similar to: muliple plots with pairs (matrix of scatter plots)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "muliple plots with pairs (matrix of scatter plots)"

2009 May 16
How to save R "clean" sessions in BATCH mode?
Thanks a lot for all of you that have reply me about opening and ending R workspaces in BATCH mode. However replies were a king general and I?m afraid I could not take the entire message from them. Therefore I chose to expose here a representative fraction of my work. I have 50 Rdata files (F1,F2,F3,F4, ,F50) with objects inside. I need to: open F1: - perform some simple operations
2005 Jan 17
pairs: altering pch options on upper and lower panel of pairwise scatter plots
Hello, I can't figure out how to use the upper.panel and lower.panel options in pairs to alter the label options for either panel independently of the other. I would like to be able to show the pairwise scatter plots for the data as they are (a vanilla pairs plot?) but separately to be able to label the points according to a factor level. It is easy enough to do this independently, but I
2011 Jan 08
3D scatter plot with projections
I want to create some 3D scatter plot with a diagonal line. In addition, I'd like to have those points plus the diagonal line projected to those three planes (xy, yz and xz). Which package can I use to achieve this, scatterplot3d or something else? Thanks, Gang [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 May 10
Passing Muliple Parameters with remote_function
<select name="media" id="media" onchange="<%= remote_function( :url => { :action => :show_performer_categories, :rate_group_id => @rate_group }, :with => "''media_id=''+this.value''" ) %>"> I''m guessing that''s wrong since WebRick does nothign when I
2006 Nov 08
Muliple SQL statements / Return percentage of rows
I''m stumped... I need to return a number of rows with the top & bottom x percentage of rows removed in mysql 4.x e.g. SELECT COUNT(*) value_count, SUM(deals.value) / COUNT(*) average_value FROM deals ORDER BY deals.value Now say that returns the sum of 100 deals, what I actually need to do is return the count & sum of rows 10-90 (i.e. the top & bottom 10% rows removed)
2011 Aug 25
plotting muliple CI ellipses for lm estimates
Hi, I have read your post about plotting multiple CI ellipses and I would like too, but I don?t know how. I would like to plot an ellipse for each group and I have slope and intercepts, but I don?t know what to put in the arguments shape and radius. CAn you help me please?
1999 May 25
Muliple partial matches with pmatch
I am using R0.64.1 under Windows 95. The help for `pmatch' states that: If `duplicates.ok' is false multiple matches will result in the value of `nomatch' being returned, and if it is true, the index of the first matching value will be returned. The help for pmatch gives the following examples: pmatch("m", c("mean",
2008 Apr 13
plotting muliple CI ellipses for EB estimates
I have empirical Bayes estimates for slopes and intercepts for a number of subjects and I would like to plot the slopes and intercepts with confidence ellipses. These ellipses would be based on the confidence intervals for the slope and intercepts (forming the major and minor axis of each ellipse), and the correlation in the slope and intercepts. The ellipse function in the car library
2013 Nov 05
How can I use muliple cores of CPU in Windows or OS X?
Dear all, I have about 50 pages of R codes and ran it in both OS X and Windows. It takes at least haft a day to have the results. The running time is not very different in both Systems. I found that R does not use all cores of CPU by default. Can anybody help me to use all cores of CPU in my programming from the beginning or through programming in both OS X and Windows? Many thanks your
2009 Oct 14
Dear all, I have two sets of data (say set1 and set2) as follow: set1 x1 x2 x3 0.30 0.43 3.88 0.38 0.59 3.53 0.30 0.42 2.12 0.33 0.53 2.12 0.30 0.47 3.76 set2 y1 y2 y3 0.32 0.47 5.18 0.23 0.26 1.06 0.42 0.65 3.88 0.28 0.38 3.76 0.35 0.47 1.41 The "pairs" function (such as pairs(~x1+x2+x3 data=set1, main="Simple Scatterplot Matrix") ) is
2008 May 22
setting specific colours for different groups of points on a scatter plot
Hi, I have a table with three columns of data, let's call these a, b and c. I have produced a scatter plot of a against b, but I would like to colour the points according to their corresponding c values. c takes the value of either 0,1,2,3 or 4 and so I would like to colour all of the points with a c value of 0 one colour, all those with a c value of 1 another colour etc. When I use
2012 Mar 14
How to use ggplot to do the binned quantile plots(one type of scatter plot)?
How to use ggplot to do the binned quantile plots(one type of scatter plot)? Hi all, I have done scatter plot: plot(x, y). Now I wanted to do binned quantile plots... can ggplot2 help me? For example, we bin x data into 10 bins. For each bin, we draw the 10 deciles of the corresponding y data in that bin as points/dots. And then accross all bins, we would like to connect the corresponding
2009 Feb 11
two scatter plots in one
Dear R users, I need to compare two scatter plots, plot(x1, y1) plot(x2, y2) and would like to plot them in the same figure. How do I do it? Thank you. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2014 Feb 28
how to draw scatter plots (etc) with streaming data
I am working with R for few weeks and I am trying to use it for my following scenario. 1)I have a java code that is receiving streaming data on a thread 2) am hoping to instantiate R some how (may use one of rjava,jri,rserv; not yet sure which one is right) 3) how can I draw scatter plot with this streaming data. Should I recreate plot with newly created data frame? If so, I am getting data at
2008 Aug 15
Pdf file size for very scatter plots
Dear all, I am plotting a scatter plot for a large sample (1e+05 ordered pairs). This produces a large (~5MB) file in a pdf or postscript terminal, and I am wondering whether there are methods for reducing the size of the resulting file so that it is easier to include it in a document. I'd rather stick with pdf or ps as I am using latex. thanks, Nazareno
2007 Aug 21
divided scatter plots
I have a data set which contains two columns. The first column is a list of countries, and the second column contains their political risk ratings. I would like to create one large plot that contains 5 different sections, each with a scatter plot. To clarify, I have divided the countries into 5 groups. For each group (continent), I would like to have the name of the continent on the x-axis, and
2009 Feb 03
pairs() help - colour histograms on diagonal
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I'd like to be able to colour histograms along the diagonal using the colours stored in colnames(d): > d black blue brown cyan 1 0.96405751 -0.02964390 -0.060147424 -0.06460070 2 -0.03614607 0.95475444 -0.152382053 -0.07767974 3 -0.07095613 -0.05884884 -0.061289399 -0.06445973 4 -0.03708223 -0.05997624
2010 Sep 27
pairs and mfrow
Is there an alternative to par(mfrow=c(2,1)) to get stacked scatterplot matrixes generated with "pairs"? I am using version 2.11.1 on Windows XP. The logic I am using follows, and the second "pairs" plot replaces the first plot in the current graphics device, which is not what I expected (or desired). par(mfrow=c(2,1)) pairs(b2007, main="6/2000 - 12/2006")
2011 Aug 24
Scatter plots, linear regression in ggplot2
Hi, Based on some modification that I did to the R Cookbook Graphs Scatterplots code, link: I have some questions and I will appreciate a help: - How do I change the legend title? - How can I change the for each linear regression its color and linetype? - How can I add for both the linear regression lines their equations and Rseq
2011 Sep 22
Bivariate Scatter Plots with Lattice
Data frame has this structure: 'data.frame': 11169 obs. of 4 variables: $ stream : Factor w/ 37 levels "Burns","CIL",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ sampdate: Date, format: "1987-07-23" "1987-09-17" ... $ param : Factor w/ 8 levels "As","Ca","Cl",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ quant : num 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01