similar to: a question of mixed effect in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "a question of mixed effect in R"

2005 Jan 18
a question about linear mixed model in R
Dear all, I have a somewhat unusual linear mixed model that I can't seem to code in lme. It's only unusual in that one random effect is applied only to some of the observations (I have an indicator variable that specifies which observations have this random effect). The model is: X_hijk = alpha_h + h * b_i + r_(ij) + e_hijk , where h = 0 or 1 (indicator) i = 1, ..., N j = 1,
2005 Jun 15
need help on computing double summation
Dear helpers in this forum, This is a clarified version of my previous questions in this forum. I really need your generous help on this issue. > Suppose I have the following data set: > > id x y > 023 1 2 > 023 2 5 > 023 4 6 > 023 5 7 > 412 2 5 > 412 3 4 > 412 4 6 > 412 7 9 > 220 5 7 > 220 4 8 > 220 9 8 > ...... > Now I want to compute the
2005 Jun 14
within and between subject calculation
Dear helpers in this forum, I have the following question: Suppose I have the following data set: id x y 023 1 2 023 2 5 023 4 6 023 5 7 412 2 5 412 3 4 412 4 6 412 7 9 220 5 7 220 4 8 220 9 8 ...... and i want to calculate sum_{i=1}^k sum_{j=1}^{n_i}x_{ij}*y_{ij} is there a simple way to do this within and between subject summation in R?
2002 Dec 10
clogit and general conditional logistic regression
Can someone clarify what I cannot make out from the documentation? The function 'clogit' in the 'survival' package is described as performing a "conditional logistic regression". Its return value is stated to be "an object of class clogit which is a wrapper for a coxph object." This suggests that its usefulness is confined to the sort of data which arise in
2001 Oct 09
PROC MIXED user trying to use (n)lme...
Dear R-users Coming from a proc mixed (SAS) background I am trying to get into the use of (n)lme. In this connection, I have some (presumably stupid) questions which I am sure someone out there can answer: 1) With proc mixed it is easy to get a hold on the estimated variance parameters as they can be put out into a SAS data set. How do I do the same with lme-objects? For example, I can see the
2006 Nov 03
ANOVA in Randomized-complete blocks design
Dear all, I am trying to repeat an example from Sokal and Rohlfs "Biometry" -- Box 11.4, example of a randomized-complete-blocks experiment. The data is fairly simple: series genotype weight 1 pp 0.958 1 pb 0.985 1 bb 0.925 2 pp 0.971 2 pb 1.051 2 bb 0.952 3 pp 0.927 3 pb 0.891 3 bb 0.892 4
2006 Nov 21
Fitting mixed-effects models with lme with fixed error term variances
Dear R users, I am writing to you because I have a few question on how to fix the error term variances in lme in the hope that you could help me. To my knowledge, the closest possibility is to fix the var-cov structure, but not the whole var-cov matrix. I found an old thread (a few years ago) about this, and it seems that the only alternative is to write the likelihood down and use optim or a
2011 Jan 03
Greetings. I have a question with mixed beta regression model in nlme.
*Dear R-help: My name is Rodrigo and I have a question with nlme package in R to fit a mixed beta regression model. The details of the model are: Suppose that:* *j in {1, ..., J}* *(level 1)* *i in {1, ..., n_j}* *(level 2)* *y_{ij} ~ Beta(mu_{ij} * phi_{ij}; (1 - mu_{ij}) * phi_{ij}) y_{ij} = mu_{ij} + w_{ij} * *with* *logit(mu_{ij}) = Beta_{0i} + Beta_{1i} * x1_{ij} + b2 * x2_{ij}
2011 Jan 03
Greetings. I have a question with mixed beta regression model in nlme (corrected version).
*Dear R-help: My name is Rodrigo and I have a question with nlme package in R to fit a mixed beta regression model. I'm so sorry. In the last email, I forgot to say that W is also a unknown parameter in the mixed beta regression model. In any case, here I send you the correct formulation. ** Suppose that:* *j in {1, ..., J}* *(level 1)* *i in {1, ..., n_j}* *(level 2)* *y_{ij} ~
2010 Dec 27
Fitting mixed effects Baseline category logit models
Hello everyone, I want to fit a baseline category logit model (with 3-4 categories) with nested random effects. (For example, I have clusters(i) and households within clusters (j) resulting in the nested random effects structure : b_i +d_j(i)). Is there a R function/package that I can use ? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks and regards, Dhiman Bhadra [[alternative HTML version
2012 Jul 03
need help EM algorithm to find MLE of coeff in mixed effects model
Dear All, have a general question about coefficients estimation of the mixed model. I simulated a very basic model: Y|b=X*\beta+Z*b +\sigma^2* diag(ni); b follows N(0,\psi) #i.e. bivariate normal where b is the latent variable, Z and X are ni*2 design matrices, sigma is the error variance, Y are longitudinal data, i.e. there are ni
2009 Nov 07
solution design for a large scale (> 50G) R computing problem
Hi, I am tackling a computing problem in R that involves large data. Both time and memory issues need to be seriously considered. Below is the problem description and my tentative approach. I would appreciate if any one can share thoughts on how to solve this problem more efficiently. I have 1001 multidimensional arrays -- A, B1, ..., B1000. A takes about 500MB in memory and B_i takes 100MB. I
2007 Apr 12
LME: internal workings of QR factorization
Hi: I've been reading "Computational Methods for Multilevel Modeling" by Pinheiro and Bates, the idea of embedding the technique in my own c-level code. The basic idea is to rewrite the joint density in a form to mimic a single least squares problem conditional upon the variance parameters. The paper is fairly clear except that some important level of detail is missing. For
2007 Apr 12
LME: internal workings of QR factorization --repost
Hi: I've been reading "Computational Methods for Multilevel Modeling" by Pinheiro and Bates, the idea of embedding the technique in my own c-level code. The basic idea is to rewrite the joint density in a form to mimic a single least squares problem conditional upon the variance parameters. The paper is fairly clear except that some important level of detail is missing. For
2005 Sep 14
Random effect model
Dear R-help group, I would like to model directly following random effect model: Y_ik = M_ik + E_ik where M_ik ~ N(Mew_k,tau_k^2) E_ik ~ N(0,s_ik^2) i = number of study k = number of treatment --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have practiced using the command from 'Mixed -Effects models in S and S-plus'
2009 Apr 21
Changing the binning of collected data
Dear All, Apologies if this is too simple for this list. Let us assume that you have an instrument measuring particle distributions. The output is a set of counts {n_i} corresponding to a set of average sizes {d_i}. The set of {d_i} ranges from d_i_min to d_i_max either linearly of logarithmically. There is no access to further detailed information about the distribution of the measured sizes, but
2007 Aug 10
half-logit and glm (again)
I know this has been dealt with before on this list, but the previous messages lacked detail, and I haven't figured it out yet. The model is: \x_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j \alpha is a random effect (subjects), and \beta is a fixed effect (condition). I have a link function: p_{ij} = .5 + .5( 1 / (1 + exp{ -x_{ij} } ) ) Which is simply a logistic transformed to be between .5 and 1.
2009 Aug 06
solving system of equations involving non-linearities
Hi, I would appreciate if someone could help me on track with this problem. I want to compute some parameters from a system of equations given a number of sample observations. The system looks like this: sum_i( A+b_i>0 & A+b_i>C+d_i) = x sum_i( C+d_i>0 & C+d_i>A+b_i) = y sum_i( exp(E+f_i) * ( A+b_i>0 & A+b_i>C+d_i) = z A, C, E are free variables while the other
2008 Jun 02
Italics in plot main title
Hi, I am drawing several plots and want to have italics in a main title; this is easy with expression(). However, I want also to add a value to it, say n_i, that depends on an ith plot. For this I am using paste(). An example: n_i = 10, 20, 30; I want to draw a plot for each i with the title: "Relative efficiency for sample size n = n_i", where n should be in italics, and of course n_i
2013 Mar 22
Integration of vector syntax unknown
Hello, I'm very new to using R, but I was told it could do what I want. I'm not sure how best to enter the information but here goes... I'm trying to transfer the following integral into R to solve for ln(gamma_1), on the left, for multiple instances of gamma_i and variable N_i. gamma_i is, for example, (0, 0.03012048, 0.05000000, 0.19200000, 0.44000000, 0.62566845) N_i (N_1 or