Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100000 matches similar to: "question on using "warning.expression""
2013 Oct 10
Help with expression()
Hi everyone,
I am hoping someone can help with my attempted use of the expression
function. I have a long series of text and variable to paste together
including a degree symbol. The text is to be placed on my scatter plot
using the mtext function.
Using expression like this:
changetext = expression(paste("Change from ",mini," to ", maxi, ":",
1999 Jul 06
eval(), expression()
Dear R-Users!
My aim is to produce boxplots without the outliers included in the
plot. I started to write a function that looks something like:
myboxplot <-function(x,fa) {
bpdata <- boxplot(x~fa,plot=FALSE)
bpnames <- names(bpdata)
for (JJ in bpnames) {
command <- paste("bpdata$",JJ,"$out <- numeric(0)",sep="");
2019 Aug 27
[Bug 1360] New: BUG: invalid expression type concat on invalid input "iifname . oifname p . q"
Bug ID: 1360
Summary: BUG: invalid expression type concat on invalid input
"iifname . oifname p . q"
Product: nftables
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86_64
OS: Debian GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
2012 Nov 14
[LLVMdev] Generating code for Sequence expression
In order to practice compiler writing, I am implementing a simple
compiler for the Tiger language. I am using llvm IR for the intermediate
Regarding llvm, I have started by reading the OCaml version of the LLVM
Tutorial, where a compiler for the kaleidoscope language is built.
The language I am implementing has a form of expression called "sequence
2012 Sep 17
Using paste to create and evaluate a variable expression
Is it possible to use "paste" to write out an expression and evaluate it?
Suppose I want to add two vectors X1 and X2, defined as follows:
X1 <- 1:6
X2 <- 6:1
If I write the following it looks like what I want but is a character:
noquote(paste(paste("X", 1, sep = ""), paste("X", 2, sep = ""), sep = "+"))
Is there a way to tell R
2005 Oct 08
Warning: condition has length > 1
Hi -
I was wondering if anyone came across a problem such as mine! I was trying
to create a user-defined function, however, the results from calling the
function are unexpected!
When passing X parameter as a single value variable (x<-c(3)), everything
works fine. However, when passing a parameter as a vector with multiple
values (as the case in my code), the 'if condition' is only
2002 Mar 14
"evaluating expression 0" bug in R-1.4.1 (PR#1385)
Full_Name: Edward J. Neafsey
Version: 1.4.1
OS: linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
R-1.4.1 failed to finish compiling building package `methods', as seen in
output from make below.
Make output:
../../../library/methods/man/methods.Rd is unchanged
make[4]: Entering directory
2004 Nov 08
can one evaluate an expression in a comment? (or insert resultsinto history?)
But that doesn't put the result into the history buffer, to be written
to a file only later when I savehistory(filename).
Bert Gunter also suggested ?capture.output and ?textConnection,
but I cannot see how to get text into the history buffer as comments,
but with evaluated expressions (values).
I know how to use paste, sink, write, etc. but nothing that I can see
inserts into the history
1998 Mar 26
S programming style & "missing(.)" [was "regarding bugs in barplot" on R-core]
[The part about S (S-plus and R being dialects of S) programming
(at the end) makes me cc'ing this to R-devel. MM]
On R-core,
>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Murrell <paul@stat.auckland.ac.nz> writes:
Paul> hi (i) the problem with the positioning of the legend in your
Paul> barplot example:
2012 Jun 15
Syntax for nls optimization function
I am working on minimization of sum of squared errors for a problem that has
2 box-constrained parameters.
I got the solution for this problem using "L-BFGS-B" method in optim
function using an R code as
res<-optim(par=c(parInit), fn=myFunction, method = c("L-BFGS-B"), lower =
parMin, upper = parMax,
2023 Jan 16
return value of {....}
I sent my prior email too quickly:
A slight addition to your code shows an important aspect of R, local vs. global variables:
x <- 137
f <- function () {
a <- x
x <- 42
b <- x
list(a=a, b=b)
When run the program produces the following:
> x <- 137
> f <- function () {
+ a <- x
+ x <- 42
2004 Jan 03
expression parsing
Hi. I've noticed a problem with the expression parsing in Asterisk. If the variable is not defined, I will get a parse error. Yeah, there are ways around it, but I would think that it should return false if 0, null, or undefined. I would change it, but I have no idea about bison and I only have very basic C skills.
There was a bug opened on this, and there was a valid work-around posted,
2005 Jan 24
using eval() with pre-built expression inside function
I'm trying to evaluate a pre-built expression using eval(), e.g.
dataset <- data.frame(y = runif(30, 50,100), x = gl(5, 6))
# one like this
mf <- expression(model.frame(y~x))
eval(mf, dataset, parent.frame())
# rather than this
eval(expression(model.frame(y~x)), dataset, parent.frame())
In the example above there is no problem, the problem comes when I try to do a similar thing
2018 May 03
Calling the curve function with a character object converted into an expression
Typo: should be NULL not NUL of course
An alternative approach closer to your original attempt is to use
do.call() to explicitly evaluate the expr argument:
w <- "1 + x^2"
do.call(curve, list(expr = parse(text = w), ylab ="y"))
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus
2010 Mar 10
expression(), mixed symbols and evaluated objects
Is it possible to mix symbols and evaluated objects inside the expression()
function ?
The following example shows what I am trying to achieve:
for (m in 1:3) {
plot(1:10); #just a place holder for the real plots
title(expression(y = m * lambda));
I want to actually evaluate the variable m but keep lambda as a symbol in
the title.
I tried to wrap an eval() around various subparts of
2004 Jun 22
SUMMARY: "elementary sapply question"
I am grateful to Andy Liaw, Douglas Grove, Brian Ripley, Tony Plate,
Dirk Eddelbuettel and Sundar Dorai-Raj all of whom got together and
drilled sense into my skull. I would like to take some effort into
explaining what the question was, that I was grappling with, and the
(nice) R way of solving the question.
My apologies: I am still a victim of too many years of writing C, so
I'm a bit dense
2005 Sep 22
I'm trying to catch all warning-messages for special handling. It seems
options (warning.expression=myfunc ()) can be used for that. However, the
question is: How can I get at the actual warning in myfunc ()? Apparently in
S, you can use .C("get_last_message") for that. Is there a similar mechanism
in R?
Thanks for your help!
2005 Sep 22
I'm trying to catch all warning-messages for special handling. It seems
options (warning.expression=myfunc ()) can be used for that. However, the
question is: How can I get at the actual warning in myfunc ()? Apparently in
S, you can use .C("get_last_message") for that. Is there a similar mechanism
in R?
Thanks for your help!
2005 Jun 22
substitute in a named expression
I have a 'named expression' like
expr <- expression(rep(1,d))
and would like to replace the argument d with say 5 without actually evaluating the expression. So I try substitute(expr, list(d=5)) in which case R simply returns expr which when I 'evaluate' it gives
Error in rep.default(1, d) : invalid number of copies in rep()
I've looked at ?substitute and
2012 Sep 27
equivalent of Stata "by construct"
I am evaluating a switch from Stata to R. I don't need to extensive Statistical methods, but the main reason I am exploring the switch is the coding flexibility in R (e.g. Stata does not support linear/quadratic programming). I have been going over the R syntax and I had a quick question:
In Stata, one has a very useful construction called "by", e.g.
by month signal: gen xxx =