similar to: x11 is not available

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "x11 is not available"

2004 Apr 14
attaching data.frame/list within a function
I'm trying to find a good way of attaching a list within a function such that the attached variables (the list's members) precede the global environment (.GlobalEnv) in the search list. Here is a non-working example using attach(), which hopefully explains better what I'm trying to do: > foo <- function(x=0, input=list(a=10)) { + attach(input) + on.exit(detach(input)) +
2003 Oct 16
Improving efficiency in "outer"-like calculation
Hello, I am doing mcmc=10000 simulations from a posterior distribution of the parameters of a mixture of K=6 normal densities. I have mcmc by K matrices simMeans, simVars and simWeights containing the simulation output: one row for each simulation, one column for each normal component of the mixture. One thing I would like to do is a plot of the posterior predictive density. In order to do that
2007 Apr 24
Matrix: how to re-use the symbolic Cholesky factorization?
I have been playing around with sparse matrices in the Matrix package, in particularly with the Cholesky factorization of matrices of class dsCMatrix. And BTW, what a fantastic package. My problem is that I have to carry out repeated Cholesky factorization of a spares symmetric matrices, say Q_1, Q_2, ...,Q_n, where the Q's have the same non-zero pattern. I know in this case one does
2002 Apr 09
readline editor
Dear all, I have a problem with the readline editor of R since it doesn't work. Setting ./configure --with-readline does not the fix the problem. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? Many thanks in advance! Peter Schlattmann -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2002 Nov 27
problem with attr()
I got this wired behaviour of the attr() function using R-1.6.1 on both linux redhat 7.3 (i386) and Solaris 8 (Sparc): > tmp <- list(id=1) > > attr(tmp,"") <- 2 > attr(tmp,"n") <- 1 > tmp $id [1] 1 attr(,"") [1] 2 attr(,"n") [1] 1 > > attributes(tmp) $names [1] "id" $ [1] 2 $n [1] 1 >
2001 Dec 20
optimizing R-1.4.0 build on Solaris; a show-and-tell storry
This is a little success story about the benefits of changing the defaults in when I was building R-1.4.0 for Solaris (on a Sun Sparc that I'm currently using). For previous versions of R, I had just used the default and not given it any thought. Since the Sun machine that I'm using is not getting any faster, I decided I would give a look when building
2001 Nov 26
R not giving memory back to system?
This might be because I didn't get it right, but; I thought R would release memory back to the system as (big) objects get removed? Here is my platform (with 1Gb of RAM): platform sparc-sun-solaris2.8 arch sparc os solaris2.8 system sparc, solaris2.8 status major 1 minor 3.1 year 2001 month 08 day 31 language R A little example: Start a new section of R, with
2000 Jun 22
'pausing' in R
I have this 'odd' problem; I need to let R pause, for a given time, before starting next iteration in a loop. I'm using the following to do this task, but feel a little bit guilty because I'm using as much CPU time as I can get while pausing: while(keepGoing) { t.end <- proc.time()[3] + 5 ## the time this loop should end at [block of R commands] while(proc.time()[3]
2003 Aug 24
regression constraints (again)
Im trying to do regressions with constraints that the weights are all >=0 and sum(weights) = 1. I've read the archive and have set the problem up with solve.QP and just the non-negativity constraints along the lines of: y as the data vector X as the design matrix D <- t(X) %*% X d <- t(t(y) %*% X) A <- diag(ncol(X)) b <- rep(0,ncol(X)) fit <-
2002 Sep 18
problem with make fullcheck on Sparc Solaris 8
I have been trying out R-1.6.0 tarballs (2002-9-10 and 2002-9-17) on: arch sparc os solaris2.8 system sparc, solaris2.8 status beta major 1 minor 6.0 year 2002 month 09 day 17 language R As you see form above, R-1.6.0 compiles fine and works. However, when I "make fullcheck" I get the following error: running code in 'tools-Ex.R' ... OK
2002 Sep 10
R 1.6.0 beta
R 1.6.0 has gone into final feature freeze as of today. As a new feature, we'll make interim beta versions available via alias (filename R-1.6.0beta_*.tar.gz, where * is the creation date). If you want to help ensure that the final 1.6.0 works satisfactorily on *your* platform, it might be a good idea to
2002 Apr 12
correlated binary random numbers
Dear all, does any of you know a source for R code for the generation of correlated binary random numbers? Thanks a lot Peter Schlattmann -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not
2002 Jun 12
How to stack the columns of matrix
Dear all, I need to stack the columns of a matrix with a variable number of columns. I am aware of new<-c(a[,1],a[,2]) if I have a matrix 'a' with e.g. two columns. For a simulation study I need to stack the matrix with a variable number of columns. Is there a way to do this? Many thanks in advance Peter
2006 Nov 14
confige error:X11 headres/libs
Can someone who uses SuSe Linux (I currently use 9.3) please tell me what I need toto to avoid the message configure: error: --with-x=yes (default) and X11 headers/libs are not available without setting --with-x=no currently my /usr/lib/X11 directory looks like this ls /usr/lib/X11 app-defaults fvwm2 nls twm XErrorDB Xmodmap Cards getconfig Options wmmount
2011 Mar 10
Problems with upscmd ACCESS-DENIED
I'm trying to execute some commands on my ups, but I keep getting ERR ACCESS-DENIED upscmd -l sinus Instant commands supported on UPS [sinus]: beeper.toggle - Toggle the UPS beeper - Turn off the load immediately load.on - Turn on the load immediately shutdown.return - Turn off the load and return when power is back shutdown.stayoff - Turn off the load and remain off shutdown.stop -
2001 Nov 20
Summary: non-negative least squares
Thank you Brian Ripley, Gardar Johannesson, and Marcel Wolbers for your prompt and friendly help! I will share any further learnings as I move through these suggestions. -Bob Abugov Brian Ripley wrote: I just use optim() on the sum of squares with non-negativity constraints. That did not exist in 1999. Gardar Johannesson wrote: You can always just use the quadratic programing library in R
2002 Oct 30
Dear all, I tried to create a groupedData object, where the grouping factor is not ordered. Here ist the code: library(nlme) test<-groupedData(conc~Time|Subject,order.groups=F, > getGroups(test) Levels: 6 < 7 < 8 < 11 < 3 < 2 < 4 < 9 < 12 < 10 < 1 < 5 I still get an ordered factor. As always thanks for your help peter
2003 Jul 11
hazard estimate
Dear list, is there a function available which provides an estimate of the hazard function based on a cox proportional hazard model? I only found the cumulative hazard and the survival function as survfit options. Thanks for your help Peter
2002 Oct 04
gnls from library nlme
Dear all, I am trying to gain some experience with the function gnls from the nlme package. I tried to model the Theophyline data by trying to model the presumed dependency of the clearance on the body weight. This is my function call of gnls: gnls(conc~SSfol(Dose,Time,lKe,lKa,lCl),data=Theoph, params=list(lKe~1,lKa~1,lCl~Wt),start=c(-2.4,0.46,-3.22,0.01)) That's been the result: Error
2002 Sep 20
problem with make on sparc solaris 8 ( R-1.6.0beta_2002-09-18.tar.gz)
This is something that I have not seen in earlier beta versions of 1.6.0: . . . ts.plot text html latex example ts.union text html latex example tsSmooth text html latex tsdiag text html latex example R_LIBS= ../../../bin/R CMD INSTALL ERROR: no packages