Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "integration problem"
2002 Apr 20
integration of a discrete function
Dear R list
I am looking for a function in R that computes the integration of a
discrete curve, such as a power spectrum, in a specified interval (in my
case, that would be 'power in a certain frequency band'). I found only
functions, such as 'integrate', that perform adaptive quadrature on
analytic functions, and not on a curve specified as a set of (x,y) pairs.
I have the
2006 Jul 19
Fitting a distribution to peaks in histogram
Hello list!
I would like to fit a distribution to each of the peaks in a histogram, such
as this: http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7029/2724/1600/DU145-Bax3-Bcl-xL.png
The peaks are identified using Petr Pikal peaks function (
http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/Rhelp02a/archive/33097.html), but after that
I am quite stuck.
Any idea as to how I can:
Fit a distribution to each peak
Integrate the
2010 Nov 09
Help with Iterator
Dear Experts,
The following is my "Iterator". When I try to write a new function with
itel, I got error.
This is what I have:
> supDist<-function(x,y) return(max(abs(x-y)))
> myIterator <- function(xinit,f,data=NULL,eps=1e-6,itmax=5,verbose=FALSE) {
+ xold<-xinit
+ itel<-0
+ repeat {
+ xnew<-f(xold,data)
+ if (verbose) {
+ cat(
2007 Jan 26
Using functions within functions (environment problems)
Hi everyone,
I've been having difficulty writing wrapper functions for some
functions where those same functions include other functions with
calls where the environment is specified. A very simple example using
function lmer from lme4:
lmerWrapper <- function(formula, data, family = gaussian, method =
"ML", "PQL", "Laplace",
2009 May 15
Using column length in plot gives error
I'm trying to write a generic script for processing some data which finishes
off with some plots. Given Im never sure how many columns will be in my
dataframe I wanted to using the following
plot(spectra.wavelength, cormat, type = "l", ylim=c(-1,1), xlab="Wavelength
(nm)", ylab="Correlation")
however even if I specify as type="l" it appears plot
2009 Oct 27
automatically adjusting axis limits
Dear R users,
I am a newbie. Just switched from MATLAB. So thanks a lot for your
I have 50000 spectra collected in field. Each spectra has two columns :
Wavelength (56) and the actual measurement.
Each measurement came in a different .txt file on disk (50000 files in
total). I wrote a script that reads every spectra in a for loop and
constructs two variables :
Wavelength (56) and
2013 Oct 31
Extracting values from a ecdf (empirical cumulative distribution function) curve
Hi R users,
I am a new user, still learning basics of R. Is there anyway to extract y
(or x) value for a known x (or y) value from ecdf (empirical cumulative
distribution function) curve?
Thanks in advance.
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2006 Jan 26
Prediction when using orthogonal polynomials in regression
I'm doing fine with using orthogonal polynomials in a regression context:
# We will deal with noisy data from the d.g.p. y = sin(x) + e
x <- seq(0, 3.141592654, length.out=20)
y <- sin(x) + 0.1*rnorm(10)
d <- lm(y ~ poly(x, 4))
plot(x, y, type="l"); lines(x, d$fitted.values, col="blue") # Fits great!
all.equal(as.numeric(d$coefficients[1] + m
2007 Nov 08
Extract correlations from a matrix
Dear R users,
suppose I have a matrix of observations for which I calculate all
pair-wise correlations:
How do I extract only those correlations that are >0.6?
w[w>0.6] #obviously doesn?t work,
and I can?t find a way around it.
I would very much appreciate any help!
Best wishes
(using R
2005 Oct 04
Problem reading in external data and assigning data.frames within R
Hey there,
I apologize if this is an irritatingly simple question ... I'm a
new user. I can't understand why R flips the sign of all data values
when reading in external text files (tab delimited or csv) with the
read.delim or read.csv functions. The signs of data values also seem
to be flipped after assigning a new data.frame from within R (xnew <--
edit(data.frame()). What am
2011 Jun 10
How do I make proper use of the by() function?
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2010 Apr 22
Convert character string to top levels + NAN
Dear all,
I have several character strings with a high number of different levels.
unique(x) gives me values in the range of 100-200.
This creates problems as I would like to use them as predictors in a coxph
I therefore would like to convert each of these strings to a new string
x_new should be equal to x for the top n categories (i.e. the top n levels
with the highest
2004 Oct 22
pgamma discontinuity (PR#7307)
Full_Name: Morten Welinder
Version: 2
OS: Solaris/space/gcc2.95.2
Submission from: (NULL) (
I changed src/nmath/standalone/test.c to read:
#include <Rmath.h>
#include <stdio.h>
double x;
for (x = 99990; x <= 100009; x++)
2001 May 23
Passing a string variable to Surv
I am trying to write a function to automate multiple graph
generation. My data looks like:
Table of numeric values with the following headers:
timeM1 statusM1 xM1 timeM2 statusM2 xM2 timeM3 statusM3 xM3
Where M1,M2, M3 hve no similarity except they have a max string length
of 7. Examples are mcw0045, adl0003, lei0101.
Now, what I want to do is
Function(M1, M2,
2005 Jan 07
coercing columns
Dear all,
I have a data frame that looks like this:
c1 c2 c3
and so on;
I?d like to produce one single vector consisting of the columns c1,c2,
c3, such that
I guess it?s easy to do but I don?t know how...Can anyone
2002 Nov 22
Use of variables to reference to objects
I'm new to R and looking for a way to use a variable to reference to an
I'm plotting several graphs on top of each other and want to do this by
a for loop. The field I want to graph have names like a1,a2,a3, ...
I can't figure out how to get this working:
It should look like this:
2012 Apr 24
Nested longitudinal data
I have some difficulty in figuring out whether I am doing correct or not.
A brief introduction about the work: It is a light/dark choice test
conducted in insect larvae. The response is binary (0- present in dark
area, 1-present in light area) and the experiment is run for 15 min, so
there are 15 repeated measurements per individual larva at 1 min
intervals. The factors which affect
2012 Jan 20
Calling Windows DLL using .C; function name not known but in exports.
First time ever that I try to call subroutines in a Win DLL using R.
Have done this before using VBA and Python.
The C code's function argument list contains only double pointers
(double *x). The function is declared void, the output value is one of
the arguments.
C calling sequence is used.
When inspecting the exports of the DLL with dumpbin I can see that the
function I need is
2008 Nov 06
replacing characters in formulae / models
Dear all,
How can I replace text in objects that are of class "formula"?
y="a * x + b"
Suppose I would like to replace the "x" by "w" in the formula object "y".
How can this be done? Somehow, the methods that can be used in character objects do not work 1:1 in
formula objects...
2011 May 09
Posfix and Dovecot (dovecot like LDA) and no space left on the disk
Please I have a question:
If my server is out of space (disk full) and the postfix is LDA, the new messages a deffered or refused,so postfix send 450 to sender ...
But When I use dovecot (1.2.16) like LDA, postfix accept message (even there is no space), forward to dovecot, dovecot REFUSE the message and message is lost !
How can I solve this ? I don't want tu use quota and the disk