similar to: Surprise when mapping matrix to image

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Surprise when mapping matrix to image"

2005 Nov 18
Surprise when mapping matrix to image
Hello, I wonder if image(t(x)[ncol(x):1, ]) can do the job correct! perhaps this does the job better: image(t(x)[,nrow(x):1]) Bj??rn From: Prof Brian Ripley <> Date: Fri 27 Aug 2004 - 06:43:50 EST On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Glynn, Earl wrote: > Start with: > > > x <- c(1:7,1) > > dim(x) <- c(2,4) > > x > [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] >
2006 Mar 16
french secondary boxplot
bonjour, i'm a mathematic teacher and i have a question for R-developers : is it possible to have (in the future) a boxplot with whiskers from the first decile to the ninth decile, as usual in secondary french schools... by example : boxplot(serie,range=-1) for french boxplot ? cordialement, jean-pierre lyc?e jean zay orl?ans, france
2004 Jun 04
Plot documentation; Axis documentation
Why when I do a "help(plot)" do I not see anything about parameters such as xlim or ylim? As someone new to R, finding that xlim and ylim even existed wasn't all that easy. Even"xlim") shows nothing once I know xlim exists. I'd like to change the default axes but "help(axis)" isn't that informative about changing the frequency of ticks on
2007 Oct 31
Don't understand write.csv default: Why is column name for column of row names blank?
I've always been frustrated that R never puts a label on the column name for a column of row names. This is usually the "key" in a database table, and it sure would be nice to carry a "key" name along with the data instead of the field being blank. So, why is it a good idea for it to be blank? ?write.csv says this: CSV files By default there is no column
2012 Jan 30
Help page of colors() : add a new example ?
Dear all, May I suggest to add an example in the help page of the colors() function ? The following code could be useful to easily choose any color from colors() : ## Millot G. (2011), p.71. ## Figure displaying all the 657 built-in color names of colors(). palette(colors()) tempo<-NULL for(i in 14:1){tempo<-c(tempo, rep(i,50))} windows(width=10) # replace by quartz(width=10) for MacOS and
2007 Jun 12
Read Windows-like .INI files into R data structure?
I need to process some datasets where the configuration information was stored in .INI-like files, i.e., text files with sections like this: [Section1] var1=value1 var2=value2 [Section2] A=value3 B=value4 ... >From Google and other searches I haven't found any package, or function within a package, that reads .INI files into an R list, or other data structure. Any suggestions, or
2005 Nov 02
RODBC and Excel: Wrong Data Type Assumed on Import
The first column in my Excel sheet has mostly numbers but I need to treat it as character data: > library(RODBC) > channel <- odbcConnectExcel("U:/efg/lab/R/Plasmid/construct list.xls") > plasmid <- sqlFetch(channel,"Sheet1", > odbcClose(channel) > names(plasmid) [1] "Plasmid Number" "Plasmid"
2006 May 12
Title of page with multiple plots
I want to place four plots on a page, and I would like to have all four plots share a common title. I have tried the following code, but the title is centered over the fourth graph and not centered across all four plots. Does anyone have any suggestions? R 2.1.1 windows xp oldpar<-par(mfcol =c(1,4),ask=TRUE) plot(p,varp) plot(p,SEp) plot(p,CVp) plot(p,ppval) title(paste("P and 95%CI
2007 Feb 08
Suggestion about "R equivalent of Splus peaks() function"
In 2004 there was this R-Help posting from Jan 2004: R equivalent of Splus peaks() function? The peaks function there has worked well for me on a couple of projects, but some code using "peaks" failed today, which had worked fine in the past. I was looking for a peak in a test case that was a sine curve over one
2005 Oct 10
greek symbols using pch
Hi R-users, In a plot, can I specify pch to be a greek symbol? (I looked at show.pch() in the Hmisc package but couldn't see the right symbols in there). If not, I guess I can get around this using text(x,y,expression()). cheers!, Matt. Dr Matt Fischer Postdoctoral Fellow - IPILPS ANSTO - Institute for Nuclear Geophysiology Building 21A PMB 1 Menai NSW 2234 Ph: +61 2 9717 9686 Fax:
2005 Sep 01
Spacing and margins in plot
If I use the following command to plot points: plot(c(1,2,2,3,3,3), type="p", pch=20, ylab="Y Label", xlab="X Label", xaxt="n") there is a large amount of space between the label "X Label" and the actual x-axis. If I change the xaxt="n" to xaxt="s", the label "X Label" don't move at all. Is there a way to get
2005 Aug 15
Anything like dir.choose (similar to file.choose) in R?
Does R have a dir.choose function? I can use file.choose like this as a kludge to get something like a dir.choose, but a real dir.choose would be better: cat("Select one of files in directory to process:\n") filename <- gsub("\\\\", "/", file.choose()) basepath <- dirname(filename) Windows provides a lower-level SHBrowseForFolder function to create such
2006 Aug 14
Help with workaround for: Function '`[`' is not in the derivatives table
# This works fine: > a <- 1 > b <- 2 > c <- 3 > E <- expression(a * exp(b*X) + c) > X <- c(0.5, 1.0, 2.0) > eval(E) [1] 5.718282 10.389056 57.598150 > D(E, "b") a * (exp(b * X) * X) > eval(D(E, "b")) [1] 1.359141 7.389056 109.196300 # But if (a,b,c) are replaced with (A[1], A[2], A[3]), how can I get a derivative
2008 Jan 07
Great looking plot - but what does it mean? Hi, R is is world full of wonders... I created the attached plot, and I think it's exactly what I need! Well, actually I think it is more that wht I need... I wanted R to show the mean values of the categories on the x-axis and maybe the standard derivation as well. I am pretty confident that the bold horrizontal lines in the plot show
2005 Jul 14
Partek has Dunn-Sidak Multiple Test Correction. Is this the same/similar to any of R's p.adjust.methods?
The Partek package ( allows only two selections for Multiple Test Correction: Bonferroni and Dunn-Sidak. Can anyone suggest why Partek implemented Dunn-Sidak and not the other methods that R has? Is there any particular advantage to the Dunn-Sidak method? R knows about these methods (in R 2.1.1): > p.adjust.methods [1] "holm" "hochberg" "hommel"
2005 May 31
Why does "summary" show number of NAs as non-integer?
Example: > set.seed(19) > summary( c(NA, runif(10,1,100), NaN) ) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's 7.771 24.850 43.040 43.940 63.540 83.830 2.000 Why isn't the number of NA's just "2" instead of the "2.000" shown above? efg
2004 Aug 27
selecting unique columns of a matrix/data frame
Hi all, I have a very high dimensional data and apparently there are several columns that contain similar information (some columns are equal). I want to form a matrix/data frame consisting of unique columns. Does anyone have an efficient way of getting out these columns. A small section of the data frame is given below. Thanks for helping. Stephen. > newdata [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
2003 Oct 18
Oceanographic lattice plots?
R 1.8.0 on Windows XP Professional. A huge THANK YOU to the R Team for this marvelous software. I am making lattice plots of oceanographic data. The usual layout does not conform to plotting conventions that marine scientists use when depth is the independent variable. Under those conventions, plots are made with the origin at the upper left, depth on the vertical axis (increasing as it
2010 Jun 23
Plotrix Trick
Dear All, I am using the plotrix library to plot some matrices. I have a problem: some of my data are outliers, hence using a linear color scale does not work very well (you would see too many cells having a similar, indistinguishable color). See the code snipped at the end of the email. Plotting the logarithm of the data gets the job done, but my problem is that I would like to write in every
2005 Aug 03
red-black-green color palette?
I'm working on some heatmaps, and the person I'm working with would prefer a red-black-green color palette (red denoting gene induction and green denoting gene repression). Does such a palette exist already? If not, is there an easy way to create one? Thanks, Jake