Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches similar to: "Specification of factorial random-effects model"
2012 Feb 06
multiple comparisons in nested design
Dear professors and collegues
I need to perform a analysis of dates from a nested experimental design.
"Bioestatical Analysis" of Zar
"Bimetry of Sokal" & Rohlf
"Design and Analysis of Experiments" of Montgomery
I have:
Sum (mean(x)_i - mean(x)_T)2 / (a-1) -> var(epsilon) + n sigma2_B + n b
(sum alfa_i)2 / (a-1)
Sum (mean(x)_ij - mean(x)_i)2 /
2012 Feb 04
Comparaciones múltiples en ANOVA anidadp
Dispongo de un experimento en el que cinco tratamientos ha sido
aplicados a cinco grupos de voluntarios.
En cada grupo había tres personas y a cada persona se le tomaron 3 medidas,
En total dispongo de 45 medidas, pero evidentemente no son
independientes entre sí. Si no tomo en cuenta que las medidas de la
misma persona son más parecidas entre sí (bloques anidados) estaría
incurriendo en
2012 Apr 20
Problem with Tukey test
I'm new using R im trying to do a tukey test, but when i see the results the
p value results in NA im guessing its because i have missing values but im
not sure how to fix it
AnovaModel.2 <- aov(area ~ trat, data=apilados)
> summary(AnovaModel.2)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
trat 4 11847 2961.76 9.9905 1.500e-06 ***
Residuals 76 22531 296.46
2009 Oct 19
access elements of summary.aov?
Dear all
How do I access individual elements of a "summary.aov" object?
> data(iris)
> AnovaModel.1 <- aov(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data=iris)
> tmp <- summary(AnovaModel.1)
> tmp
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Species 2 63.2 31.6 119 <2e-16 ***
Residuals 147 39.0 0.3
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01
2010 Aug 31
anova and lm results differ
Dear all
I have found that the two "equivalent" commands do not produce the same results.
1. (I wrote this command by hand, this is what I would do usually)
>summary(aov(eduyrs ~ cntry * edf, data=ESS1))
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
cntry 1 257 256.65 21.2251 4.243e-06 ***
edf 4 11010 2752.42 227.6296 <
2006 Jan 13
Syntax for linear mixed model
The syntax below works, and gives the expected results, in R version 2.0.0,
provided that I have loaded packages Matrix, latticeExtra and lme4.
However, I cannot get it to work in version 2.2.1. Can anyone tell me how
to fit this model in the more recent version?
Thanks in anticipation,
Nick Galwey
barleyprogeny.model1lme <- lme(yield_g_m2 ~ 1,
data =
2005 Feb 05
Labelling and formatting of graphics
In the output of the code below, I want to do the following:
- get hats over some of the betas
- get the polygons stippled, not coloured grey
- remove the tick marks at the ends of the axes. If I put tick =
false, the whole axis disappears.
betahat <- c(0.04*0:150)
betahatdens <- dnorm(betahat, 3, 1)
plot(betahat, betahatdens, xlim = c(-0.2, 6.2),
2007 Oct 17
problem with anova() and syntax in lmer
Dear R user
I have 2 problems with lmer.
The statistical consultance service of my university has recomended to me to
expose those problems here.
Sorry for this quite long message.
Your help will be greatly appreciated...
Gilles San Martin
1) anova()
I fit a first model :
model1 <- lmer(eclw~1 + density + landsc + temp + landsc:temp + (1|region) +
(1|region:pop) + (1|region:pop:family),
2006 Jan 21
Means from balanced incomplete block design
The code below is intended to analyse a textbook example of a balanced
incomplete block design:
# Data taken from pp. 219-230 in
# Cox, D.R. (1958) Planning of Experiments. John Wiley and Son, Inc. New
York. 308 pp.
day <- factor(rep(1:10, each = 3))
T <-