Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "AUC for logistic regression [was: (no subject)]"
2004 Dec 15
(no subject)
Dear R-helper,
I would like to compare the AUC of two logistic regression models (same
population). Is it possible with R ?
Thank you
Roman Rouzier
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2005 Sep 22
Survey of ROC AUC / wilcoxon test functions
I was lately debugging parts of my 'colAUC' function in caTools package, and
in a process looked into other packages for calculating Areas Under ROC
Curves (AUC). To my surprise I found at least 6 other functions:
* wilcox.test
* AUC from ROC package,
* performance from ROCR package,
* auROC from limma package,
* ROC from Epi package,
* roc.area from verification
2010 Jan 22
Computing Confidence Intervals for AUC in ROCR Package
Dear R-philes,
I am plotting ROC curves for several cross-validation runs of a
classifier (using the function below). In addition to the average
AUC, I am interested in obtaining a confidence interval for the
average AUC. Is there a straightforward way to do this via the ROCR
plot_roc_curve <- function(roc.dat, plt.title) {
pred <-
2008 Jul 17
Comparing differences in AUC from 2 different models
I would like to compare differences in AUC from 2 different models, glm and gam for predicting presence / absence. I know that in theory the model with a higher AUC is better, but what I am interested in is if statistically the increase in AUC from the glm model to the gam model is significant. I also read quite extensive discussions on the list about ROC and AUC but I still didn't find
2011 Jun 20
AUC calculated from Epi package
Hi, I have a dataset (see attached) with 2 variables "Y" is binary, "x" is a
continuous variable. I want to calculate area under the curve (AUC) for the ROC
curve, but I got different AUC values using ROC() from Epi package vs.
rcorr.cens() from rms package:
2005 Sep 28
Fast AUC computation
I am doing a simulation with a relatively large data set (20,000
observations) for which I want to calculate the area under the Receiver
Operator Curve (AUC) for many parameter combinations. I am using the ROC
library and the following commands to generate each AUC:
rocobj=rocdemo.sca(truth = ymis, data = model$fitted.values, rule =
dxrule.sca) #generation of observed ROC object
2012 Nov 22
ROC Curve: negative AUC
Hi all,
does anyone know why the area under the curve (AUC) is negative?
I'm using ROC function with a logistic regression, package Epi.
First time it happens...
Thanks a lot!
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/ROC-Curve-negative-AUC-tp4650469.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2011 Mar 13
use of ROCR package (ROC curve / AUC value) in a specific case versus integral calculation
I would like to use the ROCR package to draw ROC curves and compute AUC
However, in the specific context of my application, the true positive
rates and false positive rates are already provided by some upstream method.
Of course, I can draw a ROC plot with the following command :
plot(x=FPrate, y=TPrate, "o", xlab="false positive rate", ylab="true
2009 May 12
ROCR: auc and logarithm plot
I am quite new to R and I have two questions regarding ROCR.
1. I have tried to understand how to extract area-under-curve value by looking at the ROCR document and googling. Still I am not sure if I am doing the right thing. Here is my code, is "auc1" the auc value?
pred1 <- prediction(resp1,label1)
perf1 <- performance(pred1,"tpr","fpr")
2011 Aug 08
Sample size AUC for ROC curves
Does anybody know a way to calculate the sample size for comparing AUC of ROC
curves against 'by chance' with AUC=0.5 (and/or against anothe AUC)?
2007 Aug 26
partial AUC and SE in R
I need to apply the Partial AUC in ROC curves. How I do this?. And I need the SE of partial AUC too.
I have been reading ?caTool, ?Epi, ?verification, ?ROC, ?ROCR, ?genefilter and more. I only see the partial AUC, but I do not the SE.
Thank you, if you can help me.
Xavier G. Ordo?ez
Doctoral Student
2011 Dec 22
randomforest and AUC using 10 fold CV - Plotting results
Here is a snippet to show what i'm trying to do.
iris <- iris[(iris$Species != "setosa"),]
fit <- randomForest(factor(Species) ~ ., data=iris, ntree=50)
train.predict <- predict(fit,iris,type="prob")[,2]
2009 Jul 13
95% Confidence Intervals for AUC - $auc.samples from the Daim Package
I am trying to perform a bootstrap estimate of classification accuracy of a logistic regression using the 'Daim' package in r using the code at the bottom of this post, this all works great and I get the .632+ misclassification accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, AUC etc etc but what I would like is to access the list of AUC for each of the bootstrap samples as I need calculate the 95%
2012 Dec 19
pROC and ROCR give different values for AUC
Packages pROC and ROCR both calculate/approximate the Area Under (Receiver Operator) Curve. However the results are different.
I am computing a new variable as a predictor for a label. The new variable is a (non-linear) function of a set of input values, and I'm checking how different parameter settings contribute to prediction. All my settings are predictive, but some are better.
The AUC i
2008 Jan 05
AUC values from LRM and ROCR
Dear List,
I am trying to assess the prediction accuracy of an ordinal model fit with
LRM in the Design package. I used predict.lrm to predict on an independent
dataset and am now attempting to assess the accuracy of these predictions.
>From what I have read, the AUC is good for this because it is threshold
independent. I obtained the AUC for the fit model output from the c score (c
2011 Jan 20
auc function
Hi, there.
Suppose I already have sensitivities and specificities. What is the quick R-function to calculate AUC for the ROC plot? There seem to be many R functions to calculate AUC.
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2008 Mar 06
calculate AUC and plot ROC in R
Hi, there:
Could someone tell me a simple function of plot ROC curve and calculate
AUC in R? My setting is very simple, a column of the true binary
response and another column of predicted probabilities.
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2008 Sep 08
ROC curve from logistic regression
I know how to compute the ROC curve and the empirical AUC from the logistic
regression after fitting the model.
But here is my question, how can I compute the standard error for the AUC
estimator resulting form logistic regression? The variance should be more
complicated than AUC based on known test results. Does anybody know a
reference on this problem?
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2013 Feb 12
AUC from ENFA model
Dear all,
I am currently running an ENFA in R using Adehabitat pkg to assess species
distribution and I am really stuck and need some help to finalize my
I run the ENFA in both original location data and pseudo-absence points
(the latter randomly generated using dismo pkg), and now I would like to
assess the performance of the ENFA, however, I am not sure about how to
tackle this. I
2008 Jun 12
About Mcneil Hanley test for a portion of AUC!
Dear all
I am trying to compare the performances of several methods using the AUC0.1
not the whole AUC. (meaning I wanted to compare to AUC's whose x axis only
goes to
0.1 not 1)
I came to know about the Mcneil Hanley test from Bernardo Rangel Tura
and I referred to the original paper for the calculation of "r" which is an
argument of the function
cROC. I can only find the