similar to: MLE: Question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "MLE: Question"

2005 Jan 23
survreg: fitting different location parameters
Hi R-Help! My question: I have lifetime/failure data of machines with different stress levels and i think an weibull/extreme value distribution would fit this data. So I did: model1 <- survreg(Surv(lfailure)~stress,data=steel,dist="extreme") (where lfailure=log(failure)) Now I would like to do a likelihood ratio test to test the hypothesis H0: location parameters of the
2009 Jan 28
Character SNP data to binary MAF data
Hi I am sure there is a function out there already but I couldn't find it. I have SNP data, that is, a matrix which contains in each row two characters (they are different in each row) and I would like to convert this matrix to a binary one according to the minor allele frequency. For non-geneticists: I want to have a binary matrix for which in each row the 0 stands for the less frequent
2004 Jun 10
overhaul of mle
So, I've embarked on my threatened modifications to the mle subset of the stats4 package. Most of what I've done so far has *not* been adding the slick formula interface, but rather making it work properly and reasonably robustly with real mle problems -- especially ones involving reasonably complex fixed and default parameter sets. Some of what I've done breaks backward
2007 Sep 19
x and y coordinates (Rfwdmv Package)
Hello R users, before asking my question I'd like to stress that I'm an (absolute) beginner in using R, but enthused about the incredible possibilities of it. So I hope my questions are not too stupid. Here's my problem: I have a dataset with skewed distributions. In order to obtain approx multivariate normality by a Box-Cox-Transformation, I used the "Rfwdmv Package" to
2008 Oct 09
Help MLE
Dear, I'm starting on R language. I would like some help to implement a MLE function. I wish to obtain the variables values (alpha12, w_g12, w_u12) that maximize the function LL = Y*ln(alpha12 + g*w_g12 + u*w_u12). Following the code: rm(list=ls()) ls() library(stats4) Model = function(alpha12,w_g12,w_u12) { Y = 1 u = 0.5 g = -1 Y*log(alpha12 + g*w_g12 + u*w_u12) } res =
2009 Jan 18
System with manual options
Hi I was wondering if there was a way to run system when there is e.g. a C program which is not totally command-line driven. That is, I have a C program which requires manual input of options into the shell during the run. I would like to run this program from R and as far as I have seen system() does not handle manual options (?). Is there thus a way to use these C programs anyway through R
2009 Jan 11
Hi I have sent a previous email "Error in dyn.load()" for which, shame on me, I later found a partial answer. I have been trying to look into what I exactly need to include into Makevars and where it needs to be located and have not found a satisfying answer yet. Maybe the following questions are helpful for other people as well. Again, I am trying to include a C function tools.c into
2010 Mar 17
hexadecimal colors
Hi I would like to produce a red shading I figured the easiest way to do that would be to use rgb in the following way: a <- seq(0,0.9,by=0.1) redshade <- rgb(red=1,green=a, blue=a) However, I don't really know how to plot things using hexadecimal colors. I used a function which tries to find the closest color to the rgb shades but it didn't work very well. Any
2004 Dec 31
lme: Confusion about Variances
Dear R users! I used lme to fit a mixed model with random intercept and spatial Gaussian correlation i.e. I fitted a model of the following form: Y = X*beta + error and error = U + W(t) + Z where U is the random intercept (normally distributed), W(t) the stationary Gaussian process and Z also a normally distributed (the residual) rv. Each of these three random variables have a variance which
2010 Jun 20
Connect to server
Hi, I am aware that this question might be a basic one. I did browse the help and archives but I still haven't understood how to do the following: I run R locally and would like to read in data from a server for which there is a username and password. That is, how do I open a connection to a server with a password? Thanks, Hadassa -- Hadassa Brunschwig PhD Student Department of Statistics
2005 Sep 22
R2WinBUGS: Data loading error
Hi R-Help! I am trying to use R2WinBUGS but I get the following error message in WinBUGS (and there must be something wrong with my R statement as I tried it directly in WinBUGS and it worked): display(log) check(C:/Documents and Settings/Daikon/Roche/pop_model.txt) model is syntactically correct data(C:/Documents and Settings/Daikon/Roche/data.txt) expected key word structure compile(7) ...(and
2011 May 23
Reading Data from mle into excel?
Hi there, I ran the following code: vols=read.csv(file="C:/Documents and Settings/Hugh/My Documents/PhD/Swaption vols.csv" , header=TRUE, sep=",") X<-ts(vols[,2]) #X dcOU<-function(x,t,x0,theta,log=FALSE){ Ex<-theta[1]/theta[2]+(x0-theta[1]/theta[2])*exp(-theta[2]*t) Vx<-theta[3]^2*(1-exp(-2*theta[2]*t))/(2*theta[2]) dnorm(x,mean=Ex,sd=sqrt(Vx),log=log) }
2005 Jan 10
mle() and with()
I'm trying to figure out the best way of fitting the same negative log-likelihood function to more than one set of data, using mle() from the stats4 package. Here's what I would have thought would work: -------------- library(stats4) ## simulate values r = rnorm(1000,mean=2) ## very basic neg. log likelihood function mll <- function(mu,logsigma) {
2005 Jun 07
R and MLE
I learned R & MLE in the last few days. It is great! I wrote up my explorations as I will be most happy if R gurus will look at this and comment on how it can be improved. I have a few specific questions: * Should one use optim() or should one use stats4::mle()? I felt that mle() wasn't adding much value compared with optim, and
2017 Nov 07
Using MLE on a somewhat unusual likelihood function
So I am trying to use the mle command (from stats4 package) to estimate a number of parameters using data but it keeps throwing up this error message: Error in solve.default(oout$hessian) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[1,1] = 0 This error sometimes indicates that the list of starting values is too far from optimum but this is unlikely since I picked values close to where
2012 Jul 05
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Poisson distribution mle {stats4}
Hi everyone! I am using the mle {stats4} to estimate the parameters of distributions by MLE method. I have a problem with the examples they provided with the mle{stats4} html files. Please check the example and my question below! *Here is the mle html help file *
2009 Jul 01
Difficulty in calculating MLE through NLM
Hi R-friends, Attached is the SAS XPORT file that I have imported into R using following code library(foreign) mydata<-read.xport("C:\\ctf.xpt") print(mydata) I am trying to maximize logL in order to find Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) of 5 parameters (alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2, p) using NLM function in R as follows. # Defining Log likelihood - In the function it is noted as
2011 Jun 14
Using MLE Method to Estimate Regression Coefficients
Good Afternoon, I am relatively new to R and have been trying to figure out how to estimate regression coefficients using the MLE method. Some background: I am trying to examine scenarios in which certain estimators might be preferred to others, starting with MLE. I understand that MLE will (should) produce the same results as Ordinary Least Squares if the assumption of normality holds. That
2005 Mar 12
MLE for two random variables
Hello, I've the following setting: (1) Data from a source without truncation (x) (2) Data from an other source with left-truncation at threshold u (xu) I have to fit a model on these these two sources, thereby I assume that both are "drawn" from the same distribution (eg lognormal). In a MLE I would sum the densities and maximize. The R-Function could be:
2011 Feb 22
Hi, I am looking for some help regarding the use of the mle function. I am trying to get mle for 3 parameters (theta0, theta1 and theta2) that have been defined in the the log-likelihood equation as theta0=theta[1], theta1=theta[2] and theta2=theta[3]. My R code for mle is: mle(Poisson.lik, start=list(theta=c(20,1,1), method="Nelder-Mead", fixed=list(w=w, t1=t1, t2=t2)) But I keep