similar to: unique rows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "unique rows"

2004 Dec 29
Dear all, I am trying to calculate a score for a string sequence consisting of the following four letters: ACGT. I have got a matrix giving the scores for each pair of letters. So for example the string ACCT has got the pairs: AC, CC and CT. The matrix has got the following form: names<-c("A","C","G","T"); mscore<-matrix(0,4,4);
2004 Oct 06
Dataframe manipulation question
Hello, I have a data frame that has three fields. Resp# ActCode ProdUsed 100 3 2 100 3 2 100 4 3 100 4 3 101 3 6 102 2 1 102 3 1 103 5 1 103 5 1 103
2005 Jan 28
extracting from a data.frame
Hi, I am sorry for this simple question, but... How do I extract something from a data.frame? The following is my Problem: I have got a dataframe "a" with various columns. One of those columns is called V3 and contains elements of the following levels: > levels(a$V3) [1] "C" "CA" "CB" "CD" "CD1" "CD2"
2004 Dec 30
labels and counting
Hello, I have got the following problem: given is a large string sequence consisting of the four letters "A" "C" "G" and "T" (as before). Additionally, I have got a second string sequence of the same length giving a label for each character. The labels are "+" and "-". Now I would like to create an 8x8 matrix which contains the
2005 Jan 28
avoiding loops
Hi again, thanks a lot for the quick answer. I just forgot the comma, always these stupid mistakes... Anyways, as I said before, I have two data.frames containing about 1000 rows and I would like to avoid looping through all of them... In each data.frame are coordinates (x,y,z), so every row is giving the information on one single point. I would like to calculate the distance from each point
2004 Jun 14
interrupt in Linux
Does anyone know how to interrupt R in RedHat? Neither control-c nor Esc is working. What I don't want to do is close the window or kill the entire R process. Thanks, David This communication is for use by the intended recipient and ...{{dropped}}
2007 Feb 17
reading text file not table
Hello all, I'm looking for a way to be able to read a text file into R. It's a csv file but when I do "txt <-read.table("F00.csv", header=T, sep=",")" It doesn't read the file properly, and I only get 2 columns. If I open it up in OOc or Excel it open right with 7 columns. What I would really like to do is read the file as text and then split it and
2005 Aug 16
Conditional Matrices
This seems like a simple problem but I can't figure it out: I have two identical DIMENSION matrices. Both contain only binary values NOT identical between matrices. What I want to do: If in cell (1,1) the value in the first matrix (x) equals 1, then I keep the value in cell (1,1) in the second matrix (y). If in cell (1,1) the value in the first matrix (x) equals 0, then I change the value
2005 Sep 29
Select varying LS digits in long numbers?
Hi Folks, I'm trying to find a neat solution to an apparently simple problem, but one which turns out to be a bit more intricate and tricky than one might expect. Suppose I have numbers given to a large number of digits. For example 1234567021 where (though I don't know this beforehand) only the last 3 digits will be varying (and all 3 will vary). What I want is, give a vector x of
2009 May 15
replace "%" with "\%"
Dear all, I'm trying to gsub() "%" with "\%" with no obvious success. > temp1 <- c("mean", "sd", "0%", "25%", "50%", "75%", "100%") > temp1 [1] "mean" "sd" "0%" "25%" "50%" "75%" "100%" > gsub("%",
2008 Apr 17
Suggestion: add a warning in the help-file of unique()
Hello I'm sorry if this suggestion/correction was already made but after a search in devel list I did not find any mention of it. I would just suggest to add a warning or an exemple for the help-file of the function unique() like "Note that unique() compares only identical values. Values which, are printed equally but in facts are not identical will be treated as different."
2005 Nov 27
Counting the occurence of each unique "charecter string"
LS, I would really like to know how to count the frequency/occurrence of chachters inside a dataset. I am working with extreemly large datasets of forest inventory data with a large variety of different species inside it. Each row inside the dataframe represents one individual tree and the simplified dataframe looks something like this: num species dbh 1 sp1
2005 Nov 27
Counting the occurence of each unique "charecter string"
LS, I would really like to know how to count the frequency/occurrence of chachters inside a dataset. I am working with extreemly large datasets of forest inventory data with a large variety of different species inside it. Each row inside the dataframe represents one individual tree and the simplified dataframe looks something like this: num species dbh 1 sp1
2004 Apr 19
New unique name
In some languages there is a function gensym() which returns a new unique name (in the current environment). This is quite helpful when one has to do temporary assignments. I could not find such a function in R. Is there one? -- Erich Neuwirth, Computer Supported Didactics Working Group Visit our SunSITE at Phone: +43-1-4277-38624 Fax: +43-1-4277-9386
2012 Jul 30
Turning off continuation prompt?
Greetings All. My apologies for a question whose answer is probably readily available somewhere (for some interpetation of "somewhere") ... Say I have just typed (from a sheet of paper) several lines into the R command-line, and what I see is: > chisq.test(matrix(c(3,6,3,4,4, + 4,1,4,6,5, + 2,7,4,2,5, + 8,2,4,4,2, +
2005 Jan 04
quantiles for geometric distribution
Dear list, I have got an array with observational values t and I would like to fit a geometric distribution to it. As I understand the geometric distribution, there is only one parameter, the probability p. I estimated it by 1/mean(t). Now I plotted the estimated density function by plot(ecdf(t),do.points=FALSE,col.h="blue"); and I would like to add the geometric distribution. This
2004 Jan 12
? data.entry "read-only" ?
Hi Folks, The spreadsheet-like layout displayed when 'data.entry' is invoked is very useful simply for legible display of data, quite apart from its intended use for the purpose of entering or editing data. If one wants to use it _simply_ as a display device, so that one can look around inside a data-set while working on it, then it is not a good idea to have its _editing_ capabilities
2008 Nov 24
how to test for the empty set
Dear R-help, I first thought that the empty set (for a vector) would be NULL. x <- c() x However, the documentation seems to make clear that there _many_ empty sets depending on the vector's mode, namely, numeric(0), character(0), logical(0), etc. This is borne out by y <- letters[1:3] z <- letters[4:6] intersect(y,z) which, of course, is non-NULL: is.null(character(0)) #
2007 Sep 25
Who uses R?
Dear R users, I have started work in a Statistics government department and I am trying to convince my bosses to install R on our computers (I can't do proper stats in Excel!!). They asked me to prove that this is a widely used software (and not just another free-source, bug infected toy I found on the web!) by suggesting other big organisations that use it. Are you aware of any reputable
2008 Feb 02
Question in R
HI, can anybody help me how to observe or read the output of an r command pagewise? (E.g. to make a break after the first page of output data and then continue by putting a key on the console) Thanks a lot. Oliver [[alternative HTML version deleted]]