Displaying 20 results from an estimated 12000 matches similar to: "How to get Dunnett's table value?"
2004 Aug 13
simtest for Dunnett's test
I use simtest fonction of multcomp package to compile a Dunnett's test.
I have 10 treatments and one control group, so i create a matrix with:
2004 Jan 23
Levels number of a factor object
Hi all!
How to retrieve the levels number of a factor object?
See this code:
I want to retrieve the number of levels (4) of my object "groups"
I tried groups.levels but this don't work
Laurent Houdusse
Analyste Programmeur
2004 Jan 27
Probability for ANOVA
Hi all!
I have 4 treatments on 5 animals
Treat1 Treat2 Treat3 Treat4
Animal1 36 37 35 39
Animal2 33 34 36 37
Animal3 37 35 33 38
Animal4 34 36 34 35
Animal5 35 36 33 36
I use an Anova and i try to verify calcul
So i retrieve:
2004 Feb 04
nortest package
I'm a newbie and i am unable to use lillie.test in nortest
I have a message: "Couldn't find function "lillie.test"
I am under windows2000 with R1.8.1
nortest is listed with .packages(TRUE)
How to do to use lillie.test function?
Laurent Houdusse
Analyste Programmeur
2003 Dec 10
How to calculate standard error for a vector?
Hi all!
I 'm beginner and i develop a bio-application with VB and i need some
statistic functions!
could i calculate StdError, CoeffOfVariance, SumSquared with R langage? if
yes, what are functions to use?
I need also to use ANOVA and t-test...
Thanks for your help!
Laurent Houdusse
Analyste Programmeur
2004 Feb 06
Normality Test on several groups
I use ks.test or lillie.test to verify a normal distribution. It's performed
for a group
My users use SigmaStat software and a One Way ANOVA on several groups
In the result page there is a probability value to determine if Normality
test is failed or passed
So, how can i retrieve this probability value on several groups?
Is there another function in R to verify normality on several
2011 Mar 01
Pairwise T-Tests and Dunnett's Test (possibly using multcomp)
Hello Everyone,
I've been learning to use R in my spare time over the past several months. I've read about 7-8 books on the subject. Lately I've been testing what I've learned by trying to replicate the analyses from some of my SAS books. This helps me make sure I know how to use R properly and also helps me to understand how the two programs are similar and different.
Below is
2006 Sep 13
unexpected result in glm (family=poisson) for data with an only zero response in one factor
Dear members,
here is my trouble: My data consists of counts of trapped insects in different attractive traps. I usually use GLMs with a poisson error distribution to find out the differences between my traitments (and to look at other factor effects). But for some dataset where one traitment contains only zeros, GLM with poisson family fail to find any difference between this particular traitment
2004 Aug 06
About the number of channels
Is it possible to encode/decode more than 2 channels (stereo) stream
with Speex ?
We are currently recording one,two or four channels stream and we had to
customize an ADPCM codec for the four channels part.
Stéphane Laliberté
Novo Technologie inc.
<p>--- >8 ----
List archives: http://www.xiph.org/archives/
Ogg project homepage:
2003 Sep 15
User permissions on samba shared directories
Hi everybody,
I have successfully installed and configured Samba on my Aix box. I have setup domain security and mounted the machiine on the domain. I added a [homes] section and now everybody logging to their Windows 2000 workstations have access to their Aix home directory, what is great!
However, I have noticed by checking the home directory security for my user that there is THREE users |
2013 Feb 26
Getting the correct factor level as Dunnett control in glht()
Hello all,
I would like to do a Dunnett test in glht(). However, the factor level I
want to use as the control is not the first.
dunn1<-glht(model3, linfct = mcp(Container = "Dunnett"), alternative =
The factor container has 8 levels, so it would be nice not to manually
enter in all of the contrasts. I originally discovered glht() when
working with a glm model
2013 Oct 27
dunnett test questions
I've got a data set with a control group and a number of experimental
groups, that have unequal sample sizes, and am measuring the number of
people in each that respond yes or no. I'd like to use a dunnett test in
R, where the syntax is supposed to be like:
2002 Feb 16
No subject
Hello ALL:
I am looking for multiple comparison tests for ANOVA models. Does R have any
of these?
Fisher least significant difference test.
Tukey henestly significant difference test.
Newman - Keul test.
Dunnett's test
Scheffe test.
Thank you,
r-help mailing list -- Read
2005 Mar 17
Compiling "embedding R" examples
I am working at a major financial institution and we would like to embed R in one of our front office application.
The application is written in C/C++ so I started by trying to compile the examples in "tests/Embedding" of R 2.0.1.
I have modified "tests/Embedding/Makefile" according https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-February/064341.html
and set
2005 Mar 17
Compiling "R Embedded" examples
This question was first posted wrongly on R-help. Apologize for the inconvenience.
I am working at a major financial institution and we would like to embed R in one of our front office application.
The application is written in C/C++ so I started by trying to compile the examples in "tests/Embedding" of R 2.0.1.
I have modified "tests/Embedding/Makefile" according to
2015 Mar 28
Problem connecting to an imap account with Dovecot
I have several accounts on my server. I can?t connect to one of them using Apple mail on Mac or IOS to create my account or read my mail in these applications. I can send mails to this address and read them with my Horde webmail. I have these messages in the log :
Mar 28 12:21:49 sd-41648 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<laurent at xxxxxx.fr>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1,
2005 Jun 14
bs() function of the splines package
Laurent 14 juin 12:02 afficher les options
De : "Laurent" <eddy_l... at hotmail.com> - Rechercher les messages de cet
Date : Tue, 14 Jun 2005 03:02:37 -0700
Local : Mar 14 juin 2005 12:02
Objet : bs() function of the splines package
R??pondre | R??pondre ?? l'auteur | Transf??rer | Imprimer | Message individuel
| Afficher l'original | Retirer | Signaler un
2009 Dec 30
factorial analysis influenced by data skewness
I run a factorial analysis on 20 variables describing the behaviour of
insects on 9 different resistant plants. I then biologically interpreted
each of the 5 factors obtained, with respect to the variables with the
highest loading value for each factor. And I run a GLM on each factor with
plant as independent variable. Eventually, I inferred the resistance
mechanism by comparing (through
2001 Jul 05
documentation t.test (PR#1014)
Full_Name: Laurent Gautier
Version: R.1.2.3
OS: linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
In the package ctest (installed with R by default... it must be, since
I do not find it on the CRAN page listing the contributed packages),
the attribute of the object returned by the function t.test() holding the
degrees of freedom is documented as being parameters, while the attribute
name is
2003 Apr 09
'Apparently' trouble with name spaces and Sweave...
Ben Bolstad experienced something odd while running R CMD check over
a package of ours using r-devel (yesterday's fresh).
He tracked down the problem to a vignette calling 'library(MASS)'.
Please kindly ignore if this is a known (and temporary) issue.
----- Forwarded message from Ben Bolstad <bolstad@stat.berkeley.edu> -----