Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches similar to: "Exact Maximum Likelihood Package"
2009 Aug 13
metafor random effects meta-analysis
Great to see the new metafor package for meta-analysis.
I would like to perform a meta-analysis in which I initially calculate the intercept of the model with a nested random-effects structure. In lme, this would be
model<- lme(v3~1, random=~1|species/study, weights = varFixed(~Wt), method = "REML")
where multiple effects sizes are measured for some studies and more than
2009 Mar 21
Fisher test problem
Hi, I noted a discrepancy between R and openepi when I ran a fisher test
with the same matrix. In R:
> a=matrix(c(1,2,6,17), nrow=2)
> a
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 6
[2,] 2 17
> fisher.test(a, conf.int=T)
Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
data: a
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
2005 Jan 27
Request for help (reference details)
I referred in my reply to a paper by Diaconis and Sturmfels. The exact
reference is:
Diaconis and Sturmfels, Algebraic algorithms for sampling from conditional
distributions, Ann. Stat 26 (1998) 363-397.
They cite the following:
Besag and Clifford, Generalized Monte Carlo significance tests, Biometrika
76 (1989) 633-42.
which actually contains your problem (section 3, Testing the Rasch model)
2010 Mar 04
which coefficients for a gam(mgcv) model equation?
Dear users,
I am trying to show the equation (including coefficients from the model
estimates) for a gam model but do not understand how to.
Slide 7 from one of the authors presentations (gam-theory.pdf URL:
http://people.bath.ac.uk/sw283/mgcv/) shows a general equation
log{E(yi )} = ?+ ?xi + f (zi ) .
What I would like to do is put my model coefficients and present the
equation used. I am an
2002 Aug 12
help with pseudo-random numbers
Dear People,
I have a vexing problem related to pseudo-random number generation, and
would appreciate any help and advice. This problem is not directly related
to R, and the only reason I am posting it to this list is that my
implementation is using R. Let me describe my problem by giving an
example, that is close to what I am trying to do.
Suppose we are given a stream of pseudo-random numbers,
2006 Oct 17
About compositional data analysis
The compositional data xi=(x_i1,x_i2,...,x_in), for each fixed i , xij>0,
and sum(xij)=1;
I want to compare the mean( u_i) of several groups
H0: u_1=u_2=...=u_N
H0: u_11=u_21=...=u_N1
Are there any ANOVA tpye tools to do this work in R?
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2006 Oct 17
Are there ANOVA for compositional data?
The compositional data xi=(x_i1, x_i2,..., x_in), for each fixed i ,
xij>0, and sum(xij)=1;
I want to compare the mean( u_i) of several groups
H0: u_1=u_2=...=u_N
Hj0: u_1j=u_2j=...=u_Nj
Are there any ANOVA tpye tools to do this work in R?
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2005 Jan 27
Request for help
My name is Michela Marignani and I'm an ecologist trying to solve a problem
linked to knight' s tour algorithm.
I need a program to create random matrices with presence/absence (i.e. 1,0
values), with defined colums and rows sums, to create null models for
statistical comparison of species distribution phenomena.
I've seen on the web many solutions of the problem, but none provides
2005 Aug 12
General expression of a unitary matrix
Hi, all,
Does anybody got the most general expression of a unitary matrix?
I found one in the book, four entries of the matrix are:
(cos\theta) exp(j\alpha); -(sin\theta)exp(j(\alpha-\Omega));
(sin\theta)exp(j(\beta+\Omega)); (cos\theta) exp(j\beta);
where "j" is for complex.
However, since for any two unitary matrices, their product should also
be a unitary matrix. When I
2009 Aug 24
Formulas in gam function of mgcv package
Dear R-experts,
I have a question on the formulas used in the gam function of the mgcv
I am trying to understand the relationships between:
Does the latter contain the former? what about the smoothers of all
interaction terms?
I have (tried to) read the manual pages of gam, formula.gam, smooth.terms,
linear.functional.terms but
2009 Aug 24
Formulas in gam function of mgcv package
Dear R-experts,
I have a question on the formulas used in the gam function of the mgcv
I am trying to understand the relationships between:
Does the latter contain the former? what about the smoothers of all
interaction terms?
I have (tried to) read the manual pages of gam, formula.gam, smooth.terms,
linear.functional.terms but
2008 Jun 30
Rebuild of kernel 2.6.9-67.0.20.EL failure
Hello list.
I'm trying to rebuild the kernel, but it fails even without
How did I try it?
Created a (non-root) build environment (not a mock )
Installed the kernel.scr.rpm and did a
rpmbuild -ba --target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec 2> prep-err.log | tee
The build failed at the end:
Processing files: kernel-xenU-devel-2.6.9-67.0.20.EL