similar to: Convergence code in nlm function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Convergence code in nlm function"

2000 Mar 06
nlm and optional arguments
It would be really nice if nlm took a set of "..." optional arguments that were passed through to the objective function. This level of hacking is probably slightly beyond me: is there a reason it would be technically difficult/inefficient? (I have a vague memory that it used to work this way either in S-PLUS or in some previous version of R, but I could easily be wrong.) Here's
2005 Oct 11
Sometimes having problems finding a minimum using optim(), optimize(), and nlm() (while searching for noncentral F parameters)
Hi everyone. I have a problem that I have been unable to determine either the best way to proceed and why the methods I'm trying to use sometimes fail. I'm using the pf() function in an optimization function to find a noncentrality parameter that leads to a specific value at a specified quantile. My goal is to have a general function that returns the noncentrality parameter that
2008 Jan 15
Viewing source code for .Internal functions
I am trying to view the source code of the function nlm in the stats package of R 2.4.1. I downloaded the source from CRAN and opened nlm.R, and it calls a .Internal function: .Internal(nlm(function(x) f(x, ...), p, hessian, typsize, fscale, msg, ndigit, gradtol, stepmax, steptol, iterlim)) This is the same thing I saw when entering the function name at the R command
2005 Dec 04
Understanding nonlinear optimization and Rosenbrock's banana valley function?
GENERAL REFERENCE ON NONLINEAR OPTIMIZATION? What are your favorite references on nonlinear optimization? I like Bates and Watts (1988) Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications (Wiley), especially for its key insights regarding parameter effects vs. intrinsic curvature. Before I spent time and money on several of the refences cited on the help pages for "optim",
2003 Oct 24
first value from nlm (non-finite value supplied by nlm)
Dear expeRts, first of all I'd like to thank you for the quick help on my last which() problem. Here is another one I could not tackle: I have data on an absorption measurement which I want to fit with an voigt profile: fn.1 <- function(p){ for (i1 in ilong){ ff <- f[i1] ex[i1] <- exp(S*n*L*voigt(u,v,ff,p[1],p[2],p[3])[[1]]) } sum((t-ex)^2) } out <-
2010 Oct 13
Wierd nlm behaviour in 2.10.1 and 2.12.0 [Sec=Unclassified]
Hi all, When upgrading to 2.11.1 recently I noticed different results being produced by my code. After much digging I have finally narrowed it to a call to nlm(). This can be replicated by: FixedRemovals<-1836180125888 AbStageInitial<-2223033830403 Rates<- 0.3102445 nlm(function(rootM,Abund,Loss,OtherM) {(Loss-(rootM/(rootM+OtherM)* (1-exp(-(rootM+OtherM)))*
2000 Dec 07
Tuning the nlm function
Hi Everyone, Is there a simple way to force nlm to take larger initial steps? Setting print.level = 2 allows me to inspect the step size at each iteration, but I appear not to have made any appreciable impact on it by changing values of typsize, fscale, steptol or stepmax. The steps repeatedly come out tiny, 1e-9 typically, and the algorithm is terminating not because the gradient is zero (it
2002 Nov 14
nlm / fscale
Dear all, I am using the nlm(base) function for a simple least squares problem. The size (order of magnitude) of the minimized function near the final parameter set is normally about 1e-10. Using the fscale=1e-10 argument in nlm is inefficient (no minimization is performed, iterations=0 or 1). Nlm only works when the minimized function is multiplied by 1e10 (without changing the default
2004 Sep 09
Dyn.load of sharing object with GSL library
Following the recommendation of Prof. Ripley, I have created the Makevars file with the line: PKG_LIBS="-L/usr/lib/libm -lm -L/usr/local/lib/libgsl -lgsl -L/usr/local/lib /libgslcblas -lgslcblas" in the working directory. Now I have the code file Example3.c which computes the Bessel function value (the example is taken from the GSL reference book). I am running: R CMD SHLIB Example3.c
2004 Aug 10
Question about mle function
Dear all, I'd like to find the mle esttimates using the mle function mle(negloglik, start = list(), fixed=list(), method="..."). I am using the L-BGFS-B method and I don't supply the gradient function. Is there a way to print the gradients found at the solution value? I am using R-1.9.1 on Windows and on Unix. Thank you in advance, Victoria Landsman. [[alternative
2002 Jul 22
typsize and fscale arguments to nlm
Dear R list members, I have a question about the proper use of the typsize and fscale arguments to nlm. I use nlm in my sem package to fit general structural-equation models, which entails maximizing a multinormal likelihood with respect to parameters that represent regression coefficients and covariances of variables. The magnitudes of these parameters can be very different. The
2011 Aug 24
problema de selección de valores iniciales en nlm
Hola a todos, Necesito estimar dos parametros utilizando la función nlm; fit<-nlm(hood2par,c(x01[i],x02[j]),iterlim=300, catch=x[,c(3,4,5)],sp=.5) donde hood2par es una logística modificada. Pero en mi caso, la convergencia de nlm depende de los valores iniciales de dichos parámetros. Para buscar dichos valores iniciales de manera automática, genero dos vectores de valores iniciales
2005 Mar 16
Summing up matrices in a list
Dear all, I think that my question is very simple but I failed to solve it. I have a list which elements are matrices like this: >mylist [[1]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 3 5 [2,] 2 4 6 [[2]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 7 9 11 [2,] 8 10 12 I'd like to create a matrix M<-mylist[[1]]+mylist[[2]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 8 12 16 [2,] 10 14 18
2007 Feb 17
Constraint maximum (likelihood) using nlm
Hi, I'm trying to find the maximum (likelihood) of a function. Therefore, I'm trying to minimize the negative likelihood function: # params: vector containing values of mu and sigma # params[1] - mu, params[2]- sigma # dat: matrix of data pairs y_i and s_i # dat[,1] - column of y_i , dat[,2] column of s_i negll <- function(params,dat,constant=0) { for(i in 1:length(dat[,1])) {
2005 Mar 24
How to stop the minimization when the condition does not hold
Dear experts! I have a minimization problem with non-linear constraint and Objective function(theta)=lambda*(Constr)^2-f(x,theta). Theta is a vector of parameters. I'd like to stop the optimization after the value of the constraint is less or equal some constant value, say d, and save the last computed value of the function. For this purpose, I thought to define the Objective function like
2018 Apr 17
Minor glitch in optim()
Having worked with optim() and related programs for years, it surprised me that I haven't noticed this before, but optim() is inconsistent in how it deals with bounds constraints specified at infinity. Here's an example: # optim-glitch-Ex.R x0<-c(1,2,3,4) fnt <- function(x, fscale=10){ yy <- length(x):1 val <- sum((yy*x)^2)*fscale } grt <- function(x, fscale=10){ nn
1999 Mar 05
R version: RW0632 1. gnlm package, nlr() error message: "Last global step failed to locate a point lower than x. Either x is an approximate local minimum of the function, the function is too non-linear for this algorithm, or steptl is too large." last line: steptol (also, should it read "steptol is too small?") 2. help(glm) " Fitting Generalized Linear Models
2011 Apr 10
maxLik package.
Dear Sir/ Madam,   I have some enquiry in R about maxLik package where, in this package we have the usage  maxLik(logLik, grad, hess, start, method, iterlim, print.level)   when I used this with print.level equals to 3 I could have estimates of parameters at each iteration but I do not know how can I call the information in the level. Is there any way can help me to call the information within
2011 May 03
help with the maxBHHH routine
Hello R community, I have been using R's inbuilt maximum likelihood functions, for the different methods (NR, BFGS, etc). I have figured out how to use all of them except the maxBHHH function. This one is different from the others as it requires an observation level gradient. I am using the following syntax: maxBHHH(logLik,grad=nuGradient,finalHessian="BHHH",start=prm,iterlim=2)
2004 Jul 12
Where does R search when source() ?
I have found the use of save( ) and attach( ) when supported by a pair of functions written by my colleague John Miyamoto, move( ) and ) quite useful in managing (1) collections of useful homebrew functions, (2) project workspaces, and (3) "packages" under development. An .Rdata file containing these and other handy functions together with a brief supporting document can be