similar to: overlapping plots

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "overlapping plots"

2004 Mar 03
need help with smooth.spline
Dear R listers, When using smooth.spline to interpolate data, results are generally good. However, some cases produce totally unreasonable results. The data are values of pressure, temperature, and salinity from a probe that is lowered into the ocean, and the objective is to interpolate temperature and salinity to specified pressures. While smooth.spline provides excellent values at the
2005 Mar 24
help.start search
Dear R experts, When using R 2.1 under Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 with Mozilla 1.7.6 as browser, help.start() almost works correctly. When I follow one of the search result links everything is fine, but when I go back to follow another link, I find them all inactive. So I have to redo the search. Any suggestions? Thanks, Carlisle Thacker > version _ platform
2005 Sep 26
k-d tree for loess
I am exploring the use of loess for oceanographic applications and would like to plot the locations (longitude and latitude) points where the models (salinity~temperature*longitude*latitude,parametric="temperature") are fitted. Chambers and Hastie(1993) explains the locations are nodes of a k-d tree. but I cannot find anything about accessing this information. It would be useful to
2004 Nov 30
adding regression curve to xyplot
Dear R-listers, It seems that predict() behaves differently within panel.xyplot. Am I doing something stupid? Thanks, Carlisle First, without xyplot(): > lmtest <- lm(t~s,data=subset(P100,whichLon100==1 & whichLat100==1)) > lmtest Call: lm(formula = s ~ t, data = subset(P100, whichLon100 == 1 & whichLat100 == 1)) Coefficients: (Intercept) t 33.3307
2011 Nov 14
Adding units to levelplot's colorkey
How to add units (e.g. "cm") to the color key of a lattice levelplot? The plots looks fantastic, but it would be nice to indicate somewhere near the end of the color key that the values associated with its colors are in centimeters or some other physical units. The only thing I find is the possibility to specify the labels so that one explicitly includes the units. That leaves
2003 Oct 18
Oceanographic lattice plots?
R 1.8.0 on Windows XP Professional. A huge THANK YOU to the R Team for this marvelous software. I am making lattice plots of oceanographic data. The usual layout does not conform to plotting conventions that marine scientists use when depth is the independent variable. Under those conventions, plots are made with the origin at the upper left, depth on the vertical axis (increasing as it
2004 Nov 26
problem with xyplot
Dear Rlisters, When trying to indicate which data belong to which of 7 groups, the following plot shows only 5 groups: ss <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol") ss$col <- c("red","blue","green","yellow","orange","magenta","cyan") ss$pch <- format(1:7) ss$cex <- 1.2 ss <-
2013 Jan 08
error in a abline loop
Hello I have data of body length and body weight of people of different skin colors. I tried to write a code to plot body length and body weight according to the skin colors. (Thanks for Petr's advice so far.) A loop is used but an error shows up in the following code. It says: unexpected '}' in "
2012 Sep 24
boxplot of different colors
Hello, I am making a boxplot of 13 boxes. I tried to color the box using 13 colors but failed. Only red and brown were displayed. Green, blue, and grey disappeared. Please kindly advise modification after checking the code below. Thank you in advance. Elaine R code # data input dataN <-read.csv("H:/a_mig_distance_B_NB/R_data/Mig_bird_586_20120925.csv",header=T, row.names=1)
2005 Feb 17
short plots: lwd, margin and postscript behavior
Hi all. I'm working with a short plot (3x3 inches), but the results (via postscript command) are not nice. The lwd command don't affect the lines (that are very large) and the margins don't change using oma, mai, mar, ... Below I put an example. Moreover, save the graphics via postscript command isn't working well (see the attached ps). Thanks by the help, Cezar Freitas.
2004 Apr 02
Plot symbols for more than 25 groups
Is there any effective way to get distinct geometric plotting symbols and colors for plots involving more than 25 groups? Thanks. Dr. Marc R. Feldesman Professor and Chairman Emeritus Anthropology Department - Portland State University email: feldesmanm at email: feldesman at fax: 503-725-3905 "Don't knock on my door if you don't know my
2003 Jun 17
Dear R experts, I would greatly appreciate your help with R's hypertext online documentation, which I can pass on to our system manager. We are running version 1.7 on sparc-sun-solaris2.9 using netscape7 browser for displaying the help. The system is working, but there are a few frustrating details that I hope might be fixed. Here are three problems we are having: 1. When the R session
2010 Jan 20
Plot frame border to start at zero?
Hello, I am creating plots of hourly precipitation and accumulated precipitation (on different axis, see attached image). I was wondering how can I have the plot frame (black border) start at zero, it looks like it is plotted less than zero? The code I use to create the png files is below: CairoPNG(PNG_file,width=1000, height=600, pointsize=14, bg="white") opar <-
2009 Jul 09
Population pyramids
Hi, I hope somebody can help me with this issue: I am doing population pyramids using the barplot command, so in the left side I have male age structure and in the right side the female age structure. To plot the male age structure I put the data in negative numbers. Now, I want to change the sign in the bar plot in such way that I have no-sign numbers, both in left and right side of the graph. I
2010 May 06
Supressing axes 3 and 4 when using plot()
Is there a way of doing this? I'm using plot() to produce a scatter of my data, but it routinely defaults to plotting 2 sets of x axes and 2 y axes. I'd like to not plot the upper and rightmost axes. I can use 'axes=F', and then manually add axes with 'axis', but then the newly created axes do not intercept. TIA, Dan
2006 Jul 11
Misunderstanding with lines (or elsewhere)
Misunderstanding with lines(...) : I would like the y coordinate of the horizontal line to be 1/4, and also the line to begin at x=0 and end at y=1. I'm obviously missing something ... so if anybody could help. Many thanks. test = function() { bmp('test.bmp', width=100, height=100) m = matrix(0, 2, 2) par(new=T, fig = c(0,1,0,1), mai=c(0,0,0,0), mar=c(0,0,0,0),
2013 Jan 12
panel failure in xyplot
Hello I ran the code below but it said: no object "'panel.xyplot.intermediate.hh'" Please kindly advise how to modify the code. thank you. (It works with panel.bwplot.intermediate.hh) Elaine code library(HH) # data input dataN <-read.csv("H:/R_data/Mig_bird_586.csv",header=T, row.names=1) dim(dataN) dataN[1,] str(dataN) diet.code <-
2013 Jan 12
color in xyplot
Hello I want to draw a xyplot. Its dots will have three colors: red for meat, green for vegetable, and blue for both. I used the code below but could not make the dot in the same group show the same color. Please kindly advise how to modify it. Thank you. code library (lattice) diet.code <- c("Herbivore", "Omnivore", "Carnivore") Diet.colors <-
2008 Apr 22
Using the 'by' function within a 'for' loop
Dear R experts, I am sorry for sending this email again. I would imagine yesterday and maybe today, have been very busy days with the release of R v 2.7.0. I join all the R users who are very gratful for your contant work and efforts, specially knowing that you are doing this for the sake of science, without gettig any compensation for that. Having written that, I decided to send the
2008 Jun 12
controlling location of labels in axis()
Here's a naive question about axis() How do you control the location of the labels with the axis() command? In the following example: foo <- data.frame(plot.x=seq(1:3), plot.y=seq(4:6)) plot(foo$plot.x, foo$plot.y, type='n', axes=FALSE) points(foo$plot.x, foo$plot.y) axis(1, at=foo$plot.x, labels=foo$plot.x) I'd like to be able the control the y location of the labels (i.e.