similar to: chi-square and error bars?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "chi-square and error bars?"

2003 Apr 22
fisher exact vs. simulated chi-square
Dear All, I have a problem understanding the difference between the outcome of a fisher exact test and a chi-square test (with simulated p.value). For some sample data (see below), fisher reports p=.02337. The normal chi-square test complains about "approximation may be incorrect", because there is a column with cells with very small values. I therefore tried the chi-square with
2011 Sep 06
"Continious Repo" vs. 'normal' Centos-Base/Updates questions
I have some questions about the "Continious Repo". Does the "Continious Repo" replace the Centos-Base/Updates repo? Is the "Continious Repo" in a standard place on the CentOS mirrors? Ie. can I just add another line to my rsync script to get this repo? It is not possible for me to just update directly off the net (I have a slow and unreliable network connection)
2013 Sep 22
Arcsine transformation
I am tryin to perform an arcsine transformation on my data containig percentages as the dep. variable. Does anyone have a code that I could use to do that? I am relatively new to R. Thanks for your help! -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2012 Sep 27
What to use for ti in back-transforming summary statistics from F-T double square-root transformation in 'metafor'
Hi Dr. Viechtbauer, I'm doing meta-analysis using your package 'metafor'. I used the 'IRFT' to transform the incident rate. But when I tried to back-transform the summary estimates from function rma, I don't know what's the appropriate ti to feed in function transf.iirft. I searched and found your post about using harmonic mean for ni to back-transform the double
2011 Apr 14
Error is assocplot
Hello, I have a contingency table showing relation between two datasets. I tried to see association among them with the assocplot, but it shows error. mosaicplot of the same data worked perfectly. Can anyone please help me. Con.table=as.matrix(Con.table) > dim(Con.table) [1] 27 27 > assocplot(Con.table,space = 0.3, + main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL) Error in
2007 Mar 13
Freeman-Tukey arcsine transformation
R-Experts: Does anyone know if there are R functions to perform the Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation and then backtransform it? Thanks, Brant Inman Mayo Clinic
2010 Jun 09
back transforming arcsine transformations in metafor
Hi everyone, I'm using the metafor package to meta-analyze a set of proportions. This is working really well for the raw proportions, but is there a way to back-transform the arcsine transformed proportions in the rma or forest functions with the atransf option? The estimates and CIs for the transformed proportions need to be back-transformed to be the sin of the estimate squared.
2011 Mar 14
Help- Fitting a Thin Plate Spline
Hi Everyone, I'm a pretty useless r-er but have data that SPSS etc doesn't like. I've managed to do GLMs for my data, but now need to fit a thin plate spline for my data (arcsine.success~date.num:clutch.size) If anyone has a bit of spare time and could come up with a bit of code I'd be very grateful- I just don't get R language! Thanks Rach -- View this message in context:
2008 Apr 30
arcsine transformation
I have been trying to preform both a bartlett's test and an arcsine transformation on some average percentage data. I've tried inputting it different ways and I keep getting the same error message: > head(workingdata) DYAD BEFORE AFTER 1 BG-FL 4.606772 5.787520 2 BG-LL 5.467503 7.847395 3 AD-MV 5.333735 11.107380 4 MM-FL 5.578708 12.063500 5 MM-MV 2.037605 6.415303 6 MM-RM
2005 Jan 27
self-written function
Dear all, I?ve got a simple self-written function to calculate the mean + s.e. from arcsine-transformed data: backsin<-function(x,y,...){ backtransf<-list() backtransf$back<-((sin(x[x!="NA"]))^2)*100 backtransf$mback<-tapply(backtransf$back,y[x!="NA"],mean)
2005 Mar 18
Cisco 7940 convert to sip
Hi! Can anybody help me with convert Cisco 7940 CallManager Phone to a SIP Phone? I have continious error in tftp log: connect from Mar 18 12:12:30 AKrasavin utftpd[10081]: peer requests OS79XX.TXT, conversion octet Mar 18 12:12:30 AKrasavin utftpd[10081]: unterminated option value in init packet Mar 18 15:12:30 AKrasavin xinetd[10068]: START: tftp pid=10080 from= Mar
2010 Jul 14
Arrange values on a timeline
I have a set of labels arranged along a timeframe in a. Each label has a timestamp and marks a state until the next label. The dataframe a contains 5 such timestamps and 5 associated labels. This means, on a continious scale between 1-100, there are 5 markers. E.g. 'abc' marks the timestampls between 10 and 19, 'def' marks the timestamps between 20 and 32, and so on. a <-
2009 May 06
Need help building combined model
I have two kind of variables. One kind where the values are continious and ranges from -1 to 5, and the other is boolean (i.e. true or false). For example: V1   V2  V3 V4 V5  V6 0.1  0.4   1    0   -1   3.7 0.4  0.1   2   -1   0    3.7 and V1  V2  V3 0     1    0 0     0    1 I want to make a model for classification, combining this two. Will it be wiser to use the second variable values
2010 Dec 20
Metafor package
I have some question about metafor package. I'm interest to perform a random effect meta-analysis of proportion (single group summary of prevalence of disease in a population as reported by different study) It ask: 1. "PFT": The Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformed proportion is reported to be equal to 1/2*(asin(sqrt(xi/(ni+1))) + asin(sqrt((xi+1)/(ni+1)))). Hovewer, i
2017 Aug 24
Are r2dtable and C_r2dtable behaving correctly?
Hello, While doing some enrichment tests using chisq.test() with simulated p-values, I noticed some strange behaviour. The computed p-value was extremely small, so I decided to dig a little deeper and debug chisq.test(). I noticed then that the simulated statistics returned by the following call tmp <- .Call(C_chisq_sim, sr, sc, B, E) were all the same, very small numbers. This, at first,
2017 Aug 25
Are r2dtable and C_r2dtable behaving correctly?
It is not about "really arge total number of observations", but: set.seed(4711);tabs <- r2dtable(1e6, c(2, 2), c(2, 2)); A11 <- vapply(tabs, function(x) x[1, 1], numeric(1));table(A11) A11 0 1 2 166483 666853 166664 There are three possible matrices, and these come out in proportions 1:4:1, the one with all cells filled with ones being most common. Cheers, Jari
2016 Apr 15
Heteroscedasticity in a percent-cover dataset
Hi, I am currently trying to do a GLMM on a dataset with percent cover of seagrass (dep. var) and a suite of explanatory variables including algal (AC) and epiphyte cover (EC), rainfall, temperature and sunshine hours. M2=glmer(SG~AC+EC+TP+SS+RF+(1|Location/fSi/fTr), family=binomial,data=data,nAGQ=1) As the dependent variable is percent cover, I used a binomial error structure. I also have a
2007 Oct 17
Error message in GAM
Hello useRs! I have % cover data for different plant species in 300 plots, and I use the ARCSINE transformation (to deal with % cover data). When I use a GLM I do not have any problem. But when I am trying to use a GAM model using mgcv package, to account for non-linearity I get an ?error message?. I use the following model: sp1.gam<-gam(asin(sqrt(0.01*SP1COVER))~
2005 Mar 03
Negative binomial regression for count data
Dear list, I would like to fit a negative binomial regression model as described in "Byers AL, Allore H, Gill TM, Peduzzi PN., Application of negative binomial modeling for discrete outcomes: a case study in aging research. J Clin Epidemiol. 2003 Jun;56(6):559-64" to my data in which the response is count data. There are also 10 predictors that are count data, and I have also 3
2011 Jul 06
Hi, I'm running a tutorial ("Meta-analyses of data from two (or more) microarray data sets"), which use wgcna package. I have an error in the function modulePreservation (it is below). I'm using R2.13 Can you help me? Do you know, what is happens? Thanks Raquel multiExpr = list(A = list(data=t(badea)),B = list(data=t(mayo))) # two independent datasets (dim = 13447 x 36) mp =