Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "behaviour of BIC and AICc code"
2013 Apr 16
Model ranking (AICc, BIC, QIC) with coxme regression
I'm actually trying to rank a set of candidate models with an information criterion (AICc, QIC, BIC). The problem I have is that I use mixed-effect cox regression only available with the package {coxme} (see the example below).
>spring.cox <- coxme (Surv(start, stop, Real_rand) ~ strata(Paired)+R4+R3+R2+(R3|Individual), spring)
I've already found some explications in
2017 Jun 08
stepAIC() that can use new extractAIC() function implementing AICc
I would like test AICc as a criteria for model selection for a glm using
stepAIC() from MASS package.
Based on various information available in WEB, stepAIC() use
extractAIC() to get the criteria used for model selection.
I have created a new extractAIC() function (and extractAIC.glm() and
extractAIC.lm() ones) that use a new parameter criteria that can be AIC,
BIC or AICc.
It works as
2014 Jun 26
AICc in MuMIn package
I am modelling in glmmADMB count data (I´m using a negative binomial
distribution to avoid possitive overdispersion) with four fixed and one
random effect. I´m also using MuMIn package to calculate the AICc and also
to model averaging using the function dredge. What I do not understand is
why dredge calculates a different value of the AICc and degrees of freedom
than the function AICc
2009 Apr 29
I am fitting logistic regression models, by defining my own link
function, and would like to get AICc values. Using the glm command
gives a value for AIC, but I haven't been able to get R to convert
that to AICc. Is there a code that has already been written for
this? Right now I am just putting the AIC values into an excel
spreadsheet and calculating AICc, likelihood, and AIC
2006 Dec 12
Calculating AICc using conditional logistic regression
I have a case-control study that I'm analysing using the conditional
logistic regression function clogit from the survival package.
I would like to calculate the AICc of the models I fit using clogit.
I have a variety of scripts that can calculate AICc for models with a
logLik method, but clogit does not appear to use this method.
Is there a way I can calculate AICc from clogit in R?
2004 Dec 04
AIC, AICc, and K
How can I extract K (number of parameters) from an AIC calculation, both to
report K itself and to calculate AICc? I'm aware of the conversion from AIC ->
AICc, where AICc = AIC + 2K(K+1)/(n-K-1), but not sure of how K is calculated
or how to extract that value from either an AIC or logLik calculation.
This is probably more of a basic statistics question than an R question, but I
2005 Nov 03
Help on model selection using AICc
I'm fitting poisson regression models to counts of birds in
1x1 km squares using several environmental variables as predictors.
I do this in a stepwise way, using the stepAIC function. However the
resulting models appear to be overparametrized, since too much
variables were included.
I would like to know if there is the possibility of fitting models
by steps but using the AICc
2011 Sep 04
AICc function with gls
I get the following error when I try and get the AICc for a gls regression
using qpcR:
> AICc(gls1)
Loading required package: nlme
Error in n/(n - p - 1) : 'n' is missing
My gls is like this:
> gls1
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: thercarnmax ~ therherbmax
Data: NULL
Log-restricted-likelihood: 2.328125
(Intercept) therherbmax
2010 Sep 28
the arima()-function and AICc
I'm trying to fit arima models with the arima() function and I have two
##1. ##
I have n observations for my time series. Now, no matter what
arima(p,d,q)- model I fit, I always get n residuals. How is that possible?
For example: If I try this out myself on an AR(1) and calculate the
fitted values from the estimated coefficients I can calculate n-1
2011 Jul 26
nls - can't get published AICc and parameters
I'm trying to replicate Smith et al.'s
(http://www.sciencemag.org/content/330/6008/1216.abstract) findings by
fitting their Gompertz and logistic models to their data (given in
their supplement). I'm doing this as I want to then apply the
equations to my own data.
Try as a might, I can't quite replicate them. Any thoughts why are
much appreciated. I've tried contacting the
2005 Nov 02
model selection based on AICc
Dear members of the list,
I'm fitting poisson regression models using stepAIC that appear to
be overparametrized. I would like to know if there is the
possibility of fitting models by steps but using the AICc instead of
Best wishes
German Lopez
2006 Jul 12
AICc vs AIC for model selection
I am using 'best.arima' function from forecast package to obtain point forecast for a time series data set. The documentation says it utilizes AIC value to select best ARIMA model. But in my case the sample size very small - 26 observations (demand data). Is it the right to use AIC value for model selection in this case. Should I use AICc instead of AIC. If so how can I modify
2011 Oct 12
labels in a boxplot
Dear R-listers,
I have a little problem with a boxplot and I hope you can help me figuring
it out.
I'll try to make up some data to illustrate the issue. Sorry, if my
procedures look naive, but these are my first steps in R. Any comments
and/or suggestions are very welcome.
let's create a vector var1:
var1 <- rnorm(100)
and 5 five logical vectors. In this case the vectors don't
2012 May 18
Forecast package, auto.arima() convergence problem, and AIC/BIC extraction
Hi all,
I have a small line of code I'm applying to a variable which will be
placed in a matrix table for latex output of accuracy measures:
acc.aarima <- signif(accuracy(forecast(auto.arima(tix_ts,
stepwise=FALSE), h=365)), digits=3).
The time series referred to is univariate (daily counts from 12-10-2010
until 5-8-2010 (so not 2 full periods of data)), and I'm working on
2010 Aug 17
how to selection model by BIC
Hi All:
the package "MuMIn" can be used to select the model based on AIC or AICc.
The code is as follows:
lm1 <- lm(y ~ ., data = Cement)
dd <- dredge(lm1,rank="AIC")
If I want to select the model by BIC, what code do I need to use? And when
to select the best model based on AIC, what the differences between the
function "dredge" in
2013 Mar 06
Difficulty in caper: Error in phy$node.label[which(newNb > 0) - Ntip]
I'm doing a comparative analysis of mammal brain and body size data.
I'm following Charlie Nunn and Natalie Cooper's instructions for
"Running PGLS in R using caper".
I run into the following error when I create my comparative dataset,
combining my phylogenetic tree (mammaltree) and taxon measures
"Error in phy$node.label[which(newNb > 0) -
2013 Jan 08
tm: custom reader for readPlain
I have a series of newspaper articles from a Canadian newspaper database (Canadian Newsstand) that look just like below.
I've read through this vignette (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tm/vignettes/extensions.pdf) about creating a custom reader to extract meta-data, but I can't understand how to apply this in the context of a text document, rather than in the tabular format
2009 May 05
stepAICc function (based on MASS:::stepAIC.default)
Dear all,
I have tried to modify the code of MASS:::stepAIC.default(), dropterm() and addterm() to use AICc instead of AIC for model selection.
The code is appended below. Somehow the calculations are still not correct and I would be grateful if anyone could have a look at what might be wrong
with this code...
Here is a working example:
model1=lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data =
2006 Jan 03
All possible subsets model selection using AICc
Hello List,
I was wondering if a package or piece of code exists that will allow all
possible subsets regression model selection within program R. I have
already looked at step(AIC) which does not test differing combinations
of variables within a model as far as I can tell. In addition I tried
to use the leaps command, but that does not use the criterion I am
looking for. Any help or advice
2009 Feb 25
indexing model names for AICc table
hi folks,
I'm trying to build a table that contains information about a series of
General Linear Models in order to calculate Akaike weights and other
measures to compare all models in the series.
i have an issue with indexing models and extracting the information
(loglikehood, AIC's, etc.) that I need to compile them into the table.
Below is some sample code that illustrates my