similar to: graphs - saving and multiple

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "graphs - saving and multiple"

2002 Dec 20
Getting graphs into LaTeX
Hello ALL: I ran with success the following commands in R getting a file saved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ postscript() postscript('~/data/st202/2003/lecture00/lecture00-graph-01.eps', horizontal = FALSE, height = 6, pointsize = 10) hist(trial.outcome.5, breaks = 5, main = '1000 Replications of 5 Trials of a
2005 Feb 17
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : numeric envir arg not of length one
I am working with a largish dataset of 25k lines and I am now tying to use predict. pred = predict(cuDataGlmModel, length + meanPitch + minimumPitch + maximumPitch + meanF1 + meanF2 + meanF3 + meanF4 + meanF5 + ratioF1ToF2 + rationF3ToF1 + jitter + shimmer + percentUnvoicedFrames + numberOfVoiceBreaks + percentOfVoiceBreaks + meanIntensity + minimumIntensity + maximumIntensity +
2012 May 20
Histograms with bin proportions on the y-axis
I have what is probably a simple problem. I have a data file from an MCMC Bayes estimation problem that is a vector of 500,000 numeric values (just one variable) ranging from 100,000 to 700,000. I need to display the histogram of this data in a high quality graphic for a figure in a journal publication. I want 100 bins so as to display a reasonable complete and smooth histogram, and I need the
2008 Nov 19
2 and plotting functions ...
I'm trying to write a simple wrapper for plotting functions to make them print to postscript, something like ploteps <- function(file, plotFunction, ...) { args <- list(bquote(...)) # prepare postscript device, args) # close postscript device } I have inserted the bquote otherwise I get a lot of numbers in the plot when I plot/hist something. But if I invoke
2009 Aug 18
ENC: postscript, options
I'm not shure but I guess that you miss a " and putted it in the wrong place! Try this: postscript("/pathto/filename.eps",horizontal=FALSE,onefile=FALSE) Hope It helps. -----Mensagem original----- De: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at] Em nome de e-letter Enviada em: segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2009 10:11 Para: r-help at
2009 Mar 02
handle graph size in eps
Hi all, I've got a density graph made with the following commands: win.graph(width=13,height=6) par ( fin=c(13,3) ,mai=c(1,1,0.5,0.5) ,mfrow=c(1,2) ,cex.axis=1.5 ,cex.lab=1.5) dens<-density(DATA1.y[2,]-mean(DATA1.y[2,]),kernel="gaussian") xlimit<-range(dens$x) ylimit<-range(dens$y) hist( DATA1.y[2,]-mean(DATA1.y[2,]) ,xlim=1.1*xlimit ,xlab=expression(q[e])
2007 Nov 12
how to run a linux syntax within an R script?
Is it possible to run a linux syntax (i.e. like i was at a linux terminal) from an R code? Just one example: Let say that I have an R code with hist(rnorm(100)) dev.copy2eps(file="Dnormal.eps") and then within the same R code, i want to convert the file 'Dnormal.eps' to 'Dnormal.pdf'. This can be achieved using at the linux terminal %epstopdf Dnormal.eps but i do
2005 May 27
logistic regression
Hi I am working on corpora of automatically recognized utterances, looking for features that predict error in the hypothesis the recognizer is proposing. I am using the glm functions to do logistic regression. I do this type of thing: * logistic.model = glm(formula = similarity ~., family = binomial, data = data) and end up with a model: > summary(logistic.model) Call:
2009 Jun 22
Help needed: Fraction for Histogram > 1 ???
I have been trying to draw histogram for my manscript and found some strange things that I could not figure out why. Using the same code listed below I have successfully draw histograms for a few figures with fraction labeled on Y axis less than 1 (acturally between 0 to 0.1). But one dataset gives the Y axis label 0 to 5 as fraction. This is not true, as fraction are less than 1, although the
2005 Apr 27
making table() work
I am trying to do some verification across a large dataset, cuData, that has 23 columns. Column 23 (similarity) is the outcome 0 or 1 and the other columns are the features. I do this: verificationglm.model <- glm(formula = similarity ~ ., family=binomial, data=cuData[1:1000,]) and produce the model: > summary(verificationglm.model) Call: glm(formula = similarity ~ ., family =
2005 Sep 20
why this postscript didn't work?
Hi, List, I used the following codes to generate ps plots but contains nothing. Would someone please point out what is wrong with my codes? Thanks a million! postscript('') par(mfrow=c(2,1)) par(mfg=c(1,1)) hist(rnorm(100),col='blue') par(mfrow=c(2,2)) par(mfg=c(2,1)) hist(rnorm(50),col='blue') par(mfg=c(2,2)) hist(rnorm(60),col='blue')
2017 May 18
Bug: floating point bug in nclass.FD can cause hist() to crash
Hello everybody, This is a bug involving functions in core R package: graphics::hist.default, grDevices::nclass.FD, and base::pretty.default. It is not yet on Bugzilla. I cannot submit it myself, as I do not have an account. Could somebody else add it for me, perhaps? That would be much appreciated. Kind regards, Sietse Sietse Brouwer Summary ------- Floating point errors can cause a data
2012 Mar 13
size of graphs when using multiple figures by row
Hi all, I have a basic question concerning graphs in R. I?m using the par() function and I?m working with multiple figures by row (mfrow) but my the hight of my figures become compressed. I have 4 rows and 2 columns (because I want to plot 8 histograms (freq = FALSE ) on it. I know I can adapt my margins with for example ?oma? and ?mai? but I don?t know how to choose the size of the figure? I
2002 Jul 26
AIX issues
Hello everyone, I have been given the task of working out a number of issues with OpenSSH for my company (Hertz). I have been following the mailing list for several days now and I'm beginning to compile a list of who is working on what. To make my task faster, it would nice if the people working on the following issues would drop me a email before I start to rewrite their code and get it
2011 May 26
Plotting device does not show all graphs
Dear All, I am creating 4 plots (files) but I could see only 3. Here is a simple code d=data.frame(age=rnorm(100,40,8),ht=rnorm(100,170,15)) tiff(file=paste("test","%03d",".tif",sep="")) datadensity(d) par(mfrow=c(1,2),mar=c(3,3,3,3)) boxplot(d$age) hist(age) PDF works fine but png and tiff seems to miss the second
2004 Jun 11
Sweave and multiple graphs
Dear list, I am using Sweave to build a small report. I want to produce a series of figures, each figure containing a number of plots and then have them included in the Sweave file. An example would be to : postscript(file = "ANCbwplot%03d.eps", onefile = FALSE, other options...) oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2)) .... do lots of plots to produce a number of eps files .... par(oldpar)
2007 Oct 23
How to avoid the NaN errors in dnbinom?
Hi, The code below is giving me this error message: Error in while (err > eps) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed In addition: Warning messages: 1: In dnbinom(x, size, prob, log) : NaNs produced 2: In dnbinom(x, size, prob, log) : NaNs produced I know from the help files that for dnbinom "Invalid size or prob will result in return value NaN, with a warning", but I am not able
2009 Nov 17
Plotting graphs using FOR loop
I have the following codes but can anyone make it shorter i.e making these FOR loop into one loop ... thanks... par(mfrow=c(2,4)) for(i in 16:23){ hist(data[,i],main=paste(colnames(data)[i],sep=""),ylab="Frequency",xlim=c(1,5),xlab="Score",ylim=c(0,100)) } png("histogram.png") par(mfrow=c(2,4)) for(i in
2008 Jun 10
Phoenix Ph1200upsb serial
Hi, i just got a Phoenix Technologies PH1200UPSB 1200va serial-port ups and it is only partially supported by bestups driver (needs manual ID or driver rewriting). It comes with a tool called UPSilon 2.1 on a CD (which worked better with TERM=linux). After [sl]tracing it i came to these results: COMMANDS : - Command: I Response: "#XPHOENIX TECH PH1200UPS VER2.00C " - Command: F
2007 Dec 21
R script to start session (without automatically finishing)
Hello R friends I am quite impressed by the power of R, I am using it only since some weeks now. But its visualizing capabilities are outstanding! But one thing I couldn't solve: I have programs producing lots of data, most times 3D. In R I am using the library rgl to visualize nicely the 3D data. What I would like to do is to write R scipts which read in a data file and show me the 3D