Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Suggestion for posting guide"
2005 Feb 02
(no subject)
can you recommend a good manual for R that starts with a data set and gives
demonstrations on what can be done using R? I downloadedR Langauage
definition and An introduction to R but haven't found them overly useful.
I'd really like to be able to follow some tutorials using a dataset or many
datasets. The datasets I have available on R are
Data sets in package 'datasets':
2006 Oct 25
sourcing dput output
Is this not supposed to work?
> dput(BOD, file = "/BOD.R")
> source("/BOD.R")
Error in attributes(.Data) <- c(attributes(.Data), attrib) :
row names must be 'character' or 'integer', not 'double'
> dput(iris, file = "/iris.R")
> source("/iris.R")
Error in attributes(.Data) <- c(attributes(.Data), attrib) :
2005 Apr 21
Suggestion for the posting guide
I was preparing an e-mail for the help list and ran across a quandary.
When asking for help it is useful to include the code/data so others can
run your code and test it. I was running code on a data frame and wanted
to include a small version of the data frame. The data frame was based
on experimental data. What is the best way to do this? I didn't want to
send an attachment so a wrote code
2012 Aug 28
Don't dput() data frames?
/src/main/attrib.c contains this comment in row_names_gets():
/* This should not happen, but if a careless user dput()s a
data frame and sources the result, it will */
which svn blame says Prof Ripley placed there in r39830 with the
commit message "correct the work of dput() on the row names of a data
frame with compact representation."
Is there a problem / better way to
2006 Apr 13
What does "rbind(iris[,,1], iris[,,2], iris[,,3])" do?
It's in the Venables & Ripley MASS (ed 3) book in the section on
principal components.
The context is as follows
> ir <- rbind(iris[,,1], iris[,,2], iris[,,3])
> ir.species <- factor(c(rep("s",50),rep("c",50),rep("v",50)))
(then they use brush(ir) which I guess is not an R function)
and then
> princomp(log(ir[1:4]),cor=T)
(there is no [1:4]
2003 Nov 05
I tried it using file and it seems to work for saving:
> data(iris)
> con <- file("clipboard","w")
> save(iris,ascii=T,file=con)
> close(con)
> readLines("clipboard")
... lengthy output follows which seems correct ...
but not for loading:
> con <- file("clipboard","r")
> load(con)
Error in load(con) : loading from
2005 Jul 08
Help with Mahalanobis
Dear R list,
I'm trying to calculate Mahalanobis distances for 'Species' of 'iris' data
as obtained below:
Squared Distance to Species From Species:
Setosa Versicolor Virginica
Setosa 0 89.86419 179.38471
Versicolor 89.86419 0 17.20107
Virginica 179.38471 17.20107 0
These distances were obtained with proc 'CANDISC'
2008 Jun 06
Posting Guide
People read the posting guide yet they are still unable to create an acceptable
post. e.g.
I think the problem is that the guide is not clear or concise enough.
I suggest we add a summary at the beginning which gets to the heart
of what a poster is expected to provide:
To maximize your change of getting a response when posting
2010 May 04
split() bug? Inconsistent Windows/Linux behavior.
I didn't see anything on this in the bug reports, and a search of the
archives had lots of false positives when searching on "split" to be
I don't view this as particularly interesting or useful, but wanted to
report it because I stumbled on it (and don't remember ever seeing
"invalid permissions" as part of a segfault).? Yes, I realize this is
a silly
2005 Jul 06
Help: Mahalanobis distances between 'Species' from iris
Dear R list,
I'm trying to calculate Mahalanobis distances for 'Species' of 'iris' data
as obtained below:
Squared Distance to Species From Species:
Setosa Versicolor Virginica
Setosa 0 89.86419 179.38471
Versicolor 89.86419 0 17.20107
Virginica 179.38471 17.20107 0
This distances above were obtained with proc
2008 Feb 27
multiple plots per page using hist and pdf
I am puzzled by the behavior of hist() when generating multiple plots
per page on the pdf device. In the following example two pdf files
are generated. The first results in 4 plots on one pdf page as
expected. However, the second, which swaps one of the plot() calls
for hist(), results in a 4 page pdf with one plot per page.
How might I get the histogram with 3 other scatter
2005 Apr 07
axis colors in pairs plot
The following command produces red axis line in a pairs
pairs(iris[1:4], main = "Anderson's Iris Data -- 3 species",
pch = "+", col = c("red", "green3", "blue")[unclass(iris$Species)])
Trying to fool pairs in the following way produces the
same plot as above:
pairs(iris[1:4], main = "Anderson's Iris Data -- 3
2012 Dec 10
splitting dataset based on variable and re-combining
I have a dataset and I wish to use two different models to predict. Both models are SVM. The reason for two different models is based
on the sex of the observation. I wish to be able to make predictions and have the results be in the same order as my original dataset. To
illustrate I will use iris:
# Take Iris and create a dataframe of just two Species, setosa and versicolor, shuffle them
2000 May 11
OpenSSH 2.1.0 under Solaris 8 ...
Compiled great, got both my RSA and DSA keys' generated for Protocol 1/2,
started up fine ... try to connect and get a bunch of errors:
May 11 14:01:47 iris sshd[8578]: error: Couldn't wait for child '/bin/ls -alni' completion: No child processes
May 11 14:01:47 iris last message repeated 3 times
May 11 14:01:47 iris sshd[8578]: error: Command '/bin/ls -alni': select()
2010 Jul 07
ifelse statement
Hi, I am a newbie of R, and playing with the "ifelse" statement.
I have the following codes:
## first,
for(i in 1:3) {
for(j in 2:4) {
cor.temp <- cor(iris.allnum[,i], iris.allnum[,j])
if(i==1 & j==2) corr.iris <- cor.temp
else corr.iris <- c(corr.iris, cor.temp)
this code is working fine.
I also tried to perform the same thing in another way with "ifelse":
2011 Jul 28
not working yet: Re: lattice overlay
Hi Dieter and R community:
I tried both of these three versions with ylim as suggested, none work: I
am getting only single (pch = 16) not overlayed (pch =3) everytime.
*vs 1*
xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species , data= iris,
panel= function(x, y, subscripts) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=16, col = "green4", ylim = c(0, 10))
panel.lmline(x, y, lty=4, col =
2004 Aug 21
more on apply on data frame
Hi R People:
Several of you pointed out that using "tapply" on a data frame will work on
the iris data frame.
I'm still having a problem.
The iris data frame has 150 rows, 5 variables. The first 4 are numeric,
while the last is a factor, which has the Species names.
I can use tapply for 1 variable at a time:
setosa versicolor virginica
2007 Apr 29
randomForest gives different results for formula call v. x, y methods. Why?
Just out of curiosity, I took the default "iris" example in the RF
but seeing the admonition against using the formula interface for large data
sets, I wanted to play around a bit to see how the various options affected
the output. Found something interesting I couldn't find documentation for...
Just like the example...
> set.seed(12) # to be sure I have
2009 May 12
lattice histogram for multiple variables : adjusting x axis
Hello all,
I have a large data frame and I want to look at the distribution of each variable very quickly by plotting an individual histogram for each variable.
I'd like to do so using lattice.
Here is a small example using the iris data set:
2012 May 04
weird predict function error when I use naive bayes
I tried to use naivebayes in package 'e1071'.
when I use following parameter, only one predictor, there is an error.
> m<- naiveBayes(iris[,1], iris[,5])
> table(predict(m, iris[,1]), iris[,5])
Error in log(sapply(attribs, function(v) { :
Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
However, when I use two predictors, there is not error any more.
> m<-