similar to: GLM fitting

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "GLM fitting"

2005 Jan 13
Hi, you can address to a single ts in a multivariate ts object by namets[,index]. See this example: > dati X Y 1 100 200 2 150 210 3 180 220 4 200 230 5 220 250 > serie<-ts(dati,start=1999) > serie Time Series: Start = 1999 End = 2003 Frequency = 1 X Y 1999 100 200 2000 150 210 2001 180 220 2002 200 230 2003 220 250 > serie[,1] ## first ts Time Series: Start =
2004 Nov 10
Loading some function at R startup
Dear R-users, I've built these functions usefell for me to import/export data from/to Excel: importa.da.excel<-function(){read.delim2("clipboard", dec=",") ## questa funzione consente di importare dati da Excel in R ## selezionare in Excel le celle che contengono i dati, ## compresi in nomi delle colonne ## Autore: Vito Ricci email:vito_ricci at ## Data di
2004 Jul 07
Daily time series
Hi, I'm dealing with time series with 1 observaton for day (data sampled daily). I will create a ts object using that time series and the function ts(). In ts() help is written: The value of argument 'frequency' is used when the series is sampled an integral number of times in each unit time interval. For example, one could use a value of '7' for 'frequency' when
2005 Jan 25
Fitting distribution with R: a contribute
Dear R-useRs, I've written a contribute (in Italian language) concering fitting distribution with R. I believe it could be usefull for someones. It's available on CRAN web-site: Here's the abstract: This paper deals with distribution fitting using R environment for statistical computing. It treats briefly some
2005 Jan 11
Kolmogorov-Smirnof test for lognormal distribution with estimated parameters
Hello all, Would somebody be kind enough to show me how to do a KS test in R for a lognormal distribution with ESTIMATED parameters. The R function ks.test()says "the parameters specified must be prespecified and not estimated from the data" Is there a way to correct this when one uses estimated data? Regards, Kwabena. -------------------------------------------- Kwabena Adusei-Poku
2005 Jul 08
Orthogonal regression
Dear R-Users, is there any statement to fit a orthogonal regression in R environment? Many thanks in advance. Best regards, Vito Diventare costruttori di soluzioni Became solutions' constructors "The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific learning process." George E. P. Box "Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient
2005 Jan 13
chisq.test() as a goodness of fit test
Dear R-Users, How can I use chisq.test() as a goodness of fit test? Reading man-page I?ve some doubts that kind of test is available with this statement. Am I wrong? X2=sum((O-E)^2)/E) O=empirical frequencies E=expected freq. calculated with the model (such as normal distribution) See: for X2 used as a goodness of fit test. Any
2004 Oct 22
Convert a list in a dataframe
Hi, I've a list containing parameters (intercepts & coefficients) of 12 regressions fitted > coeff [[1]] (Intercept) anno -427017.1740 217.0588 [[2]] (Intercept) anno -39625.82146 21.78025 ..... [[12]] (Intercept) anno 257605.0343 -129.7646 I want create a data frame with two columns (intercept and anno)using data in these list. Any help
2005 Jan 25
spearman rank test correlation
Hallo, does anybody know if there is an implementation of the Spearman rank correlation in R that gives a correct (or at least 'safe') p-value in the case of ties?? I have browsed the R-help archives but I found nothing. Thanks a lot in advance for any help, Antonino Casile
2004 Dec 09
How can I estimate parameters of probability distributions?
Hi list, I have a group of data. It looks like they follow a exponential distribution. In R, how can I esimate lamda, that is the rate in pexp, of the distribution and can I use Kolmogorov-Smirnov for hypothesis testing in such a situation? I have read the "8.2 Examing the distribution of a set of data" of "An Introduction to R" but I did not find any clues on this issue.
2004 Dec 22
MASS installation
Good evening, I need to fit experimental distributions by theoretical ones. I know that it is possible in the package MASS but I don't know how to install it. Can you help me? Thank you, Angela
2005 Jan 28
Begginer with R
Hello all, Im just beggining using R. I have read a couple of introductory documents but they are very general. Is there a document focused on classification? (this is what Ill be using R for). Examples would be just fine. Thanks in advance, Ulises
2005 Feb 03
nonparametric manova
Dear colleagues, has anyone an idea how to carry out a nonparametric manova for comparing 3 groups? Thank you for your help. Vera
2005 Feb 23
nonlinear least square fit of an unknown function
Hi, I have a set of twelve points and wonder how I can get a function that can then be used to calculate the area under the curve (most important). Thanks. Eric
2005 Feb 22
Does R has the function for garch-t, gjr-garch, qgarch and egarch
Dear all, I would like to know that R has the function for garch-t,gjr- garch,qgarch and egarch. Best Regards, Luck
2004 Jul 21
Testing autocorrelation & heteroskedasticity of residuals in ts
Hi, I'm dealing with time series. I usually use stl() to estimate trend, stagionality and residuals. I test for normality of residuals using shapiro.test(), but I can't test for autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. Is there a way to perform Durbin-Watson test and Breusch-Pagan test (or other simalar tests) for time series? I find dwtest() and bptest() in the package lmtest, but it
2005 Feb 22
estimate the parameter of exponential distribution, etc.
Given a numeric vector of observations, does R have any generic way to estimate the parameters of commonly used distributions (exponential, gamma, etc.) without numerically optimizing the likelihood function? Thanks, David _______________________________________ David R. Bickel Research Scientist Pioneer Hi-Bred International Bioinformatics & Exploratory Research 7250
2005 Jan 17
Skewness test
Hi, is there a test for the H0 skewness=0 (or with skewness as test statistic and normality as H0) implemented in R? Thank you, Christian *********************************************************************** Christian Hennig Fachbereich Mathematik-SPST/ZMS, Universitaet Hamburg hennig at,
2004 Nov 22
R: simulation of Gumbel copulas
Hi, I found this document, but it concerns S+. If it could interest you'll see: Cordially Vito You wrote: Dear R: Is there a function or a reference to simulate Gumbel copulas, please? Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Erin Hodgess mailto: hodgess at R version 2.0.1 windows ===== Diventare costruttori di soluzioni
2004 Oct 27
Skewness and Kurtosis
Hi, in which R-package I could find skewness and kurtosis measures for a distribution? I built some functions: gamma1<-function(x) { m=mean(x) n=length(x) s=sqrt(var(x)) m3=sum((x-m)^3)/n g1=m3/(s^3) return(g1) } skewness<-function(x) { m=mean(x) me=median(x) s=sqrt(var(x)) sk=(m-me)/s return(sk) } bowley<-function(x) { q<-as.vector(quantile(x,prob=c(.25,.50,.75)))