similar to: FIML in lme

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "FIML in lme"

2012 Mar 29
Does anyone know if someone is developing full-information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation algorithms for basic regression functions, like glm()? I think that having FIML options for workhorse functions that typically use ML would give R an edge over other statistical software, given how well FIML performs in missing data situations compared to ML. While my current level of programming
2011 Dec 01
FIML with missing data in sem package
Is there a way to use full information maximum likelihood (FIML) to estimate missing data in the sem package? For example, suppose I have a dataset with complete information on X1-X3, but missing data (MAR) on X4. Is there a way to use FIML in this case? I know lavaan and openmx allow you to do it, but I couldn't find anything in the documentation for the sem package. Thanks! -- Dustin Fife
2010 Mar 02
sem package and growth curves
I have been working through the book "Applied longitudinal data analysis: modeling change and event occurrence" by Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett. I have been working examples using SAS and also using it as an opportunity for learning to use R for statistical analysis. I ran into some difficulties in chapter 8 which deals with using structural equation modeling. I have tried to
2012 Jul 20
FIML using lavaan returns zeroes for coefficients
Hello! I am trying to reproduce (for a publication) analyses that I ran several months ago using lavaan, I'm not sure which version, probably 0.4-12. A sample model is given below: pathmod='mh30days.log.w2 ~ mh30days.log + joingroup + leavegroup + alwaysgroup + grp.partic.w2 + black + age + bivoc + moved.conf + local.noretired + retired + ds + ministrytime + hrswork + nomoralescore.c +
2003 Jun 30
Conference calls
Hi I want to set up * as a conference bridge. I would like to be able to conference is SIP calls (up to 12) I am looking through all available documentation for * to get info on how it is done. No luck so far. Can somebody direct me to the info in this subject? Thank you Serge _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online
2012 Feb 23
Calculating Pseudo R-squared from nlme
I am fitting individual growth models using nlme (multilevel models with repeated measurements nested within the individual), and I am trying to calculate the Pseudo R-squared for the models (an overall summary of the total outcome variability explained). Singer and Willett (2003) recommend calculating Pseudo R-squared in multilevel modeling by squaring the sample correlation between observed and
2006 Aug 02
I have a STRUTS based webapp and I want to port it to RUBY/RAILS... Can anyone suggest a migration strategy...I would like to migrate my struts actions over time if possible. Jim _________________________________________________________________ Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee® Security.
2005 Jul 29
Binary outcome with non-absorbing outcome state
I am trying to model data in which subjects are followed through time to determine if they fall, or do not fall. Some of the subjects fall once, some fall several times. Follow-up time varies from subject to subject. I know how to model time to the first fall (e.g. Cox Proportional Hazards, Kaplan-Meir analyses, etc.) but I am not sure how I can model the data if I include the data for those
2004 Aug 06
encoding/decoding example
Hello , I saw that in open source projects which use speex , like sweep and linphone , (there are links in speex website to these projects) the encoding/decoding process is done using vorbis/ogg. (The encoded files which are produced has , for example, "ogg" header). Is there anywhere examples using speex library for encoding and decoding raw files with no "ogg" header?
2004 Apr 25
a simple suggestion for the next version of R windows
Is it possible to replace the word "R Console" on the title bar (is it what it's called? It's the blue area above menu bar) with the name of the work space file you're using or loaded, so people who are runing multple R sessions at same time can identify them immediately. I'm using 1.9.0 in SDI mode. Thanks, ...Tao
2004 Apr 25
a simple suggestion for the next version of R windows
Is it possible to replace the word "R Console" on the title bar (is it what it's called? It's the blue area above menu bar) with the name of the work space file you're using or loaded, so people who are runing multple R sessions at same time can identify them immediately. I'm using 1.9.0 in SDI mode. Thanks, ...Tao
2003 Jan 23
still not working
ok, i ran through the diagnosis.txt and on steps 3,8, and 9 i get errors. on 8 and 9 i get "no service is opperating at the destination network endpoint on the romote system." On 3 i get the error i enter my password then i get the error "session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE" when i try to connect to my machine through run on a pc i get the same error i get on
2003 Aug 13
Can't compile cdr_mysql
I'm trying to compile the cdr_mysql module, but I am receiving error messages. I have installed mysql-devel. Here is the output of make cdr_mysql: cc -fPIC -I/usr/local/mysql/include -I/usr/include/mysql -c -o cdr_mysql.o cdr_mysql.c cdr_mysql.c:30:26: mysql/errmsg.h: No such file or directory cdr_mysql.c: In function `mysql_log': cdr_mysql.c:74: `CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR'
2003 Sep 08
Help needed with IAX behind NAT
Hi All, I know, IAX is NAT friendly, but... I have a problem running gnophone from a box behind NAT firewall. I can register gnophone with * through NAT, but when I try to make a call it instantly disconnects. CLI iax show peers command tells me that peer is unreachable. However this peer is registred. Gnophone also tells me that it is registred. It seems that registration handshake has
2004 Jul 28
Joining Linux to Windows 2000 domain
Hello, I am new to Linux, Samba, and actually servers in general. I am attempting to set up a Linux file server and join it to a Windows 2000 domain. All I want to be able to do is get files from the linux file server and put files on it. I do not want it to be the domain controller. I join the domain using: net join -S -UAdministrator%password It tells me that I have joined
2006 Jan 05
open h323 compile error
make[2]: *** [obj_linux_x86_r/simph323] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/openh323/samples/simple' make[1]: *** [opt] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/openh323' make: *** [optshared] Error 2 ???? any idea ? Thx in Advance _________________________________________________________________ Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee®
2002 Nov 02
nmbd quitting
I just can't find the answer to solve this issue and I thought someone would know the answer. Finally got SWAT running and configuring a clean smb.conf file. If I try to start nmbd or smbd, they load for a few seconds and then quit. log.nmb (etc/var/log/samba/) has the following; [2002/11/02 13:51:07, 0] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_in(829) Get_Hostbyname: Unknown host sidekick I'm
2004 Aug 06
Oddcast utilizing v1.0.1 ?
Will there be a new version of Oddcast using the 1.0.1 Vorbis encoder? If so, any idea when it'd be released? Thanks _________________________________________________________________ Has one of the new viruses infected your computer? Find out with a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee. Take the FreeScan now! --- >8
2006 Jul 26
file upload
I''m looking for file upload documentation on the wiki, cant find anything. I only found the changeset that supports file upload. should the file be part of ''input'' ? please help. thanks -- gcc -O0 -DRUBY_EXPORT -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic -L. main.o -lruby-static -ldl -lcrypt -lm -o ruby Everyone is trying their hardest to do their job but management has
2007 Jan 24
solving a structural equation model using sem or other package
I am trying to work my way through the book "Singer, JD and Willett, JB, Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis. Oxford University Press, 2003" using R. I have the SAS code and S-Plus code from the UCLA site (doesn't include chapter 8 or later problems). In chapter 8, there is a structural equation/path model which can be specified for the sem package as follows S <- cov(al2)