similar to: How to Arrange character vector in alphabetic order

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "How to Arrange character vector in alphabetic order"

2003 Apr 10
A Question on lowess() function
Hi, all, I want to use lowess(x, y) where x and y are vectors of length of 4000+. In fact, x and y are log of some vectors. So, some of the elements are NaN. lowess() can not take away those elements then do the fitting. It will give the error message and do nothing. 1. Can anybody tell me how to get rid of those NaN's and use lowess()? 2. How to get the LOWESS fitting values for any
2003 Apr 07
New window for plot()
Hi, Can anybody tell me how to open new a new window for plot()? Thanks. Minghua
2004 Aug 20
How generate "A01", "A02", ..., "A99"?
Hi, Anyone can tell me how to generate "A01", "A02", ..., "A99"? paste("A", 1:99, sep="") generates "A1", "A2",..., "A99". This is not what I want. Thanks for the help. -MY [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Apr 16
Local parameter calculation
Dear all, I am a newbie in R. I encounter a problem as follows. I have 2 vectors X and Y that have a equal length of several thousand. I see Y as the function of X. Both of them are random. X is not arrranged in any order. Of course, I do plot(X,Y). Now, I want to use a sliding narrow window to run over each X, then calculate the variances within that window. Anyone knows easy way in R to do
2004 Apr 29
Problems in plot
Hello, I have R1.9.0 under Windows XP. My program plots several plots using x11() par(cex = 0.75) ...... x11() par(cex = 0.75) ...... x11() par(cex = 0.75) ...... x11() par(cex = 0.75) ...... Sometimes, one of them generates a small frame only with title area "R graphics: Device X (ACTIVE)". The message in the console window is Error in : Figure margins too large
2003 Sep 16
Question in Using sink function
Could anyone please explain to me why the following writes nothing into "all.Rout" file? If the "for" loop is removed, t.test output can be written into "all.out". Thanks in advance. Minghua Yao ...... zz <- file("all.Rout", open="wt") sink(zz) for(i in 1:n) { Cy3<-X[,2*i-1]; Cy5<-X[,2*i]; t.test(Cy3, Cy5)
2003 Sep 26
Std. errors of intercept and slope
Dear all, I have the following output generated by linear regression. Since there is only one regression intercept and one slope for one set of data, what is the meaning of std. error for intercept and that of slope? Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Minghua > data(thuesen) > attach(thuesen) > lm(short.velocity~blood.glucose) Call: lm(formula = short.velocity ~ blood.glucose)
2003 Jun 27
NA points in loess function
Gurus, I used predict(loess(Y~X)); where Y and X are of the same length. But there are same NA's in both Y and X. Those NA's are in the same locations in Y and X. The following is the error messageI got: Error in "[<-"(*tmp*, , i, value = predict(loess(Y~X))) : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length If I replaced the NA's with a
2003 Apr 21
How to assigen column of matrix
Hi, A simple question. I want to assign values to columns (or rows) of a matrix. It seems that AA[,i]<-A; # A is a vector or array; doesn't work. How can I accomplish that? Thanks alot. -MY
2003 Aug 06
How to copy and paste a R plot onto Word (or Power Point)
All, Anybody can tell how to export a R plot onto Word (or Power Point)? Many thanks in advance. -MY
2004 May 20
Get Slot from a Class
Hello, everyone, I don't quite understand the following message: > TTT <- t.test(1:10, y=c(7:20)) > class(TTT) [1] "htest" > TTT@p.value Error: Trying to get slot "p.value" from an object whose class ("htest") is not defined > TTT$p.value [1] 1.855282e-05 Why the message says the class of TTT is not defined while class(TTT) gets
2007 Jul 14
change default alphabetic order for bwplot
when producing boxplot from bwplot, I have five groups: Nitrogen, Duration, Pressure, A, Z. I wish the graphical display is according to the original order. But the R-function bwplot seems to automatically adjust the groups according to the alphabetic oder and thus creat a graph for A, Duration, Nitrogen, Pressure and Z. How can I specify the original order in bwplot? This also happens to the
2004 Feb 16
Questions about Matrix
How to Generate the Matrix (t+1)*m ? (0-1)^n (0-2)^n ,,,, (0-m)^n (1-1)^n (1-2)^n ,,,, (1-m)^n (2-1)^n (2-2)^n ,,,, (2-m)^n .. ... ,,,, ....... (t-1)^n (t-2)^n ,,,, (t-m)^n Appreciate your kindly help! --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Oct 07
Sorting matrix or data frame
Dear all, Could anyone please tell me how to sort a matrix or a data frame against a column/row/component? Many thanks. -MY
2003 Apr 04
sqlSave() Question
All, I am new in R. I found sqlSave() doesn't work for our Oracle9i. The following was the message: > sqlSave(channel, USArrests, rownames="state") Error in sqlColumns(channel, tablename) : USArrests : table not found on channel Check case parameter in odbcConnect > sqlQuery() works OK. Please help. Thanks. -MY
2004 Sep 04
Append Columns
Dear all, Can I use "write.table" to append columnns? Thanks for any help -MY [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 May 12
Problem in fetching from Oracle
Dear all, I tried the following in R: >library(ROracle) >ora <- dbDriver("Oracle") >channel <- dbConnect(ora, user = "scott", password="tiger",dbname="abcdef") >rs <- dbSendQuery(channel, "select * from USArrests") >while(!dbHasCompleted(rs)) { xxx <- fetch(rs, n = 5000) } + + + > xxx Error: Object
2004 Apr 28
Problem in Installing Package from CRAN...
Hi, I have installed R 1.9.0 under Windows XP. When I used "Packages->Install Package(s) from CRAN..." to install the package 'gregmisc', I got this message: > local({a <- CRAN.packages() + install.packages(select.list(a[,1],,TRUE), .libPaths()[1], available=a)}) trying URL `' Content type `text/plain;
2011 Jan 11
Alphabetic labels on multi-plot graphics
Is there a way to achieve lbl=c("a", "b", "c", "d") par(mfrow=c(2,2), ann=FALSE) for (t in 1:4){ plot(seq(from=1,to=2*pi,length=100), sin(t*seq(from=1,to=2*pi,length=100)), type="l") title(main=paste("(", lbl[t], ")", sep="")) } without having to use an object like 'lbl'? More generally: is it possible
2003 May 20
Several Basic Questions
Hello, everyone, I am having several basic questions that I haven't found the answer to from the manuals: 1. How to remove "[1]" when a single line message is printed? 2. How to print several variables (e.g., a character string and a numeric variable) at the same line? 3. How to have the control of the accuracy of variables? e.g., in the following, > x<-1134567.1 >