similar to: Plotting: Plot several axis at right hand side of the plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Plotting: Plot several axis at right hand side of the plot"

2004 Mar 04
Lineair regression modelling between time series //correlation analysis
Dear R specialists, I'm working with time series and want to investigate the relationship between two time series by correlation analysis or by fitting a gen. lineair model to the plot of x(timeserie1) and y(timeserie2). Lin1 <- data.frame( Nr = c(1:lengte), NDII = window(ts.mNDII,c(1998,10),c(2003,11)), InvERC = window(Inv.ERC,c(1998,10),c(2003,11)) )
2004 Apr 26
Spatial Autocorrelation for point data
Hi R helpers, Is there a function (package?) in R available which tests "spatial autocorrelation" between points (e.g. vector layer of weather stations)? (e.g. Moran's I...) Via the archives we found out that there is a package 'spdep' which uses grid data for testing spatial autocorrelation. Thanks a lot, Jan
2005 Dec 07
Change labels of x-axes in Plot of stl() function?
Hi all, How can the label of the x-axes in the plot() of a stl.object be adapted? e.g., When plotting: plot(stl(nottem, "per")) In the labels of the x-axes is “time”. How can this be changed to e.g., “Time (dekade) “? It does not work with xlab or others anymore… Thanks, Jan _______________________________________________________________________ Ir. Jan Verbesselt Research
2003 Aug 21
Read date for timeserie object
Dear all, Is there a simple trick to read in data with the following format and create a Time Serie object of it? Date CountOfField2 5/10/1998 7 5/11/1998 5 5/12/1998 2 5/14/1998 1 5/15/1998 1 5/19/1998 1 5/20/1998 1 5/21/1998 1 5/24/1998 2 5/25/1998 1 5/26/1998 2 .... 2002 ... R should recognize that some dates are not available...(NA). You can define start and end date Ok, and frequency= 365
2005 Apr 15
Range in probabilities of a fitted lrm model (Y~X)
Dear R-list, Is there a function or technique by which the probability (or log odds) range of a logistic model (fit <- lrm(Y~X)) can be derived? The aim is to obtain min & max of the estimated probabilities of Y. Could summary.Design() be used for that or is there another method/trick? Thanks, Jan _______________________________________________________________________ ir. Jan
2005 May 13
DEV2bitmap: jpeg with res=400 not enough for CORELDRAW poster A0
Dear all, When saving a plot with the dev2bitmap command: name <- c("test.jpeg") dev2bitmap(name,type="jpeg",height=8,width=13,res=400) Everything seems to be ok... After importing this picture in CORELDRAW (for a poster A0) format the resolution and colors are not optimal. How can I save pictures (colors/resolution) optimally for import into CorelDraw for an
2005 Aug 13
Penalized likelihood-ratio chi-squared statistic: L.R. model for Goodness of fit?
Dear R list, From the lrm() binary logistic model we derived the G2 value or the likelihood-ratio chi-squared statistic given as L.R. model, in the output of the lrm(). How can this value be penalized for non-linearity (we used splines in the lrm function)? lrm.iRVI <- lrm(arson ~ rcs(iRVI,5), penalty=list(simple=10,nonlinear=100,nonlinear.interaction=4)) This didn’t work
2005 Aug 22
How to add values on the axes of the 3D bi-variable lrm fit?
Dear r-list, When I try to plot the following 3D lrm fit I obtain only arrows with labels on the three axes of the figure (without values). fit <- lrm(y ~ rcs(x1,knots)+rcs(x2,knots), tol=1e-14,X=T,Y=T) dd <- datadist(x1,x2);options(datadist='dd'); par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(fit,x1=NA, x2=NA, theta=50,phi=25) How can I add values to the axes of this plot? (axes with the
2005 Feb 22
ERROR NaNs produced; when comparing two logistic regression models with the ANOVA CHI test
Dear R-list, *When comparing two logistic regression models with the anova CHi test, I obtain the following error: (there are no NA's in the time series). How can this be solved such that I can compare two models on the same dataset were different explanatory variables are used? l.KBDI <- glm(zna.arson2 ~ zna.KBDI,family = binomial) l.NDWI <- glm(zna.arson2 ~ zna.NDWI,family
2003 Sep 01
readcsvIts() to create irregular time series
Dear, Thanks for the previous tips about 'its' for importing the following data. 5/10/1998,7 5/11/1998,5 5/12/1998,2 5/14/1998,1 5/15/1998,1 5/19/1998,1 5/20/1998,1 1. When using the following command; test<-readcsvIts('Fires98.csv',informat=its.format("%m/%d/%Y"),header=FA LSE) the function reads in the data from the csv file as; V2 05/10/1998 7
2005 Oct 31
how to optimise cross-correlation plot to study time lag between time-series?
Dear R-help, How could a cross-correlation plot be optimized such that the relationship between seasonal time-series can be studied? We are working with strong seasonal time-series and derived a cross-correlation plot to study the relationship between time-series. The seasonal variation however strongly influences the cross-correlation plot and the plot seems to be ?rather? symmetrical (max
2005 Aug 22
How to add legend of plot.Design function (method=image)? (if (!.R.) )
Hi, When running z <- plot(fit, age=NA, cholesterol=NA, perim=boundaries, method='image') Legend(z, fun=plogis, at=qlogis(c(.01,.05,.1,.2,.3,.4,.5)), zlab='Probability') And after pointing the cursor to the plot() screen in R, I obtain the following message: Using function "locator(2)" to place opposite corners of image.legend Error in
2005 Jul 27
HOW to Create Movies with R with repeated plot()?
Dear R-helpers, Is it possible to create a type of 'movie' in R based on the output of several figures (e.g., jpegs) via the plot() function. I obtained dynamic results with the plotting function and would like to save these as a movie (e.g., avi or other formats)? Regards, Jan _________________________________________________________________ Ir. Jan Verbesselt Research
2004 Mar 24
High/low level: Plot 2 time series with different axis (left and ri ght)
Sun, 14 Mar 2004, Jan Verbesselt wrote: > Dear R specialists, > > I have two time series in a data.frame and want to plot them in the same > plot(), with the left axis scaled to time series 1 (-700,0) and the > right axis scaled to time series 2 (-0.2, 0.4). > > plot(timeserie1) > lines(timeserie2, col=c(2)) => this one should be scaled differently > with a new
2004 Jul 23
ts to irts
Hi R-list, I'm working with irregular time series (time series of climate data, daily data 365/6 days a year) and would like to create regular time series from them ( irts e.g. Rain <- irts(as.POSIXct(Climate[,1]),Climate[,5]) to ts e.g. test <- ts(x, start=c(1997,1), frequency=365) ) such that I can find where the gaps (lacking temperature data, ...) are and try
2005 Sep 29
How to add frame (frame.plot=T) to Plot.Design?
Hi R-help, When using the package Design and the plot.Design function all the graphs of an (lrm()) are plotted without a frame (only with axes). How can the frame be added to these plots? In the plot.default function the frame can be added/or removed via the frame.plot=T/F, respectively. e.g., plot(1,axes=T,frame.plot=T). How can this be done with plot.Design( Thanks,
2005 Nov 21
Howto? plot legend with no line behind the points
Hi R-help, We are using R 2.2 on Win XP and have a detail question on how the legend can be optimised. We use the following; -> plot(,type="b",...) The lines in the plot do not cross the points. How can we obtain the same effect in the legend? (points without a line through them..) We tried setting the to white but this did not help. See script below. thanks, Jan
2003 Aug 11
tsdiag and tsStructure for np,ns,nt and nl determination
Hi R-Helpers, I'm dealing with the STL procedure and trying to apply the tsdiag and StructTS onto the ts object to analyse the different parameters which need to be set. How can I use the tsStructure & tsdiag to create a seasonal, trend and cycle subseries plot so that I can select & analyse the correct np,ns, nt and nl? The problem is that too much signal goes into the seasonal
2005 Aug 12
HowTo derive a correct likelihood-ratio chi-squared statistic from lrm() with a rsc() ?
Dear R helpers, >From the lrm( ) model used for binary logistic regression, we used the L.R. model value (or the G2 value, likelihood-ratio chi-squared statistic) to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of the models. The model with the lowest G2 value consequently, has the best performance and the highest accuracy. However our model includes rsc() functions to account for non-linearity. We
2005 Aug 22
How to add legend of plot.Design function ( method=image)?
Dear Rlist, How can the Legend of the plot.Design() function can be visualized? Following the documentation in R, I did the following (see below), only the 'Legend' function doesn't visualize the legend of the plot (method='image') of the lrmfit. I tried to change par( margin setting) but this didn’t solve it. How can this be solved? Thanks a lot, Jan