Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Is glm weird or am I?"
2012 Dec 02
How to re-combine values based on an index?
I am able to split my df into two like so:
dataset <- trainset
index <- 1:nrow(dataset)
testindex <- sample(index, trunc(length(index)*30/100))
trainset <- dataset[-testindex,]
testset <- dataset[testindex,-1]
So I have the index information, how could I re-combine the data using that back into a single df?
I tried what I thought might work, but failed with:
2010 Aug 03
adding FORTRAN code to a package
Dear R People:
I'm putting together another RcmdrPlugin package and need to add a
FORTRAN subroutine to speed things up a bit.
I've never added compiled code to a package.
Anyhow, I put my code into a /src directory.
Here are the statements:
* using log directory 'c:/R/R-2.11.1/bin/RcmdrPlugin.push.Rcheck'
* using R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)
* using session charset:
2009 Oct 12
Binding objects with a similar name
Dear R users,
The code below splits a dataset by "target_species" and then further splits
each target species group by year. Finally the sum of a variable called
"total_hook_num" is calculated and then assigned a name based on
for(i in newsplit){
2012 Jan 10
importing S3 methods with importFrom
In my own package, I want to use the default S3 method of the generic
function lrtest() from the lmtest package. Since I need only one
function from lmtest, I tried to use importFrom in my NAMESPACE:
importFrom(lmtest, lrtest)
However, this fails R CMD check in the examples:
Error in UseMethod("lrtest") :
no applicable method for 'lrtest' applied to an object of class
2008 Jan 28
(no subject)
Hi all
I am trying to generate a normal unbalanced data to estimate the coefficients of LM, LMM, GLM, and GLMM and their standard errors. Also, I am trying to estimate the variance components and their standard errors. Further, I am trying to use the likelihood ratio test to test H0: sigma^2_b = 0 (random effects variance component), and the t-test to test H0:mu=0 (intercept of the model Yij = mu
2018 Feb 14
Unexpected behaviour in rms::lrtest
One of my teaching assistants was experimenting and encountered
unexpected behaviour with the lrtest function in the rms package. It
appears that when you have a pair of non-nested models that employ an
RCS, the error checking for non-nested models appears not to work.
Here is a reproducible example.
> library(rms)
Loading required package: Hmisc
Loading required package: lattice
2009 Apr 03
Trouble extracting graphic results from a bootstrap
I'm trying to extract a histogram over the results from a bootstrap. However
I keep receiving the error message "Error in hist.default(boot.lrtest$ll,
breaks = "scott") : 'x' must be numeric".
The bootstrap I'm running looks like:
> boot.test <- function(data, indeces, maxit=20) {
+ y1 <- fit1+e1[indeces]
+ mod1 <- glm(y1 ~ X1-1, maxit=maxit)
2008 Mar 07
confused about CORREP cor.LRtest
After some struggling with the data format, non-standard in
BioConductor, I have gotten cor.balance in package CORREP to work. My
desire was to obtain maximum-likelihood p-values from the same data
object using cor.LRtest, but it appears that this function wants
something different, which I can't figure out from the documentation.
Briefly, my dataset consists of 36 samples from 12
2009 Jul 14
How does logLik(lm(...)) find the maximum log likelihoods
Hi. Thanks for your help with my previous question (comparing two lm() models with a maximum likelihood ratio test)
I had a look at lrtest from the package lmtest as it has been suggested to me, but I am not 100% sure if that is the right thing to do ...
lrtest uses the same log likelihoods as you can extract by hand from lm() with logLik - are this the maximum log likelihoods? How does R
2007 Apr 05
about systemfit
Hello. I am still a newbie in R. Excuse me if I am asking something obvious. My efforts to get an answer through browsing the mailing archives failed. I want to perform an augmented Dickey-Fuller test and to obtain AIC and BIC and to be able to impose some linear restrictions on the ADF regression so as to decide the correct order of autoregression. However I could find no obvious way to impose
2017 Dec 14
permutation test for Cox proportional hazards regression model
I would like to perform a permutation test for Cox proportional hazards
regression model. I only find it for t-test and other tests (e.g. comparing
two medians).
Is there a way that I can perform a Cox PH model in R or SAS for the
I am doing the following
B <- 1000; LRtestx <- rep(NA,B);
Srv <- Surv(Time, Event);
for(j in 1:B){ LRtestx[j] <-
2011 Jun 01
Replacing variables in one dataset with those from another
Hoping someone out there can help me...this seems like an easy task but I
can't figure it out...
I want to replace variables in one dataset (Dataset1) with a variable from
another dataset (Dataset2).
All the values for variables x1 and x2 in Dataset1 have a unique match to
the variable uniquenum in Dataset2. For example, in Dataset1 grpnum A has a
value of 343 for variable x1. In Dataset2,
2008 Apr 15
Predicting ordinal outcomes using lrm{Design}
Dear List,
I have two questions about how to do predictions using lrm, specifically
how to predict the ordinal response for each observation *individually*.
I'm very new to cumulative odds models, so my apologies if my questions are
too basic.
I have a dataset with 4000 observations. Each observation consists of
an ordinal outcome y (i.e., rating of a stimulus with four possible
2013 Apr 19
NAMESPACE and imports
I am cleaning up the rms package to not export functions not to be called
directly by users. rms uses generic functions defined in other packages.
For example there is a latex method in the Hmisc package, and rms has a
latex method for objects of class "anova.rms" so there are anova.rms and
latex.anova.rms functions in rms. I use:
2009 Apr 15
Cross-Validation for Zero-Inflated Models
Hi all
I have developed a zero-inflated negative binomial model using the
zeroinfl function from the pscl package, which I have carried out model
selection based on AIC and have used likelihood ratio tests (lrtest from
the lmtest package) to compare the nested models [My end model contains
2 factors and 4 continuous variables in the count model plus one
continuous variable in the zero-inflated
2009 May 12
Trouble with parametric bootstrap
I'm having trouble understanding how to construct a random number generator
for a parametric bootstrap. My aim is to bootstrap a Likelihood Ratio
statistic (under the null) for a linear model. The function at this point
is given by
boot.test.n01 <- function(data, indeces, maxit=20) {
y1 <- fit1+se(e2)*rnorm(314)
mod1 <- glm(y1 ~ X1-1, maxit=maxit)
y2 <-
2014 Jun 19
Restrict a SVAR A-Model on Matrix A and Variance-Covariance-Matrix
Hello folks!
I'm using R-Package {vars} and I'm trying to estimate an A-Model.
I have serious problems regarding the restrictions.
1) My A-Matrix needs (!) to have the following form:
# 1 NA NA NA
# 0 1 NA NA
# 0 0 1 NA
# 0 0 0 1
That is done in R by:
A_Matrix <- diag(4) # main diagonal = 4 restrictions
A_Matrix [1, 2] <- NA #
A_Matrix [1, 3] <- NA #
2009 Jul 26
Version 0.7 of package tsDyn, nonlinear time series
Version 0.7 of package tsDyn presented at useR! 2009 is now on CRAN,
extended with several new features.
The package tsDyn is aimed at estimating nonlinear time series models
which exhibit regime specific properties. The regime switching dynamics
can either be described by smooth transition (STAR and LSTAR) or
threshold effects (SETAR). The package furthermore offers nonlinear
2009 Jul 26
Version 0.7 of package tsDyn, nonlinear time series
Version 0.7 of package tsDyn presented at useR! 2009 is now on CRAN,
extended with several new features.
The package tsDyn is aimed at estimating nonlinear time series models
which exhibit regime specific properties. The regime switching dynamics
can either be described by smooth transition (STAR and LSTAR) or
threshold effects (SETAR). The package furthermore offers nonlinear
2007 Feb 20
Problems with obtaining t-tests of regression coefficients applying consistent standard errors after run 2SLS estimation. Clearer !!!!!
First I have to say I am sorry because I have not been so clear in my
previous e-mails. I will try to explain clearer what it is my problem.
I have the following model:
In this model the variable Sc is endogenous and the rest are all objective
exogenous variables. I verified that Sc is endogenous through a standard
Hausman test. To determine this I defined before a new