Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Auxilliary args in gls"
2003 Sep 25
Error from gls call (package nlme)
I have a huge array with series of data. For each cell in the array I
fit a linear model, either using lm() or gls()
with lm() there is no problem, but with gls() I get an error:
Error in glsEstimate(glsSt, control = glsEstControl) :
computed gls fit is singular, rank 2
as soon as there are data like this:
> y1 <- c(0,0,0,0)
> x1 <- c(0,1,1.3,0)
> gls(y1~x1)
2002 Feb 12
problem plotting nls objects: couldn't find function "..."
Dear R-help,
I can't plot nls objects for some reason. The following example, taken from
help(plot.nls) illustrates the problem:
> data(Orthodont)
> fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age, Orthodont, random = ~ age | Subject)
> plot(fm1, resid(., type = "p") ~ fitted(.) | Sex, abline = 0)
Error in do.call(plotFun, as.list(args)) :
couldn't find function
2017 May 11
bug report: nlme model-fitting crashes with R 3.4.0
Dear all,
I've stumbled a similar issue with the package cluster when
compiling the 3.4.0 version with the settings of Fedora RPM specs.
Compiling R with the default setting of configure yields a version that
works for cluster... and nlme.
I did not find the exact option that was the cause of this issue
but I'm willing to help.
PS: This is the reason why R is
2005 May 17
problem with gls : combining weights and correlation structure
Dear R-users,
I hope you will have time to read me and I will try to be brief. I am also
sorry for my poor english.
I used gls function from the package nlme to correct two types of bias in my
database. At first, because my replicates are spatially aggregated, I would
like to fit a corStruct function like corLin, corSpher, corRatio, corExp or
corGaus in my gls model, and simultaneously,
2017 May 10
bug report: nlme model-fitting crashes with R 3.4.0
lme() and gls() models from the nlme package are all crashing with R.3.4.0. Identical code ran correctly, without error in R 3.3.3 and earlier versions. The behavior is easily demonstrated using one of the examples form the lme() help file, along with two simple variants. I have commented the errors generated by these calls, as well as the lines of code generating them, in the code example below.
2006 Mar 07
lme and gls : accessing values from correlation structure and variance functions
Dear R-users
I am relatively new to R, i hope my many novice questions are welcome.
I have problems accessing some objects (specifically the random effects, correlation structure and variance function) from an object of class gls and lme.
I used the following models:
yah <- gls (outcome~ -1 + as.factor(Trial):as.factor(endpoint)+
2006 May 30
Query: lme output
Dear R-Users
I have a problem accessing some values in the output from the summary of an lme fit.
I fit the model below:
ggg <- lme (ST~ -1 + as.factor(endp):Z.sas + as.factor(endp), data=dat4a,
random=~-1 + as.factor(endp) + as.factor(endp):Z.sas|as.factor(trials),
correlation = corSymm(form=~1|as.factor(trials)/as.factor(id)), weights=varIdent(form=~1|endp))
2004 Dec 01
gnls(0 error: invalid variable type
Dear R-helpers;
While using gnls() to fit a function
> Gbht0t.gnls <- gnls(h2 ~ Rht(b0, b1, b2, h1,t1, t2), data=gbht10,
+ params=list(b0 + b1 + b2 ~ Sisp -1), start=c(strssb0,strssb1,strssb2))
I encountered an error:
"Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras,
extranames, : invalid variable type "
Rht is a defined function to be
2006 Jun 01
Help: lme
Good day R-Users,
I have a problem accessing some values in the output from the summary of an lme fit.
The structure of my data is as shown below (I have attached a copy of the full data).
id trials endp Z.sas ST
1 1 -1 -1 42.42884
1 1 1 -1 48.12007
2 1 -1 -1 43.42878
2 1 1 -1
2007 Jun 25
Bug in getVarCov.gls method (PR#9752)
I am using R2.5 under Windows.
Looks like the following statement
vars <- (obj$sigma^2)*vw
in getVarCov.gls method (nlme package) needs to be replaced with:
vars <- (obj$sigma*vw)^2
With best regards
Andrzej Galecki
Douglas Bates wrote:
>I'm not sure when the getVarCov.gls method was written or by whom. To
>tell the truth I'm not really sure what
2007 Nov 02
GLS with nlme
Hello All,
This is my third time attempting to post this message. I don't see it
in the archive, so I'm guessing it is not getting through. If I am
wrong, my apologies.
I am trying to do a GLS regression, (X'V^-1X)^-1X'V^-1y, using the gls()
function from the nlme package. I have the covariance matrix V. I have
been searching for a way to specify the correlation structure
2016 Jun 04
[PATCH] Wedding gift, removing double l from auxilliary
This patch changes only strings, no program code.
It is would be nice if it goes in the 6.04 release.
Reported-by: Ady <ady-sf at hotmail.com>
How this patch was prepared, how the editting for this patch was done
Where is auxiliary written with double l?
git grep -i auxilliary
Which files are effect
git grep -li auxilliary
Changing the those files with the streaming editor
2008 Mar 27
Cannot update packages on F8
Dear All,
I have just updated R to the version 2.6.2 on F8 (with the official F8
rpm). However, when running as root the following command:
I get a bunch of errors like the ones below. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
* Installing *source* package 'nlme' ...
** libs
gcc -m32 -std=gnu99 -I/usr/include/R
2013 Sep 30
predictions in nlme without fixed covariantes
Dear all,
predict.lme() throws an error when the fixed part consists of only an intercept and using newdata. See the reproducible example below. I've tracked the error down to asOneFormula() which returns in this case NULL instead of a formula. Changing NULL instead of ~1 in that function (see below) solves the problem in the case of an intercept only model (m1). It does not solve the problem
2006 Oct 31
Compiling R packages on Ubuntu
I am unable to compile R packages from source on Ubuntu
dapper/edgy. Does anybody have an experience?
When I do install.packages("nlme",depend=TRUE), I get following error messages. Can someone help?
I get similar messages for any package I try to compile.
* Installing *source* package 'nlme' ...
** libs
gcc -I/usr/share/R/include -I/usr/share/R/include
2009 Aug 24
lme, lmer, gls, and spatial autocorrelation
Hello folks,
I have some data where spatial autocorrelation seems to be a serious
problem, and I'm unclear on how to deal with it in R. I've tried to do my
homework - read through 'The R Book,' use the online help in R, search the
internet, etc. - and I still have some unanswered questions. I'd greatly
appreciate any help you could offer. The super-super short explanation is
2006 Feb 06
question about corStruct
dear list,
I am wondering if one can find examples and/or more detailed
descriptions of modifications needed when going beyond standard
corStruct classes (i.e. those already provided for use in lme/nlme)?
When I looked at pages 238-239 of Pinheiro/Bates (2000): Mixed-effects
models in S and S-plus, I found that I would need a bit more explicit
guidance what to do for implementing a new
2005 Jul 31
Updating to nlme 3.1-62 failing from source (OS X)
R Version 2.1.1 (2005-06-20); R Cocoa GUI 1.12 (1622); Mac OS X
10.4.2 (8C46)
For nlme, the R package installer for CRAN (binaries) gives 3.1-60 as
Repository Version as well as Installed Version.
For CRAN (sources) it gives 3.1-62 as Repository Version and 3.1-60
as Installed Version.
When I try to update nlme, I get
* Installing *source* package 'nlme' ...
** libs
2013 Jan 22
ordering in 'gnls' with 'corCompSymm' corStruct
Dear R-devel members,
While writing a new correlation structure similar to 'corCompSymm' and
intended to be used with 'gnls', I got puzzled with the 'Initialize' method.
Using 'Initialize' before 'gnls' may be regarded as a mean to set an
initial value for the corStruct parameter. However 'gnls' does not work
properly with a
2008 Apr 05
bug? nlme 3.1-88 compilation under linx
>From http://bugs.r-project.org/cgi-bin/R:
If you are not sure whether you have observed a bug or not, it is a good
idea to ask on the mailing list R-Help by sending an e-mail to
r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch rather than submitting a bug report.
I'm wondering whether to submit a bug report on this: