similar to: Ever see a stata import problem like this?

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2018 May 03
adding overall constraint in optim()
Hi ? This is giving me a headache. I?m trying to do a relatively simple optimization ? actually trying to approximate the output from the Excel Solver function but at roughly 1000x the speed. ? The optimization parameters look like this. The only trouble is that I want to add a constraint that sum(wgt.vect)=1, and I can?t figure out how to do that in optim. Mo.vect <-
2010 Feb 02
Subset and plot
Here is a runable program. When I plot Day and Wgt, it graphs all the data points. All I need is daily.sub1 plotted. I also need each "Tanks" to have its own col or pch. When I run it with the line with pch, it gives me nothing. rm(list=ls()) Trial<-rep(c(1,2),each=12) Tanks=rep(c("a3","a4","c4","h4"),each=3,2) Day=rep(c(1:12),2)
2018 May 06
adding overall constraint in optim()
Hi Michael, A few comments 1. To add the constraint sum(wgt.vect=1) you would use the method of Lagrange multipliers. What this means is that in addition to the w_i (the components of the weight variables) you would add an additional variable, call it lambda. Then you would modify your function to add the term lambda * (sum(wgt.vect - 1) 2. Are you sure that you have defined
2018 May 03
adding overall constraint in optim()
You can't -- at least as I read the docs for ?optim (but I'm pretty ignorant about this, so maybe there's a way to tweak it so you can). See here: for other R optimization capabilities. Also, given your credentials, the r-sig-finance list might be a better place for you to post your query. Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter
2018 May 03
adding overall constraint in optim()
Thanks Bert. But everyone on that forum wants to use finance tools rather than general optimization stuff! And I am not optimizing a traditional Markowitz mean-variance problem. Plus, smarter people here. :-) > On May 3, 2018, at 3:01 PM, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at> wrote: > > You can't -- at least as I read the docs for ?optim (but I'm pretty > ignorant
2018 May 04
adding overall constraint in optim()
On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 2:03 PM, Michael Ashton <m.ashton at> wrote: > Thanks Bert. But everyone on that forum wants to use finance tools rather than general optimization stuff! And I am not optimizing a traditional Markowitz mean-variance problem. Plus, smarter people here. :-) > I'm very confused by these statements. Most of the "finance tools"
2009 May 31
Bug in gmodels CrossTable()?
Is the code below showing a bug in Crosstable()? My expectation was that the values produced by xtabs were rounded instead of truncated: library(gmodels) abc <- c("a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "c") def <- c("d", "e", "f", "f", "d", "e") wgt <- c(0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.5, 1.4, 1.3)
2010 Feb 02
Subset and point plot
OK, I need help plotting. I have column headings of Day, Wgt, Foodin, Rep, Grp and Tanks. Rep=c(1,2,3) and Tanks=c(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6, c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6, h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6). I created a subset where I only would like Rep=2, and Tanks=c(a4,c4,h4) and would like to graph (points) of Wgt and Day. I would think that I only need 3 colors, but when I run with only 3, only 2 lines show up. When I add
2006 Apr 19
Trouble with glm() .... non-integer #successes in a binomial glm
Hi R-people: When I use the command to fit a model with an intercept, only: glm ( formula=haspdata ~ 1, data=dat, family=binomial, weights= dat$hy.wgt.s, subset=(dat$haspdat0!=3) ) I get the message: Warning message: non-integer #successes in a binomial glm! in: eval(expr, envir, enclos) Does anyone know what this means?? The data for this command is listed below. Thanks, Phil Smith CDC
2009 Nov 14
Weighted descriptives by levels of another variables
I've noticed that R has a number of very useful functions for obtaining descriptive statistics on groups of variables, including summary {stats}, describe {Hmisc}, and describe {psych}, but none that I have found is able to provided weighted descriptives of subsets of a data set (ex. descriptives for both males and females for age, where accurate results require use of sampling
2018 May 05
adding overall constraint in optim()
Hi, You can use the projectLinear argument in BB::spg to optimize with linear equality/inequality constraints. Here is how you implement the constraint that all parameters sum to 1. require(BB) spg(par=p0, fn=myFn, project="projectLinear", projectArgs=list(A=matrix(1, 1, length(p0)), b=1, meq=1)) Hope this is helpful, Ravi [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Feb 29
barplot and pca plot in mvpart/rpart
Hello, I'm using the R package called mvpart, which is about the multivariate regression trees. The function I wrote is: mrt1<- mvpart(coefmat~sChip+sScreen+sMem,data=mixdata, xv="pick", plot.add=TRUE,uniform=TRUE,which=4,all=TRUE,xadj=2,yadj=2,rsq=TRUE,big.pts=TRUE,wgt.ave.pca=TRUE,legend=TRUE,bars=F, pca=TRUE) where "coefmat" is a matrix(of dimension N*K) to store
1999 Apr 28
smbmount doesn't work
Hi, Thanks for answering my question on the new smbmount not working. I tried all variety of combinations on the commands you suggested, but they all simply do this: % smbmount -c //server/share 'mount /mnt/samba-share -n CLIENT -U user' Usage: smbmount service <password> [-p port] [-d debuglevel] [-l log] Version 2.0.3 -p port connect to the specified port
2003 May 31
logistic regression
hi all, I am fitting a logistic regression model on binary data. I care about the fitted probabilities, so I am not worried about infinite (or non-existent) MLEs. I use: > glm(Y~., data=X, weights=wgt, family=binomial(link=logit), maxit=250) I understand the three ways to fit model, and in my case Y is a factor, one column > Y <- c(rep("A",679), rep("B",38))
2003 May 31
logistic regression (weights)
hi all, I am fitting a logistic regression model on binary data. I care about the fitted probabilities, so I am not worried about infinite (or non-existent) MLEs. I use: > glm(Y~., data=X, weights=wgt, family=binomial(link=logit), maxit=250) I understand the three ways to fit model, and in my case Y is a factor, one column > Y <- c(rep("A",679), rep("B",38))
2010 Sep 27
Alphabetical sequence of data along the x-axis in a box plot
Hello All, I noticed when I generated some boxplots, the data is presented in alphabetical order along the x-axis (the data in this case was the four quandrants of a sample area (NE,NW, SE, SW) that was my first column of data). Is there a way to have R plot the data in a different order? I imagine you could use a dummy variable, but didn't know if there might be a simple argument that
2008 Jun 24
logistic regression
Hi everyone, I'm sorry if this turns out to be more a statistical question than one specifically about R - but would greatly appreciate your advice anyway. I've been using a logistic regression model to look at the relationship between a binary outcome (say, the odds of picking n white balls from a bag containing m balls in total) and a variety of other binary parameters:
2007 Oct 10
Warning message when using "reldist" package
Dear R users, I'm using the "reldist" add-on package to calculate relative distribution in R as part of my research project. The subject is a general mental health score ranging from 0 to 12 (integer values only) with 0 indicating no mental health problem and positive values meaning some or sever mental health problem. When I run the programme to compare the scores of population
2005 Mar 03
3d plot of regression squared error
Hi. I'm trying to create a 3d plot for a teaching example of finding a least-squares estimate of the parameters to fit a line to some data. I was hoping to get a nice plot with a clear, single minima where the derivative of the surface is zero. No matter how much I tinker, I can't seem to get a simple straightforward plot. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in anticipation, Ross-c x
2009 May 20
drc results differ for different versions
Hello, We use drc to fit dose-response curves, recently we discovered that there are quite different standard error values returned for the same dataset depending on the drc-version / R-version that was used (not clear which factor is important) On R 2.9.0 using drc_1.6-3 we get an IC50 of 1.27447 and a standard error on the IC50 of 0.43540 Whereas on R 2.7.0 using drc_1.4-2 the IC50 is