similar to: gray background in png

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "gray background in png"

2004 Mar 16
graphical interface
Dear R users,, I'm having difficulties when i use the gstat extensions in R especially with the graphical interface, as the variograms plots are depicted with gray background and cyan points for the number of pairs, Consequently the fitted variogram is drawn in cyan, How can i change that so i could have, white background and black lines for the fitted variogram, for the complete plot.
2003 Oct 19
problem with win.metafile( ): traceback()
For the first error message: > win.metafile(file = "//.../plot1.wmf", + width = 8.5, height = 6.25) > lset( list( background = list(col = "white"))) Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable "win.metafile://.../plot1.wmf" was not found > traceback() 4: get(device) 3: trellis.device(device = .Device, new = FALSE) 2: trellis.par.get(item) 1:
2004 Jan 15
Lattices: Cloud: Background
Hi, There's probably some simple way of doing this, but I'm just not seeing it - How do I get the background to be white instead of grey when I have a cloud plot (using the lattices package)? par(bg="white") isn't working. I'm assuming par commands won't work on lattice plots. What should I use instead? Thanks, Adrienne [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Sep 23
How do I change plot colors in bwplot
Hello, I'm using bwplot to make a few plots. The plots are exactly what I need, but are coming out with a grey background and turquoise boxes and whiskers. I cannot figure out how to just get black and white to be the default. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks Kenneth E. Nussear Phone 775 784-1703 Ecology, Evolution and FAX 775 784-1369
2004 Jul 27
re: help with lattice plot
Dear List, I have been using R to create an xyplot using the panel function within lattice libraries. This plot is based on the data supplied in R named 'Oats'. The graph represents oat yield by nitro level with an overlay of each variety of oats for each nitro level. I have three questions regarding this graph: 1) I cannot seem to specify the type of symbol used by the plot, even though
2004 Oct 22
dotplot & lattice problems: y axis values and bg color output in jpg
I have a linux system with Fedora Core 2 and R-2.0. I was comparing plots made with plot() and dotplot() and discovered a problem. Although the dots are positioned correctly, the numerical labels in the dotplot y axis are not correct. I put copies here: That is the "correct" one from plot, with the higest value on y showing at 18.
2004 Oct 19
Sweave and Trellis in R 2.0.0patched (Windows)
I've been using the following code to plot using Sweave in version 1.9.1 library(RODBC) library(lattice) channel <-odbcConnectExcel("h:/water.xls") data <- sqlQuery(channel,"select * from `Sheet1$` where Test = 'TOC' and (Valve='5010-05' or Valve='8030-V26' or Valve='1180-08' or Valve='5040-08')") odbcClose(channel) srt <-
2003 Jun 16
grid background color
Dear all, I am trying to run cloud function in lattice library under r-1.7, and I wlways get gray background. I've tried to chang it by set ""white")" or by gpar(background="white") but no result. How do i do it? Thanks in advance, Ron
2005 May 05
Need some quick help with lattice - barchart
For the following code below, the x-axis ticks are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 when I was expection them to be 1,2,8,9,10,11,12. Please help me figure out where is the mistake. library(lattice) testdata <- 1,2005,9.24,6.18,634, 2,2005,8.65,6.05,96, 8,2004,6.81,6.51,16, 9,2004,9.0,7.29,8, 10,2004,8.84,6.18,524, 11,2004,8.54,6.35,579, 12,2004,9.97,6.3,614, 12,2005,8.75,5.84,32,
2005 May 03
Lattice dotplot with symbols sized and colored
Apologies if this is a naive beginners question. I am trying to create a dotplot with the lattice dotplot function in which my dots are colored differently depending on if positive or negative and sized by$mwZ I have tried... dotplot(sporder ~ cvarorder | direct,, cex=abs($mwZ * 0.05), xlab="climate variables",
2003 Jun 19
Background color(s) for groupedData plot
I've been using par() to check the graphics parameters associated with both plot(<fitted linear model>) and plot(<grouped data object>). AFAIK the only differences are in the $cxy, $usr, $xaxp, and $yaxp parameters but the background color for the grouped data plot is grey while the linear model plot has a white background. When I've tried par(bg = "white") prior to
2006 Jun 01
Help with evaluation of expressions
Hello all: I have searched through the help files and I have been unsuccessful in solving this problem. I am trying to create a small wrapper function that will go around a call to a plot function and create a windows metafile in the directory and also write the name of the file to a text file. The purpose is to efficiently bring a large number of plots into powerpoint. I am using
2005 Apr 07
sweave bwplot error
Hi I use sweave and have a problem with the following figure, but not with other figures: tt <- data.frame(c("a", "b", "c"), c(1.2, 3, 4.5)) names(tt) <- c("x1", "x2") bwplot(x2 ~x1, data = tt) ok now in sweave: \begin{figure}[H] \begin{center} <<echo=FALSE, fig=TRUE, height=5, width=10>>= lset(col.whitebg()) bwplot(x2 ~x1,
2004 Mar 03
Changing background in splom et al.
Context: Windows XP, R 1.8.1 I'm studying Venables-Ripley "MASS" book and having a go at the many examples in library MASS. The code I'm checking (from script ch04.R) now is ...... data(swiss) splom(~ swiss, aspect = "fill", panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, ...); panel.loess(x, y, ...) } ) which produces an agreable plot with a gray
2004 Oct 01
Background color Windows device (newbie)
Dear R Gurus Just started on R ! Using xYplot from Hmisc (R 1.9, W2K) I get a grey/blue background that I would like to change to white (ie no background) or may be to another color. Tried to do that with par(bg) but only changed the color of the trellis heading. What's the right command to do that ? Kind regards, JL PS if anyone has nice default settings for win device please let me
2004 Sep 22
layout for xyplot
Dear all, I tried to use layout argument in xyplot to get one panel per page. I have a dataframe named 'data' with the following variables: x, y = coords, sub, bloc = 2-level factors, etat = 5-level factor, I did : > lset(theme = col.whitebg()) > xyplot(y ~ x | bloc*sub , data=data, groups=etat, + layout=c(0,1,4), + main="Etat des plantes dans chaque
2005 Mar 16
Note: "The default device has been opened to honour attempt to modify trellis settings"
R-help, I'm using a function whose end result is a trellis plot. When I call the function I get sometimes the following message: "Note: The default device has been opened to honour attempt to modify trellis settings " leading up to any plot whatsoever. I call the package 'lattice' within the function and 'detach' after plotting. I have to close the graphics
2002 Jun 12
package lattice
Hi! I am using R1.5.0. When using functions form lattice the background is dark grey. I have tried to change it using par() but it does not work. By the way, if I use par and the standard functions like hist() there is no problem with the par function. Any hints? Thank in advance, Ignacio Perez Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria
2006 Oct 25
density plot text
Is there any way of adding text to a density plot? I have had a go using the text() function but I think the error is because this function doesn't work with densityplot(). Alternatively, I understand I can achieve pretty much the same result if I plot a density kernel estimate using plot() (which allows text()), but I do prefer densityplot(). Also, is it possible to specify the dimensions
2003 Oct 24
possible win.metafile( ) problem?
R1.8.0, Win2k: When I run the code lset( list( background = list(col = "white"))) xyplot ( y ~ TIME , data = foo.frame, scales = list(alternating = FALSE), ylim = c(.75,y.max), panel = function(x, y, panel.number, ... ) { panel.superpose(x = foo.frame$TIME[foo.frame$group == 1], y = foo.frame$y[foo.frame$group == 1], subscripts = TRUE, groups =