your Home directory you'll find a RAqua directory: drag the RAqua
2003 Dec 11
Failed installation on Mac OSX 10.3 (PR#5697)
I've installed R 1.8.1 on OSX 10.3 (Panther) using the RAqua.pkg and all indications were that the installation was successful. However, after double clicking the R icon in the Applications folder, nothing appears to happen. The following message appears on the console: Mac OS X Version 10.3 (Build 7B85) 2003-12-11 08:45:31 -0500 prefs written dyld:
2003 Dec 11
Failed installation on Mac OSX 10.3 (PR#5697)
I've installed R 1.8.1 on OSX 10.3 (Panther) using the RAqua.pkg and all indications were that the installation was successful. However, after double clicking the R icon in the Applications folder, nothing appears to happen. The following message appears on the console: Mac OS X Version 10.3 (Build 7B85) 2003-12-11 08:45:31 -0500 prefs written dyld:
2005 Jan 26
summarizing daily time-series date by month
Message: 63 Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 04:28:51 +0000 (UTC) From: Gabor Grothendieck <ggrothendieck at> Subject: Re: [R] chron: parsing dates into a data frame using a forloop To: r-help at Message-ID: <loom.20050126T052153-333 at> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Benjamin M. Osborne <Benjamin.Osborne <at>>
2005 Jan 25
chron: parsing dates into a data frame using a forloop
I have one data frame with a column of dates and I want to fill another data frame with one column of dates, one of years, one of months, one of a unique combination of year and month, and one of days, but R seems to have some problems with this. My initial data frame looks like this (ignore the NAs in the other fields): > mans[1:10,] date loc prcp tmin snow.dep tmax 1
2005 Jun 10
Fortran compilation error
Hello, I'm trying to install a package that requires a Fortran compiler (Hmisc) using R CMD INSTALL. I downloaded the package source onto my Desktop, unzipped it, and then typed: R CMD INSTALL /Users/brianbeckage/Desktop/Hmisc * Installing *source* package 'Hmisc' ... ** libs g77 -fno-common -g -O2 -c cidxcn.f -o cidxcn.o g77 -fno-common -g -O2 -c cidxcp.f -o cidxcp.o g77
2005 Mar 14
calling objects in a foreloop
I want to organize outputs from several regressions into a handy table. When I try the following, each of my "fit_s" is replaces instead of read. Is there a way to read from the regression summaries that does not require writing separate lines of code for each? -Ben Osborne > fit1<-lm(dBA.spp16$sp2.dBA.ha~dBA.spp16$sp1.dBA.ha) >
2004 Aug 09
Simultaneous subscripts and superscripts
Dear List, I'd like to add text to a plot where a text symbol has both a superscript and subscript. For example, the variable S with a superscript 2 and a subscript t. I have been able to accomplish this using either expression( paste(S,atop(scriptstyle(2),scriptstyle(t))) ) or expression( {S[t]}^2 ) but the spacing isn't quite right (or rather what I'd like) using either of
2005 Jan 31
coercing a list to a data frame, lists in foreloops
I have a set of time-series climate data with missing entries. I need to add rows for these missing entries to this data set. The only way I know to do this is unsing a foreloop, but this won't work on a list. I've tried to convert the list to a data frame, but that won't happen, either. I want to fill rows in this table: > newtest[10:15,] yrmos yearmo snow.sum snow.mean
2013 Jun 10
Combining CSV data
Hello R community, I am trying to combine two CSV files that look like this: File A Row_ID_CR, Data1, Data2, Data3 1, aa, bb, cc 2, dd, ee, ff File B Row_ID_N, Src_Row_ID, DataN1 1a, 1, This is comment 1 2a, 1, This is comment 2 3a,
2008 May 14
Accessing items in a list of lists
Using R 2.6.2, say I have the following list of lists, "comb": data1 <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) data2 <- list(a = 4, b = 5, c = 6) data3 <- list(a = 3, b = 6, c = 9) comb <- list(data1 = data1, data2 = data2, data3 = data3) So that all names for the lowest level list are common. How can I most efficiently access all of the sublist items "a" indexed by the outer
2009 Nov 12
redundant factor levels after subsetting a dataset
#I have a data frame with a numeric and a character variable. x=c(1,2,3,2,0,2,-1,-2,-4) md=c(rep("Miller",3), rep("Richard",3),rep("Smith",3)) data1=data.frame(x,md) #I subset this data.frame in a way such that one level of the character variable does not appear in the new dataset. data2=data1[x>0,] data3=subset(data1,x>0) #However, when I check the levels