Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "meta.summaries and se's of effect sizes"
2007 Jun 21
meta-analysis in R
I would like to combine time-series data to test for correlations and
interactions using random and fixed effects meta-analysis.
So, I am looking for the right packages and documentation.
I know about meta and rmeta packages of R.
Are there any more? What are the diffrences in brief?
Can you please suggest some references that could be used as a guide for
meta-analysis in R (or S-plus)?
2008 May 28
rmeta package: metaplot or forestplot of meta-analysis under DSL (ramdon) model
Dear all,
I could not draw a forest plot for meta-analysis under ramdon models using the rmeta package. The rmeta has a default function for MH (fixed-effect) model. Has the rmeta package been updated for such a function? Or someone revised it and kept a private code?
I would appreciate it if you could provide some information on this question.
This email is intended
2009 Jun 29
Meta-Analysis: Metaplot Labels, SE, and Summary
I'm ashamed to admit that I'm an R and meta-analysis neophyte just when my
colleagues and I are attempting to run R for that latter purpose. We would
like to construct a graph of the 95% confidence intervals of odds ratios
(inverse odds ratios, actually). We are using the metaplot() function in the
"rmeta" package. While we can construct a basic plot, we cannot configure
2008 Aug 25
How to do a meta-analysis plot
Dear R-list,
I'd like to do a meta-analysis plot similar to
a <- meta.MH(n.trt, n.ctrl, col.trt, col.ctrl, data=catheter,
names=Name, subset=c(13,6,5,3,7,12,4,11,1,8,10,2))
(see attached file) by using my own OR (Odds Ratio) and 95% Confidence
Interval data set, which looks like
2005 Mar 22
Convert timeseries to transition matrix
Hi All,
Does someone have an idea of how to cleverly convert a categorical
timeseries into a transition matrix?
Ie, I have something like:
x<- c(1,1,2,1,1,2,2,2,1,2),
And I want a matrix with counts and/or probabilities:
> tr <- matrix(c(2,3,2,2),2,2)
> tr
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 2 2
[2,] 3 2
Meaning that there are two transitions from 1 to 1, two from 1 to 2, three
from 2 to 1
2009 Jun 27
questions about meta-analysis
Dear R users:
In the example of meta-analysis (cochrane, package rmeta), I can not found the p-value of Test for overall effect, and some other indices (Z, I, weight and et al). How can I get the these indices listed?
> library(rmeta)
> data(cochrane)
> cochrane
name ev.trt n.trt ev.ctrl n.ctrl
1 Auckland 36 532 60 538
2 Block 1 69 5
2006 Oct 13
Barplot legend position
Dear useRs,
I'm trying to create a barplot like so:
The legend is placed in default position topright, however the data are
plotted there too. I tried controlling the legend position by adding
x="topleft" but this results in an error that x matches multiple formal
Leaving out the legend
2005 May 22
Is there a package in R that handles general linear (in-)equality + box
constrained optimization?
If it is not there, could anyone advise me which way to go?
And/or point me to packages that solve these problems partially?
best, ingmar
Ingmar Visser
Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam
Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
2009 Mar 10
perform subgroup meta-analysis and create forest plot displaying subgroups
I'm using the rmeta package to perform a meta analysis using summary statistics rather than raw data, and would like to analyze the effects in three different subgroups of my data. Furthermore, I'd like to plot this on one forest plot, with corresponding summary weighted averages of the effects displayed beneath each subgroup.
I am able to generate the subgroup analyses by simply
2004 May 12
bus error macosx/off-topic
Hi All,
I'm building a package using C/C++ and Fortran code which usually runs fine.
However I do get occasional bus errors around the time of exiting one of the
C functions.
Where do I need to be looking to solve this problem?
Do bus errors stem from unmapped memory exceptions? How can I find out if
that is what is happening while running R?
Any hints greatly appreciated.
Best, ingmar
2008 Apr 07
tcltk issue remains
Dear R-help,
I'm trying to load the fGarch package and keep running into problems
with tcltk:
After succesfully instaling fGarch (and dependencies) I get:
Loading required package: fBasics
Loading required package: fImport
Loading required package: fSeries
Loading required package: robustbase
Loading required package: fCalendar
Loading required package: MASS
2012 Apr 04
meta-analysis, outcome = OR associated with a continuous independent variable
Hello everyone,
I want to do a meta-analysis of case-control studies on which an OR was
computed based on a continuous exposure. I have found several several
packages (metafor, rmeta, meta) but unless I misunderstood their main
functions, it seems to me that they focus on two-group comparisons (binary
independent variable), and do not have the option of using a continuous
independent variable.
2008 Dec 17
repeated measures aov with weights
Dear R-help,
I'm facing a problem with defining a repeated measures anova with
weighted data.
Here's the code to reproduce the problem:
# generate some data
rtrep <- data.frame(rt=rnorm(100),ti=rep(1:5,20),subj=gl
# model with within factor for subjects/repeated measurements, no
aov(rt~ti + Error(subj/ti),data=rtrep)
#model with weights
2004 Mar 30
Console/command line output
Hi all,
I am working on Macos x 10.3 (Panther) to build a package consisting of
C/C++ code that is called from R. In the C/C++-sources I use several
commands to print info to the console:
std::cout << "info" << endl;
Both work fine when R is run on the command line but neither works when
running Raqau (I did check the preference boxes
2009 Feb 13
Meta-Analyisis on Correlations
Dear R-Community,
I'm currently trying to find a way to conduct a meta-analysis in R.
I would like to analyze data from mostly-cross-sectional survey-studies. The
effect sizes would be correlations.
The R packages "meta" and "rmeta" are, as far as I can see, set up for
analysis with effect sizes for differences (i.e. comparison of the
means/odds-ratios of experimental
2005 Apr 28
help files and vignettes
Hi all,
I'm writing a vignette for my package, and I would like to include some of
the package help files in there as well. Is there an easy way of doing so?
I tried using R CMD Rdconv to generate latex files from .Rd files but I am
not sure how to include these into a .Rnw file (ie the vignette source). The
resulting file from Rdconv do not readily compile using latex ...
The other option I
2005 Oct 31
information matrix in random effects model
I use the lme function from the nlme library (or alternatively from the
Matrix library) to estimate a random effects model. Both functions return
the covariance matrix of the estimated parameters. I have the following
Is it possible to retrieve the information matrix of such a model (ie from
the fitted object)? In particular, the information matrix can be computed as
a sum of individual
2005 May 03
Rd.sty error
I had written a vignette and included a
\usepackage{Rd} command to make it possible to include
latex'ed Rd files in the vignette. However, when loading
Rd.sty texShop produces the following error:
l. 180 ...d}[1]{\ifmmode\bm{#1}\else\textbf{#1}\fi}
This is on Max OS X 3.9 and R 2.0.1
Has anyone seen this before and/or is it problematic? I'm not sure whether
the output suffers from this
2007 Jan 05
Efficient multinom probs
Dear R-helpers,
I need to compute probabilties of multinomial observations, eg by doing the
However, my question is whether this is the most efficient way to do this.
In the call prob[,y] a whole matrix is computed which seems a bit of a
Is there maybe a vectorized version of dmultinom which
2005 Dec 01
suppress checking chm files in R CMD check on Windows
Dear R-helpers,
When installing a source package I can suppress the compilation of .chm
files by using the --docs="normal" option. Is it also possible to suppress
the creation and checking of .chm files when calling R CMD check ?
best, ingmar