similar to: Question on bioconductor: reading affymetrix data

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Question on bioconductor: reading affymetrix data"

2004 Feb 26
variance estimator for the cumulative incidence function
Hi everyone, I am using the package cmprsk in R to estimate the cumulative incidence function and its variance. In the manual it is mentioned that the variance is calculated based on Dr. Aalen's paper (1978, Nonparametric estimation of partial transition probabilities in multiple decrement models). I would appreciate if someone could provide me with a source where the variance is expressed
2004 Oct 04
Help with Affymetrix data
I have CEL files from Affymetrix Mouse Array 430_2 and am trying to get the the individual PM intensities (11 per gene) for each sample. I would like to write out this into a tab delimited text file. Where am I stalling? This is what I've done: Change dir(to where CEL files are saved) Data <- ReadAffy() eset <- rma(Data) write.exprs(eset, file="mydata.txt") With this I am
2011 Mar 31
one question about bioconductor
dear lady and gentalmen: i am gaoshan from kansas university. i used such coding to deal with gel data data <- ReadAffy() Warning messages: 1: In file(out, "wt") : cannot open file 'C:\Users\gaoshan\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpvsyXOV\Rhttpd3f0b2e85': No such file or directory 2: In file(out, "wt") : cannot open file
2007 Apr 26
path autocompletion in 2.5.0
Hi, R 2.5.0 isn't auto-completing paths properly as it used to. E.g. suppose I have: > dir("CEL/choe") [1] "chipC-rep1.CEL" "chipC-rep2.CEL" "chipC-rep3.CEL" "chipS-rep1.CEL" [5] "chipS-rep2.CEL" "chipS-rep3.CEL" Now if I do: ReadAffy("CEL/choe/ch<tab> # => ReadAffy("CEL/choe/chip
2006 Mar 16
Bioconductor package on linux machine
Hi together, we received a question about the bioconductor package, maybe anybody could help the guy and I will deliver the message over our forum to him. If this way is allowed ... Regards Knut Here the question: Hello, I have installed R on a linux machine. I have then installed the biocLite.R package from bioconductor. I wanted to install a few other packages - hgu133plus2cdf, rma . I
2010 Jan 29
combine 3 affybatches
Hello, Im trying to combine 3 affybatches (1x hgu133+2 array and 2x hgu133a array) Im useing this script: library(matchprobes) library(affy) library(AnnotationDbi) library(hgu133plus2probe) library(hgu133aprobe) library(hgu133a.db) u133p2 = ReadAffy() # reading hgu133 +2 cel file into affybatch u133a1 = ReadAffy() # reading hgu133a cel file into affybatch u133a2 = ReadAffy() # reading hgu133a
2011 Aug 08
read in cel file by ReadAffy and read.celfile
Hi there, I got a problem when trying to read in a .cel file using ReadAffy(). R codes: require(affy) ReadAffy(filenames="CH1.CEL") It failed and I got the error, Error in read.celfile.header(as.character(filenames[[1]])) : Is CH1.CEL really a CEL file? tried reading as text, gzipped text, binary, gzipped binary, command console and gzipped command console formats Also, I tried
2005 Sep 29
memory issues with large data set
Hi, I am running R on Windows. It is a Dell Dimension with a 3.2 Ghz Processor and 4Gb RAM. When using the ReadAffy() function to read in 97 arrays, I get the below error messages: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 393529 Reached total allocation of 1024Mb: see help(memory.size) When I use the comman "memory.limit(size=4000)" to increase the memory size to the
2005 Aug 31
Bioconductor and R-devel
Hi, I have built R (current development version) and BioConductor 1.7 with portland group compiler on a AMD Opteron. When I ran qc assessment on Affymetrix latin square data set, I got the following output, Loading required package: affy Loading required package: Biobase Loading required package: tools Welcome to Bioconductor Vignettes contain introductory material. To view,
2011 May 09
rquest for help
Sir, Kindlly Guide me how to get the R CELFILES. I have install R but I cannat asses the command: Data <- ReadAffy() and I got the error: Error in AllButCelsForReadAffy(..., filenames = filenames, widget = widget, : No cel filennames specified and no cel files in specified directory:C:/Documents and Settings/pawan.k/Desktop. Wit regds, Pawan ________________________________ This e-mail
2005 Aug 31
tcl/tk return problem
Hello, I'm very new in working with tcl/tk in R and have a problem which will probably sound silly to most of you. Here is the code I have problems with: readcelfiles <- function() { require(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Choose a directory!")) OnOK <- function() { fileDir<-tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory()) data.raw <-
2009 Oct 12
R and computer size
Dear R-mailing list Hope you can help me. I am using R for windows to analyze my 107 HGU133Plus2.0 chips, however, R chrash when I try to use ReadAffy(). I want to buy a computer that can handle all these arrays, do you know how big a computer I need to buy? Best, Skov, Denmark [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Aug 04
error with ReadAffy()
Hi!I'm doing a little data importing from .cel files, > setwd("/home/mandova/celfiles") > mydata<-ReadAffy() Error in sub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", filenames, extended = TRUE) : unused argument(s) (extended = TRUE) Then I tried > filenames<-paste("GSM",c(seq(138597,138617,1)),".cel",sep="") >
2005 Jul 19
mac os x crashes with bioconductor microarray code (PR#8013)
Full_Name: Eric Libby Version: 2.1.1 OS: OS Tiger Submission from: (NULL) ( I am trying to analyze microarray data of 42 human arrays. I typed in the following instructions: library(affy) Data <-ReadAffy() eset <- expresso(Data, normalize.method="invariantset", bg.correct=FALSE, pmcorrect.method="pmonly",summary.method="liwong") And I get some
2007 Aug 03
FW: Selecting undefined column of a data frame (was [BioC] read.phenoData vs read.AnnotatedDataFrame)
Hi all, What are current methods people use in R to identify mis-spelled column names when selecting columns from a data frame? Alice Johnson recently tackled this issue (see [BioC] posting below). Due to a mis-spelled column name ("FileName" instead of "Filename") which produced no warning, Alice spent a fair amount of time tracking down this bug. With my fumbling fingers
2009 Dec 11
memory problem on Suse
Dear all, I am meeting some problems with memory allocation. I know it is an old issue, I'm sorry. I looked for a solution in the FAQs and manuals, mails, but without finding the working answer. I really hope you can help me. For instance, if I try to read micorarray data I get: > mab=ReadAffy(cdfname="hgu133plus2cdf") Error: cannot allocate vector of size 858.0 Mb > I
2006 Feb 20
Hello, I am using the following code to plot an MVA plot. library(affy) library(Biobase) library(limma) library(gcrma) pd<-read.phenoData("Clk.targets.2.txt",header=TRUE, row.names=1,,sep="\t") Data <- ReadAffy(filenames=pData(pd)$FileName,phenoData=pd) Print(Data) eset <- gcrma(Data) write.exprs(eset,
2010 May 08
memory limit
Hi, when I try to import a microarray CEL batch, I get this error message: > myAB <- ReadAffy () Error in .Call("read_abatch", filenames, rm.mask, rm.outliers, rm.extra, : cannot allocate vector of length 1287151200 which, assuming the value is in bites, is below my RAM values (3 Gb recognized by Windows). The isse is, when I try to do memory.limit (size = 3000 ) the
2012 May 17
Hi, I'm using a command in bioconductor that seems to require a package called hu6800cdf. I've installed this properly but I still get the same error: Could not find array definition file ' hu6800cdf.qcdef '. Simpleaffy does not know the QC parameters for this array type. See the package vignette for details about how to specify QC parameters manually. I've tried specifying
2007 Apr 28
normalizing affy data caused an error
Hi all, I tried to do normalization of affymetrix data with bioconductor on a Linux server. When I read in the cel files all seemed ok. But the next step caused an error. With Win XP all works fine. Did anyone experience similar problems? Thanks, Thomas > PI <- ReadAffy() > PI AffyBatch object size of arrays=712x712 features (14 kb) cdf=ATH1-121501 (??? affyids) number of