Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "xyplot gets overplotted by plot"
2003 Jun 19
Grouping binary data
Dear all,
I'm analyzing a binary outcome using glm() with a binomial distribution and
a logit link, and have now reached the point where I'd like to do some
model checking. Since my data are in binary form I'd like to collapse over
the cross-classification of the factors before the model checking.
Are there any nice and simple ways doing this? If so, how? If not, I'd be
2003 Jun 03
gam questions
Dear all,
I'm a fairly new R user having two questions regarding gam:
1. The prediction example on p. 38 in the mgcv manual. In order to get
predictions based on the original data set, by leaving out the 'newdata'
argument ("newd" in the example), I get an error message
"Warning message: the condition has length > 1 and only the first element
will be used in: if
2004 Oct 18
答复: R plot problems
Thank you for your help!
I gave you an example, you could run it in R . Maybe you will understand my meaning clearly.
x <- data.frame(main.name="AAA", x.name=rep(c("Apply","Watermelon","Lemon","Banana",
2004 Sep 03
Hi everyone,
I've tried the below on R 1.9.1 and the 2004-08-30 builds of R 1.9.1
Patched and R 2.0.0 on Windows 2000, and the results are consistent.
> seq(0.5, 0, by = -0.1)
[1] 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0
> seq(0.7, 0, by = -0.1)
[1] 7.000000e-01 6.000000e-01 5.000000e-01 4.000000e-01 3.000000e-01
2.000000e-01 1.000000e-01 -1.110223e-16
Is this really the intended behaviour?
2004 Mar 23
influence.measures, cooks.distance, and glm
Dear list,
I've noticed that influence.measures and cooks.distance gives different
results for non-gaussian GLMs. For example, using R-1.9.0 alpha
(2003-03-17) under Windows:
> ## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial :
> counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
> outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
> treatment <- gl(3,3)
> glm.D93 <- glm(counts ~ outcome +
2003 Jun 04
Dear all,
I've now spent a couple of days trying to learn R and, in particular, the
gam() function, and I now have a few questions and reflections regarding
the latter. Maybe these things are implemented in some way that I'm not yet
aware of or have perhaps been decided by the R community to not be what's
wanted. Of course, my lack of complete theoretical understanding of what
2006 May 10
Allowed quasibinomial links (PR#8851)
Full_Name: Henric Nilsson
Version: 2.3.0 Patched (2006-05-09 r38014)
OS: Windows 2000 SP4
Submission from: (NULL) (
When supplying an unavailable link to `quasibinomial', the error message looks
strange. E.g.
> quasibinomial("x")
Error in quasibinomial("x") : 'x' link not available for quasibinomial family,
available links are "logit",
2007 Mar 16
Unhidden predict methods
I've noted that not all `predict' methods are hidden in the namespace:
> methods("predict")
[1] predict.ar* predict.Arima*
[3] predict.arima0* predict.glm
[5] predict.HoltWinters* predict.lm
[7] predict.loess* predict.mlm
[9] predict.nls* predict.poly
[11] predict.ppr* predict.prcomp*
2017 Feb 07
package load altering RNG state
>>>>> Henric Winell <nilsson.henric at gmail.com>
>>>>> on Tue, 7 Feb 2017 13:37:42 +0100 writes:
> Hi, On 2017-02-07 13:12, Benjamin Tyner wrote:
>> Hello
>> When loading a package, I'm wondering if it's frowned
>> upon for the package to alter the state of the random
>> number
2007 Sep 15
R-2.6.0 for Windows, semi-transparent colours and layout()
The added support for semi-transparent colours in `windows' under
R-2.6.0 for Windows is much appreciated.
However, I've discovered that issuing a `layout' (or `par' with
arguments `mfcol'/`mfrow') call and then trying to plot several figures
with semi-transparent colour on the same page results in only the first
one being fully drawn. E.g.
> x <-
2003 Jul 03
How to use quasibinomial?
Dear all,
I've got some questions, probably due to misunderstandings on my behalf, related
to fitting overdispersed binomial data using glm().
1. I can't seem to get the correct p-values from anova.glm() for the F-tests when
supplying the dispersion argument and having fitted the model using
family=quasibinomial. Actually the p-values for the F-tests seems identical to the
p-values for
2003 Oct 04
How to use panel.qqmathline?
Dear R users:
How can I use panel.qqmathline, in package lattice, to add
straight lines onto the plots generated by qqmath?
I read help pages of qqmath, panel.qqmathline, xyplot, ...,
but just can't one example that shows how to make it work.
For example,
> data(sleep)
> qqnorm(~ extra | group, data=sleep, aspect=1)
how can I use panel.qqmathline?
Thanks very much for your help,
2017 Apr 12
"table(droplevels(aq)$Month)" in manual page of droplevels
Em 12-04-2017 16:40, Henric Winell escreveu:
> (Let's keep the discussion on-list -- I've added back R-devel.)
> On 2017-04-12 16:39, Ulrich Windl wrote:
>>>>> Henric Winell <nilsson.henric at gmail.com> schrieb am 12.04.2017
>>>>> um 15:35 in
>> Nachricht <b66fe849-bb8d-f00d-87e5-553f866d57e0 at gmail.com>:
2015 Oct 21
rank(, ties.method="last")
Marius Hofert-4------------------------------
> Den 2015-10-09 kl. 12:14, skrev Martin Maechler:
> I think so: the code above doesn't seem to do the right thing. Consider
> the following example:
> > x <- c(1, 1, 2, 3)
> > rank2(x, ties.method = "last")
> [1] 1 2 4 3
> That doesn't look right to me -- I had expected
> >
2003 Jul 04
Quasi AIC
Dear all,
Using the quasibinomial and quasipoisson families results in no AIC being
calculated. However, a quasi AIC has actually been defined by Lebreton et al
(1992). In the (in my opinon, at least) very interesting book by Burnham and
Anderson (1998,2002) this QAIC (and also QAICc) is covered. Maybe this is something
that could be implemented in R.
Take a look at page 23 in this pdf:
2004 Feb 29
stripchart and axes
I'd like to remove the axes from a plot produced by stripchart(). However,
when trying stripchart(..., axes = FALSE), I get the error meassage
Error in stripchart(hypokvot1 ~ treatment, "jitter", pch = 1, vert = TRUE, :
unused argument(s) (axes ...)
using R 1.8.1 on Windows. Can it be done some other way? If not, maybe this
functionality can be added to a future version of
2005 Sep 26
p-level in packages mgcv and gam
I am fairly new to GAM and started using package mgcv. I like the
fact that optimal smoothing is automatically used (i.e. df are not
determined a priori but calculated by the gam procedure).
But the mgcv manual warns that p-level for the smooth can be
underestimated when df are estimated by the model. Most of the time
my p-levels are so small that even doubling them would not result
2017 Apr 12
"table(droplevels(aq)$Month)" in manual page of droplevels
The last line of the example in droplevels' manual page seems to be incorrect to me. I think it should read: "table(droplevels(aq$Month))". Amazingly (I don't understand) both variants seem to produce the same result (R 3.3.3):
> aq <- transform(airquality, Month = factor(Month, labels = month.abb[5:9]))
> aq <- subset(aq, Month != "Jul")
2012 Aug 09
debug vs regular mode
Dear all,
I had a R segmentation fault, and then invoked debug mode and ran step
by step.
When I reached "terms(Y~X1*X2*...*X16)", I would then have
"segmentation" fault. However, if I just ran this under regular "R
interactive" mode, it would be fine though taking long time.
My questions are:
1. Is there a known limit of terms for a formula?
2. Why does the
2012 Aug 09
debug vs regular mode
Dear all,
I had a R segmentation fault, and then invoked debug mode and ran step
by step.
When I reached "terms(Y~X1*X2*...*X16)", I would then have
"segmentation" fault. However, if I just ran this under regular "R
interactive" mode, it would be fine though taking long time.
My questions are:
1. Is there a known limit of terms for a formula?
2. Why does the