similar to: GEE model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "GEE model"

2004 Jul 21
How to do a "go to " in a loop in R
Hi there, I'm writing a function which involves a loop. What to write in the "?" place would allow it skips the "for loop" and goes to "a[i]<-0". a<-b[s>3,] if (nrow(a)==0) ????????????? for (i in 1:nrow(a)){ a[i]<-1 } a[i]<-0 Lisa Wang Cancer Informatics, Ontario Cancer Institute/Princess Margaret Hospital,
2005 Nov 08
how to draw cumulative histogram
Hello there, I am using R to plot some cumulative histogram for my data. Please help in this case. Thank you Lisa Wang Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto phone 416 946 4501 ext.4883
2005 Jun 28
How to sort a dataframe by one variable
Hi there, Could anybody help me on how to sort a dataframe by one variable in the dataframe? Thank you Lisa Wang Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto, Ca tel: 416 946 4501
2005 Nov 23
Hello there, I would like to do a Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank sum test in R and tried the function wilcoxon.test. Is it in the "base" library? If not, please let me know which library it is in. Thank you in advance for your help Lisa Wang Biostatistician Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto, Ca
2006 Feb 09
latent class modle for rater agreement
Hello there, I would like to test the agreement amongst 6 raters for nominal data on a scale from 1-4, and conduct a latent class analysis in R. How should the data be formatted and what code should I use? Thank you very much Lisa Wang Princess Margaret Hospital Biostatistics tel:416 946 4501
2006 Mar 08
How to plot the xaxis label at 45 degree angle?
Hello there, I would like to plot a graph with the x axis's label displayed at a 45 angle to the x axis instead of horizontal to it as the label is very long. What should I do? Thank you for your help in advance Lisa Wang Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto, Ca
2006 Dec 07
How to use read.xls in R
Hello there, In gdata package, read.xls is to be used for reading excel data (from windows). The following is my code:('C:/session/sampledata.xls' is where the file is stored) data1<-read.xls('C:/session/sampledata.xls',sheet=1) and I got the following error message: Error in system(cmd, intern = !verbose) : perl not found Could you please tell me what I have done wrong and
2005 Sep 30
'mean' function
Hello, Could you please let me know how to see the "mean" function in R . The following is what I see when type in "mean" and "enter" mean function (x, ...) UseMethod("mean") <environment: namespace:base> I would like to see how the function is writen. Thanks a lot Lisa Wang Toronto, Ca -------------- next part -------------- This e-mail may
2005 Dec 15
How to simulate correlated data
Hello there, I would like to simulate X --Normal (20, 5) Y-- Normal (40, 10) and the correlation between X and Y is 0.6. How do I do it in R? Thank you very much Lisa Wang Msc. Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto, Ca
2013 Apr 07
confidence interval calculation for gee
Hello, I have the following r-codes for solving a quasilikelihood estimating equation: >library(geepack) >fit<-geese(y~x1+x2+x3,jack=TRUE,id=id,scale.fix=TRUE,data=dat, = "logit", corstr="independence") Now my question is how can I calculate the confidence interval of the parameters of the above model "fit"? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Feb 09
gee with auto-regressive correlation structure (AR-M)
Dear all, I need to fit a gee model with an auto-regressive correlation structure and I faced some problems. I attach a simple example: ####################################################### library(gee) library(geepack) # I SIMULATE DATA FROM POISSON DISTRIBUTION, 10 OBS FOR EACH OF 50 GROUPS set.seed(1) y <- rpois(500,50) x <- rnorm(500) id <- rep(1:50,each=10) # EXAMPLES FOR
2010 Oct 12
GEE with user-specified link function
Hello, I would like to try to fit a GEE with user-specified link function. I read through a couple of thread on the list, for example and I noticed that they are all 6 or more years old and the answer is very clear for GLM, however for GEE I am still not sure. There are two
2008 Oct 29
call works with gee and yags, but not geepack
I have included data at the bottom of this email. It can be read in by highlighting the data and then using this command: dat <- read.table("clipboard", header = TRUE,sep="\t") I can obtain solutions with both of these: library(gee) fit.gee<-gee(score ~ chem + time, id=id, family=gaussian,corstr="exchangeable",data=dat) and library(yags) fit.yags <-
2010 Apr 29
Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE): Why is Link = Identity?
Hi, I'm running GEE using geepack. I set corstr = "ar1" as below: > <- geeglm(L ~ O + A, + data = firstgrouptxt, id = id, + family = binomial, corstr = "ar1") > summary( Call: geeglm(formula = L ~ O + A, family = binomial, data = firstgrouptxt, id = id, corstr = "ar1") Coefficients:
2011 Oct 17
Plotting GEE confidence bands using "predict"
Hello Fellow R Users,I have spent the last week trying to find a work around to this problem and I can't seem to solve it. I simply want to plot my GEE model result with 95% confidence bands. I am using the geepack package to run a basic GEE model involving nestling weights, to a Gaussian distribution, with "exchangeable" error structure. I am examining how nestling weight varies
2009 Apr 22
Gee with nested desgin
Dear all, Is it possible to incorporate a nested design in GEE? I have measurements on trees that where measured in two years. The trees are nested in plots. Each plot contains 24 trees. The number of plots is 72. Hence we would expect 2 * 24 * 72 = 3456 data points. A few are missing, so we end up wih 3431 data points. This is what I have tried until now. #assuming independence between trees
2010 Sep 02
Is there any package or function perform stepwise variable selection under GEE method?
Hi , I use library(gee),library(geepack),library(yags) perform GEE data analysis , but all of them cannot do variable selection! Both step and stepAIC can do variable selection based on AIC criterion under linear regression and glm, but they cannot work when model is based on GEE. I want to ask whether any variable selection function or package under GEE model avaliable now? Thanks! Best,
2011 Jun 27
Neg Binomial In GEE
Hi, I want to fit a GEE with a negative binomial distribution. I have uesd already a poisson glm and then neg binommial to deal with alot of dispersion. In my neg binomial residuals i have some patterns so i have implemented a GEE, but only with a poisson family as i couldnt with neg binomial. However the residual patterns in fact look worse here. When i try and put neg binomial family it
2006 Mar 29
QIC from gee() or geese()
Hello, Is it possible to derive Pan's QIC (2001 Biometrics 57:120) from either a fitted gee() object in the gee package or from a geese() fit in the geepack package? If so, would anyone be kind enough to provide me with code to do so? I realize that QIC is part of the output from yags() but I would like to use one of the other functions. Thanks. Richard
2011 Jan 18
Circular variables within a GLM, GLM-GEE or GAM
Hi, I have a variable (current speed direction) which is circular (0=360 degrees), and I'd like my GLM to include the variable as a circular variable. Can I do this? And what is the code? I'm actually doing a GLM-GEE using the 'geepack' package, so want to use it in that, but also interested in whether it can also be used in GLMs and GAMs (I use the 'mgcv' package for