similar to: probability histogram question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "probability histogram question"

2006 Feb 11
aggregate vs tapply; is there a middle ground?
Dear all, I'm wanting to do a series of comparisons among 4 categorical variables: a <- aggregate(y, list(var1, var2, var3, var4), sum) This gets me a very nice 2-dimensional data frame with one column per variable, BUT, as help for aggregate says, <<empty subsets are removed>>. I don't see in help(aggregate) how I can change this. In contrast, a <- tapply(y,
2004 Aug 19
column names in data.frame
Dear R-help, Please can someone explain how to put a column name on an output data.frame. ##Starting with a data.frame with 3 columns (d$Year, d$NoIndiv, d$wtd_tl) yr_ind <- split (d$NoIndiv, d$Year) yr_tl <- split (d$wtd_tl, d$Year) ann_ind <- sapply (yr_ind, sum) ann_tl <- sapply (yr_tl, sum) av_tl <- ann_tl/ann_ind d2<- data.frame (av_tl) ##This gives me a data.frame
2004 Jun 25
4 getting duplicates
Hi there I have a data frame with about 65,000 rows and 8 variables. I am trying to get rid of the double entries of a factor variable "ID" so I can get a unique observation for each ID I tried: >[ID,]) #I obtain a data frame with 21,547 > far so good, but then when I check for duplicates >d_duplicated(dupl2$ID)
2004 Jul 08
Hello group, I am learning R and I am new to many concepts.I face the following errors when I am trying to execute the following. I have 4 text files with protein accession numbers. I wanted to represent them in a venn diagram and for that I using intersect and setdiff functions. My data looks like this: file1.txt (c): NP_000005 NP_000020 NP_000030 NP_000053 file2.txt(e): NP_000005 NP_000020
2006 Jan 06
Ordering boxplot factors
Hi all, what a great help list! I hope someone can help me with this puzzle... I'm trying to find a simple way to do: boxplot(obs~factor) so that the factors are ordered left-to-right along the x-axis by median, not alphabetically by factor name. Complicated ways abound, but I'm hoping for a magical one-liner that'll do the trick. Any suggestions would be treasured. Thanks,
2006 Feb 26
changing degrees of freedom in summary.lm()
Hello all, I'm trying to do a nested linear model with a dataset that incorporates an observation for each of several classes within each of several plots. I have 219 plots, and 17 classes within each plot. data.frame has columns "plot","class","age","dep.var" With lm(dep.var~class*age), The summary(lm) function returns t-test and F-test values
2004 Sep 08
a little question about R
Hello,sir: Here's a little question about R which needs your help.Thanks in advance. If I wanna make a sequence just like a,b,c,d (In other words,a vector consists of 4 characters :a,b,c,d ).How can I do it in a shortcut manner? Yes,I can do it as following: c("a","b","c","d") and the result is:[1] "a" "b" "c"
2004 Jul 08
Problem with the grep function
Let me present to you my problem : I have a character vector x and I would like to obtain the indices of the elements of this vector that yielded exactly a match. For example, x=nom, pattern="b", I would to obtain 2 because "b" is on the second position. First program : nom <- c("a","b","ab") grep("b",nom) 2 3 Then I try the
2002 Oct 28
as.POSIX (PR#2222)
Full_Name: Alec Stephenson Version: 1.6.0 OS: linux Submission from: (NULL) ( Appears to be a sign error in as.POSIX(lt/ct) > library("chron") The following is fine, with default origin. > tmp <- chron(1:2, origin = c(1,1,1970)) > as.POSIXlt(tmp) [1] "1970-01-02 01:00:00 GMT" "1970-01-03 01:00:00 GMT" These are not. > tmp <-
2003 Jul 28
defining and plotting functions thanks to equation
Hi R lovers! Are there any means to define and plot a function given the equation that specifies the function? For example I'd like to plot and work with the Gumbel Distribution density defined by Lambda(x)=exp(-exp(-x)) My question may appear very simple but I haven't got an idea yet about how to do that. I could plot something with x a vector/set of value but I don't know how to
2002 Oct 29
documentation for require (PR#2226)
Full_Name: alec stephenson Version: 1.6.0 OS: linux Submission from: (NULL) ( The documentation for the function require is incorrect. The file library.Rd has in its arguments section \item{quietly}{a logical. If \code{TRUE}, a warning will not be printed if the package cannot be found.} which is incorrect, as a warning message is always given if the package is not
2001 May 19
calculations on diagonals of a matrix
Given an nxm matrix A I want to compute the nxm matrix B whose ij-th element is the sum of the elements of A lying on the diagonal that ends with element ij, i.e., b_ij = a_ij + a_(i-1)(j-1) + a_(i-2)(j-2) + ... In APL (which I no longer use), I would use the 'rotate' operator to derive an array whose columns are diagonals of the given array and then cumulate down columns. Is
2006 Dec 14
Fit Frechet Distribution
Hi everyone, is there a function to fit a frechet distribution? The only thing I found is from ismev which fits a generalized extreme value distribution (if shape>1 => Frechet) . Is there a function to only fit a frechet? Thank you Benjamin
2004 Jul 26
Read SPSS data (*.sav) in R 1.8.0 (ok) and R1.9.1(error)
Hallo! I read SPSS data in the following way: library(Hmisc) library(foreign) dat<-spss.get("surv_abb.sav") In R1.9.1 I got the message: "Error in all(arg == choices) : Object "typeDate" not found" In R1.8.0 the same script works fine. Does anybody know a possibilty to read a SPSS file under R1.9.1? Thanks! Karl
2004 Jun 28
RMysql installation problem.
Hi! I am trying to install the RMySQL package. The installation stops with the following error message. path to mysql is set. setenv PKG_CPPFLAGS /home/arabidopsis/software/R1.9.1/linux/mysql/include setenv PKG_LIBS /home/arabidopsis/software/R1.9.1/linux/mysql/lib R CMD INSTALL RMySQL_0.5-5.tar.gz #....cut cut. creating src/Makevars ** libs gcc
2004 Oct 19
Fatal error: invalid home drive
Dear R-helpers, I have just installed R2.0.0 onto my machine which already had R1.9.1 present. I then tried to add to R2.0.0 a library called GLMM written by James McBroom for R1.6.0. Unfortunately, R2.0.0 does not recognise the library, even though R1.9.1 does. This is not because I have used the wrong case in the call to the library: > library('GLMM') > "Error in
2004 Oct 06
R2.0.0 bug in function vcov in library survival (PR#7266)
Full_Name: Sven Sandin Version: 2.0.0 OS: SuSE Linux 9.0 Submission from: (NULL) ( Have just compiled and installed R-2.0.0.tar.gz running SuSE9.0. The function vcov do not accept "coxph" object as input any longer. The same R-program running R1.9.1 do work. R-program attached below. Exporting the coxph object from R2.0.0 to R1.9.1 I get vcov ouput in R1.9.1. Exporting
2005 Feb 10
Mean calculated from R1.9.1 different from R2.0.1
Hello, I ran my simulations on the Unix verson of R1.9.1 and the Windows version of R2.0.1 on XP. I kept getting different values for the mean of the same column of the same matrix, and am perplexed. I would appreciate if anyone could help explain the difference? Here is a sample code: set.seed(7293) z1v <- rnorm(1000, mean=68, sd=13) z1v <- (z1v-mean(z1v))/sd(z1v) Using R1.9.1 on Unix,
2006 Feb 12
SUMMARY: aggregate vs. tapply
Hi all; Thanks for the responses to my query of how to make tapply into a table instead of an n-dimensional array. Summary of responses follows: Peter Dalgaard:,as.table(tapply(C,list(A=A,B=B),sum)))) Phil Spector wrote: z = tapply(y,list(var1,var2,var3,var4),sum) data.frame('expand.grid',dimnames(z)),'rbind',as.list(z))) Hans
2004 Sep 30
Is there any way to release memory in running time?
Hi all, I am doing some intensive computation right now. My system is Pentium4 3.20G + 1.0G RAM + WindowsXP + R1.9.1. It seems my computer is very powerful. However, when I do some simple matrix algebra operations based on a matrix (DD) with dimension 5000000 by 2, I found that the consumption of RAM is huge. For example, the command a <- 1 - DD[,2] eats my 100M RAM. Does anyone know how