similar to: read attribute

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "read attribute"

2005 Jun 16
Sweave and sideways
Hi there, I'm rying to 'turn' an Schunk in an .Rnw file(Xemacs-21.4.13, ESS-5.2.8, R-2.1, miktex-2.4.1705). Has anyone got the isorot package to work with Sweave? JC example test.Rnw: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{Sweave} \usepackage{isorot} \rotdriver{dvips} \clockwise \title{Sweave Example 1} \author{apologies to Friedrich Leisch } \begin{document} \maketitle
2008 Jul 28
Help with a loop
HI: I need ideas on how to make this code shorter (maybe with a second loop?). The code as it is works, but in this case I only have 14 samples, but it will become insane with more, so I need a way to make it more automatic. The problem is that the output from ts1, ts2, and so on is a vector with more than one value, so I do not know how to solve this. Thanks Prenewbie The code is the
2005 Oct 31
how to optimise cross-correlation plot to study time lag between time-series?
Dear R-help, How could a cross-correlation plot be optimized such that the relationship between seasonal time-series can be studied? We are working with strong seasonal time-series and derived a cross-correlation plot to study the relationship between time-series. The seasonal variation however strongly influences the cross-correlation plot and the plot seems to be ?rather? symmetrical (max
2004 Dec 12
Re: [R-sig-finance] dates and times on Windows for fMetrics
# Here is the solution: require(fBasics) # Be sure that R is running in time zone GMT. # Set your Windows environment variable to "GMT" # Your PC Windows clock can still run in any other time zone! # My clock is now running in Zurich in Europe. Date = c("2003-10-09", "2003-10-10", "2003-10-13", "2003-10-14") Open = c(1.27, 1.25, 1.27,
2007 Oct 22
Hello R Gurus: I would like to take a character string and split at the $ sign. I thought that strsplit would do it, but here are the results: > vv [1] "whine$ts1" > vv [1] "whine$ts1" > strsplit(vv,"$") [[1]] [1] "whine$ts1" Does anyone have any suggestions, please? Thanks, Edna Bell
2013 Aug 29
Calculation with Times Series
HI, May be this helps: ?ts1<- ts(1:20) ?ts2<- ts(1:25) ts1[-(1:3)]<- ts1[-(1:3)]+ts2[1:17] ?as.numeric(ts1) # [1]? 1? 2? 3? 5? 7? 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 A.K. Hey everyone, I`m an absolut beginner in R and need some help for an exercise: I want to do ordinary calculations with 2 time series. The issue with this, that I want to use different elements of time
2013 Aug 06
Error in building pdf manual with Rtools
Dear list, I am trying to produce a pdf manual using Rtools (version on Windows 8 (64-bit). I am also aware of the inconsolata issue posted in the forum (, and then I have installed the patched version of R-3.0.1. However I still have some errors with the following message: R CMD Rd2pdf mypack Hmm ... looks like a package
2008 Mar 31
concatenating two successive time series
Dear Helpers, I am looking for methods and tools to compare and then to concatenate two successive time series. They are both in the same frequency and they describe one phenomena. There is no time gap between them. The problem is that the method of measurements has changed between both time series and they are no statistically the same. I would like to merge them to receive one homogeneous
2003 Feb 10
Duplicate name error when joining XP to Samba domain
Hi, I'm having problems trying to join my XPpro boxes to a Samba (2.2.7a) domain. I was able to get 1 XP box to join (the very first one) but the rest complain about a duplicate name on the network just after I enter the root/pw when joining the domain. None of the smb user names are in common with the machine names. The NT4 workstations have no problem joining the samba domain. All
2005 Apr 26
Time alignment of time series
One thing that has given me trouble is the fact that the time series implementation in the class ts relies on the concept of a "start" to the time series. For example, if I have ts1 <- ts(c(1,2,3)) dts1 <- diff(ts1) then dts1 will be a vector c(1,1) but with the attribute start = 2. Similarly, when one takes lags the "start" is moved around and the underlying vector
2010 Nov 05
prob with legend in my plots!
Hi, I have a problem with the appearance of legend in my plots. If I specify the legend positions in characters like "topright"..etc, it appears, if i specify it in terms of coordinates like "-1, 1" .. etc, it does not appear. Can anyone help me with this? script - <- as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep="-")) ts1.n.e3 <- ts(data.nemr.e3[,3]) z1.n.e3
2007 Aug 23
Estimate Intercept in ARIMA model
Hi, All, This is my program ts1.sim <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = c(0.7)), n = 200) ts2.sim <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = c(0.5)), n = 200) tdata<-ts(c(ts1.sim[-1],ts2.sim[-1])) tre<-c(rep(0,200),rep(1,200)) gender<-rbinom(400,1,.5) x<-matrix(0,2,400) x[1,]<-tre x[2,]<-gender fit <- arima(tdata, c(1, 1, 0), method = "CSS",xreg=t(x))
2008 May 25
n Realizations of a Stochastic Process assigned to dynamically generated variable names?
I am interested in creating multiple (say 1000) time series, from a given stochastic process, of length 250. I want to refer to each realization with its own variable name, of the format say, tsn, where n is the n'th simulation. i.e. ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, .... , ts1000 The way I am thinking of doing this is placing the following code within another loop, and the 'tsn' assignment should
2009 Jan 27
Can I create a timeDate object using only year and week of the year values?
For a model I am working on, I have samples organized by year and week of the year. For this model, the data (year and week) comes from the basic sample data, but I require a value representing the amount of time since the sample was taken (actually, for the purpose of the model, it is sufficient to use the number of weeks from the middle of the sample week to the present). What I have found so
2011 Jul 04
[R-SIG-Finance] FinCenter in timeSeries with "merge", "cbind" and "rbind"
Hi R users: When I try to merge or bind (cbind or rbind) two series, both with a "FinCenter" different that GMT, the result is "GMT" not the original financial center? What am I doing wrong? ###################################################### require(timeSeries) getRmetricsOptions("myFinCenter") setRmetricsOptions(myFinCenter = "America/Bogota")
2004 Nov 22
what package should I include to use timeDate? I want to convert a double (num of millis) into date object.
2007 Dec 02
HA Xen cluster live migration
Hello, We have successfully implemented a 2-node HA Xen cluster with DRBD, LVM and heartbeat, that can do live migration. I wrote up some details here: I''d like to say thank you to all the people writing these great software. -- Takeshi _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2007 Dec 02
HA Xen cluster live migration
Hello, We have successfully implemented a 2-node HA Xen cluster with DRBD, LVM and heartbeat, that can do live migration. I wrote up some details here: I''d like to say thank you to all the people writing these great software. -- Takeshi _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2008 May 15
plotting predictions
I have the following model: m1.dis=arima(diff(diff(log(ts1),lag=12)),order=c(0,1,1),seasonal=list(order=c(0,1,1),period=12)) I would like to know how to plot the correct predictions in the original units because I am trying the following code but it is not working. I believe that there must be something to account for the differencing.
2009 Jul 08
A Lattice Question
To the Lattice expert - I am new to the lattice package and I would like to add a curve to the xyplot(). I know that I need to use panel function to add it. But it doesn't work. Is there anyone can help me out on how to transfer the data into the function? The following is my code and I would like to add lines for xx,yy xx <- seq(0,1,length = 100); yy <-