Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "phylogenetic trees calculation"
2023 Nov 29
computer algebra in R
Dear Konrad,
I presume that the system can be written as follows, where h0, d0, ga0, kga and kd are given:
err1 = h + hd + hga - h0;
err2 = d + hd - d0;
err3 = ga + hga - ga0;
err4 = hga - kga*h*ga;
err5 = hd - kd*h*d;
All error terms should be zero.
Do you need (a) the symbolic solution or (b) is a numeric solution fine?
I do not have any experience with yacas or caracas. But see below.
2009 Sep 11
call Fortran from R
Dear R users,
I have to call fortran program from within R (R 2.8.1 on ubuntu 8.10
Suppose I have a fortran code like this (this is only a toy model, my
working model is far more complex, but input/output is similar)
DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION model(times, alfa, beta)
DOUBLE PRECISION alfa, beta, times
2007 Jun 11
epitools and R 2.5
At work after updating to R 2.5 I get an error using epitab from package
epitools, when at home (R 2.4) I get no error. Could someone help me?
Pietro Bulian
Servizio di Onco-Ematologia Clinico-Sperimentale
I.R.C.C.S. Centro di Riferimento Oncologico
Via Franco Gallini 2
33081 Aviano (PN) - Italy
phone: +39 0434 659 412
fax: +39 0434 659 409
e-mail: pbulian at cro.it
(at work)
2013 Jun 04
Mixed effects model with a phylogenetic tree/ distance, matrix as a random effect
Take a look at lmekin() in the coxme package. The motivating data set for my development
of coxme was the Minnesota Family Breast Cancer project: 24050 subjects in 462 families.
The random effect is an intercept per subject with sigma^2 K as its variance where K is
the kinship matrix (1 for self-self, .5 for parent-child or sib-sib, .25 for uncle-neice,
etc). lmekin is a linear models front
2012 Mar 07
distance between phylogenetic trees (quartet, NNI)
Hi all,
I want to calculate distances between phylogenetic trees. I found
functions for symmetric difference (e.g. in ape and in some other
In addition to this I also want to calculate quartets and nearest
neighbor interchange distances; are there any functions for this?
My apologies if they exist and I overlooked.
best regards
2010 Nov 25
question about importing phylogenetic tree
I am trying to import a phylogenetic tree from Mesquite into R. When I use
the read.nexus command I get the following message:
Warning message:
In matrix(x, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) :
data length [589] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows
A phylo object is created but I am unable to plot it (when I try R freezes)
and I can tell by looking at the tip labels that
2011 Apr 14
Overlaying images at nodes of phylogenetic tree
Can you recommend an R library that will help me create a diagram of a
phylogenetic tree on which specific images are placed at appropriate nodes of
the tree?
For example, I have specific image files associated with each member of the
phylogenetic tree, and I would like to automate the display of the image next to
the correct node of the tree. I can provide an image file with an example.
2005 Jan 03
building phylogenetic trees
My name is Sivan and I am a master degree student in statistics,my problem is as follows:
I have a dataset containing gene sequences and I would like to create a phylogenetic tree from it.
The problem that I can't seem to find a function to do this kind of operation. I read the ape package manual and I haven't found a command that takes raw data and turns it into a tree.
does anyone
2009 Jun 15
How to build phylogenetic tree by R program from distance any distance matrix
Hello R users,
Can any one please help me to find a way to build phylogenetic tree by R
program from any distance matrix.
Suppose I have a data like :
[1] '1' 0.0
[2] '2' 0.071 0.0
[3] '3' 0.036 0.286 0.0
[4] '4' 0.429 0.75 0.714 0.0
[5] '5' 0.679 0.179 0.214 0.536 0.0
[6] '6' 0.893 0.929 0.964 0.464 0.357 0.0
2011 Sep 15
Model Selection with Phylogenetic Independent Contrasts
I'm trying to select a model under PCA using independent contrasts. Since
PICs need to be forced through the origin I've been using lmorigin for the
original regression, but it doesn't appear that stepAIC recognizes it. I
keep receiving an error message - "Error in na.fail.default(list(Phenology =
c(NA_integer_, NA_integer_, :
missing values in object"
I'm having
2012 Jun 18
Obtaining r-squared values from phylogenetic autoregression in ape
I am trying to carry out a phylogenetic autoregression to test whether my
data show a phylogenetic signal, but I keep calculating bizzare R-squared
My script is:
> library(ape)
> x <-
2010 Nov 11
metafor: including phylogenetic non-independence among species?
Hello, Is it possible to include information about phylogenetic relatedness
among species (when species are replicates for each study within a
meta-analysis) in a meta-anlaysis in the metafor package?
Alternatively, I wonder if the method f Lajeunesse 2009 American Naturalist
has been adopted in R in any fashion?
Thanks, Scott Chamberlain
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2007 Jan 26
Package for phylogenetic tree analyses
I am looking for a package that
1. reads in a phylogenetic tree in NEXUS format
2. given two members/nodes on the tree, can return the
distance between the two using the tree.
I came across the following packages on CRAN
ouch, ape, apTreeShape, phylgr all of which seem to
provide extensive range of functions for reading in a
Nexus-format tree and performing phylogenetic
analyses, tree
2004 Mar 30
koq.q ---- Kent O' Quigley R2
Dear R-users,
I apply to your kind attention to know if someone have used the Splus software
koq.q (Kent & O'Quigley's measure of dependence for censored data) in R and
kindly can help me.
I have tried several times to contact the authors Andrej Blejec
(andrej.blejec at uni-lj.si) or Janez Stare (janez.stare at mf.uni-lj.si) but
unfortunately no one answered me.
2009 Sep 17
How to colour the tip labels in a phylogenetic tree
Using Ape, I have constructed an object of class "phylo", using the
method 'nj' (lets call the object 'tree_ja').
I also have a given subset of 'tree_ja' in a vector (lets call the
vector 'subspecies').
What I want to do, is construct a nj tree - plot(tree_ja) - but have the
species in vector 'subspecies' shown as red at the tips of the
2012 Apr 13
R: Colouring phylogenetic tip labels and/or edges
I have reconstructed ancestral character states on a phylogeny using MuSSE in the diversitree package and plotted the character state probabilities as pie charts on the nodes. I would, however, like to colour the character states of my extant species, i.e. the tip labels, the same colours as my pie charts, such that all species in state 1 are e.g. blue, species in state 2 red and species in
2013 Jun 03
Mixed effects model with a phylogenetic tree/ distance matrix as a random effect
I'm trying to build a mixed-effects model in which I'd like to include
either a distance matrix or a phylogenetic tree as a random effect.
The troubles I've had are that:
1. Function lmer() in package lme4 only accepts a data frame column as a
random factor and not a distance matrix.
2. Function MCMCglmm() in package MCMCglmm only accepts a rooted and
ultrametric phylogenetic
2019 Apr 05
new R packages for phylogenetic compartive methods
Dear all,
I wanted to let you know about four phylogenetic comparative methods (PCM) packages that have become available on (3 on CRAN and 1 on GitHub) recently that hopefully will be interesting to somebody. Three of them go significantly beyond the Brownian motion (BM) and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) processes.
1) There is a new version of mvSLOUCH available. The most important change is that
2019 Apr 05
new R packages for phylogenetic compartive methods
Dear all,
I wanted to let you know about four phylogenetic comparative methods (PCM) packages that have become available on (3 on CRAN and 1 on GitHub) recently that hopefully will be interesting to somebody. Three of them go significantly beyond the Brownian motion (BM) and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) processes.
1) There is a new version of mvSLOUCH available. The most important change is that
2015 Jan 27
trabajar con todos los elementos de la fila de un data.table
Hola a todos...Auxilio, estoy varado en esto y creo que mi terquedad no me deja avanzar ... terquedad ya que estoy usando la estructura data.table y no logro obtener el resultado. Tengo una DT contiene un DATO y los resultados de la aplicación de una validación (ERR01, ERR2, ERR3) y la concatenación de estos errores en una sola columna. Si tiene error, graba el número del error, si no lo tiene,