similar to: lmList - strange problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 130 matches similar to: "lmList - strange problem"

2009 Dec 01
An R vs. SAS Discrepancy: How do I determine which is correct?
I was messing around with some data in R and SAS (the reason is unimportant) fitting a multiple linear regression and got a curious discrepancy. The data set is too big to post, but if someone wants it, I can send it. So, here are the (partial) results: From R: Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 61.11434 1.48065 41.275 < 2e-16 *** sexWomen
2003 Sep 08
lmList with NAs
Hello R-Helpers, I was trying to use the lmList function to get the lmList graphic similar to Pinheiro and Bates (pg 33). I did not have a problem creating the graphic when I used the Orthodont data frame or 2 other data sets when there are no missing values. My data has missing values. Do I need to remove the missing values before the lmList function will work? for a small example: > a
2006 Aug 18
lmList and missing values
Dear all, I have a question on handling of missing values in lmList. My data set have continuous predictor and response, x and y, and a grouping variable All these variables have NAs and the data set also has several other variables that also contains NAs. To create the lmList-object seems to work fine: y.list <- lmList(y ~ x |, data=mydata, na.action=na.omit) However,
2008 Oct 06
question on lmList
Hi list, Using the lmList function from ?nlme package? I get the following error message: ?Error in !unlist(lapply(sum.lst, is.null)) : invalid argument type? # this is the syntax used # fm_cream <-lmList(MULTDV~TIME|cod, data=zz, na.action=na.omit) # summary(fm_cream) When I generate a simple example the function works, but on the real data I get that message. I imagine that it is a
1998 Oct 21
anovalist.lm or anova.lmlist?
In R, we currently have the functions anovalist.lm and anova.glmlist S / S-plus has anova.lmlist anova.glmlist On the other hand, the [n]lme package (library) of Doug Bates and Jose Pinheiro has an "lmList" class and an anova.lmList(.) method for that. We are considering to use anovalist.lm and anovalist.glm instead of the S/S-plus names mentioned above. These functions
2009 Apr 16
incorrect handling of NAs by na.action with lmList (package nlme) (PR#13658)
Greetings, I just found out a bug in the function lmList of the package nlme with R 2.8.1 running under windows XP 32-bits. I have a data table with various columns corresponding to continuous variables as well as treatment variables taken on several years and several sites. Here is an example : Id year treatment A treatment B variable1 variable2 variable3 1
2015 Sep 20
summary(lmList) issues
Over on StackOverflow someone is trying to get this code to work: library("nlme") fm2Pixel.lis<-lmList(pixel~day+I(day^2)|Dog, Pixel) summary(fm2Pixel.lis) (results: Error in `[<-`(`*tmp*`, use, use, ii, value = lst[[ii]]) : subscript out of bounds)
2018 Jul 28
possible bug in plot.intervals.lmList
Dear R-devel members, I think I've found a minor bug in plot.intervals.lmList. ( The guide suggests to report it here, as I do not have a bugzilla account.) Here is a minimal reproducible example to demonstrate the problem: fm1 <- lmList(distance ~ age | Subject, Orthodont) plot(intervals(fm1),ylab="a") This results in: "Error in
2003 Feb 13
sorting in lmList object
Hi all, Forgive me if this is an obvious one.... I want to make a plot of confidence intervals from an lmList object with a collection of simple linear models (lm(y~x)) using: plot(intervals(mylmList)) and sort the plot by increasing mean values for the intercept. Is there an easy way of doing this? I've tried the "order()" and "sort.list()" functions, but I suspect
2004 May 01
changes to y-axis labels in lmList intervals plot
Dear List, I am plotting lmList objects using plot(intervals()) in nlme package. I want to make changes to the y-axis labels. When I try to change cex of y-axis labels using the following: fm1 <- lmList(distance ~ age | Subject, Orthodont) plot(intervals(fm1), scales=list(y=list(cex = .7))) I receive: Error in bwplot(formula = group ~ intervals | what, data = structure(list( : formal
2004 Sep 13
lmList for glm
Greetings all, Is there a way to do the equivalent of a lmList (fit separate models for each subject) in the package nlme for a glm? Thank you very much, Peter B. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 May 13
error in plot.lmList
Hello, in R-2.1.0 I'm trying to prodice trellis plots from an lmList object as described in the help for plot.lmList. I can generate the plots from the help, but on my own data plotting fails with an error message that I cannot interpret (please see below). Any hints are greatly appreciapted. kind regards, Arne > dim(d) [1] 575 4 > d[1:3,] Level_of_Expression SSPos1 SSPos19
2005 Oct 04
lmList error message
It seems a problem sending this out. I am resending it. Hello Rs, After running lmList, I've gotten an error message "Error in, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 4)" I'm not able to understand what it means. Could anyone help me with it? Thanks all in advance. Kevin ### commands and output ###
2007 Feb 11
Suppresing default text in pairs.lmList() in package = nlme
I would like to suppress the text 'Scatter Plot Matrix' that appears under the plot. Could someone please suggest how? _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Parcels: Room 102 Gilmer Hall McCormick Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 Office: B011
2009 Apr 14
Fitted values and MSE of individual fits in lmList
Dear useRs, I am working on a series of field experiments (159 in total) carried out in different years in several locations. The cultivars in each experiment are not always the same, in fact they change over time. I would like to get the fitted values and MSE of the individual fits from the following lmList object, so I can use them to fit a mixed model using the fitted values and weight each
2012 Jan 18
examine grouped data lmList
Dear community, I'm trying to examine my grouped data following page 6 I'm trying lmList this way: model.list <- lmList(log(v.dep) ~ log(v2) +log(v4) + v3 | v5, subset = v6=0, data=data) and obtain this error message: In Ops.factor(v4, v4) : | not meaningful for factors My original model is
2005 Apr 08
subset arg lmList
I'm having trouble understanding how functions in the subset argument for lmList search for the objects they need. This trivial example produces "Error in rownames(fakedf) : Object "fakedf" not found": library(nlme) fitbyID <- function() { fakedf <- data.frame(ID = gl(5, 10, 50), A = sample(1:100, 50), B = rnorm(50))
2015 Aug 02
ayuda con análisis de supervivencia
Hola a todos, -Estoy estudiando el efecto de dos genotipos (~tratamientos) en la aparición de síndrome metabólico (MetS) con datos longitudinales recogidos a tiempo 0,7,10,15,20 y 25 años. -He hecho un dataframe con las siguientes variables MetS: Síndrome Metabólico (Si=1,No=0) bmi: Indice de masa corporal (IMC) cuando se produce la conversión a MetS+ . Para los que permancen MetS-, esta variable
2003 May 07
[R ] Query : problems with the arithmetic operator "^" with function "lme" and "lmList"
Dear all, I've got a problem in including square variables in lme and lmlist functions. I've tried to work on Oxboys data of Pinheiro and Bates'book, which consist of the heights of 26 boys, each mesured on nine different occasions : > Oxboys Grouped Data: height ~ age | Subject Subject age height Occasion 1 1 -1.0000 140.50 1 2 1 -0.7479 143.40
2010 Oct 25
Error: could not find function "lmList"
Dear colleges, I would like to use the lmList function. I have installed the lme4 library but when I try to use the lmList function I get this error message. Error: could not find function "lmList" Here you can see what kind of messages I am getting when installing lme4 package. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks Rosario > install.packages() --- Please select a