Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Calculate correctly, but gives an error message"
2012 Jul 22
R Beginner : Loop and adding row to dataframe
Hi everybody,
I am currently quite inexperienced with R.
I try to create a function that simply take a value in a dataframe, look for
this value in another dataframe and copy all the row that have this value
This example is a simplified version of what I am doing but it's enough to
help me
a 1
b 2
c 3
NACE aaa bbb ccc
1 a a c
1 a a c
1 a a c
2 a a c
2 a a c
3 a a c
4 a
2010 Nov 27
d.f. in F test of nested glm models
Dear all,
I am fitting a glm to count data using poison errors with the log link. My
goal is to test for the significance of model terms by calling the anova
function on two nested models following the recommendation in Michael
Crawley's guide to Statistical Computing.
Without going into too much detail, essentially, I have a small
overdispersion problem (errors do not fit the poisson
2004 May 17
Accessing data
I would like to access my data frame without one variable.
> colnames(x)
[1] "Besch" "Ang.m" "Arb.m" "i10" "Umsatz" "arbstd"
I can try x[,-1], but this variable must be called by it??s name.
does not work.
I could not found a solution of
2007 Sep 01
Comparing "transform" to "with"
Hi All,
I've been successfully using the with function for analyses and the
transform function for multiple transformations. Then I thought, why not
use "with" for both? I ran into problems & couldn't figure them out from
help files or books. So I created a simplified version of what I'm
rm( list=ls() )
2005 Feb 21
Compare rows of two matrices
#I have two matrices, eg.:
y <- matrix( c(20, NA, NA, 45, 50, 19, 32, 101, 10, 22, NA, NA, 80, 49, 61, 190), ncol=4 )
x <- matrix( c(20, NA, NA, NA, 50, 19, 32, 101, 10, 22, NA, NA, 80, 49, 61, 190), ncol=4 )
#Whereas x contains all NA?s from y plus some additional NA?s.
#I want to find the index of these additional NA?s. I think, there must be a very
2016 May 04
GVN pass: does global value numbering remove duplicate computations in loops?
I was hoping to get some clarification on the aim of the GVN pass. I have
been reading a bit about global value numbering, and from what I
understand, there are polynomial time algorithms for removing duplicate
computations from loops[1].
I have an example program[2] which computes the sum of an array twice, in
two separate accumulators.
Here, sum0 and sum1 are both sums of the array A.
2008 Oct 17
Text (eg. summary) to text file, Howto?
Simple question...
I would like to dump some summries of lm()'s to small seperate text files.
I have looked at:
print(), but it don't support output to file
cat(), but it claims that 'sum1' is a list
write, but that just uses cat()...
The script goes something like this:
lmMax <- lm(NUMAMMON ~ YYYY*MM*DD)
sum1 <- summary(lmMax)
# help needed here... how to dump sum1
2008 Apr 22
how to convert non numeric data into numeric?
I am having the following error in my function
constant<- n*(theta1+theta2)
sum1<-lapply(reqdIRR*exp(theta1),FUN = sum)
sum2<-lapply(exp(theta2 - reqdIRR*exp(theta1)),FUN = sum)
sum = sum1 + sum2
log.fcn = constant - as.numeric(sum)
result = - log.fcn
*error :
2007 Feb 01
Help with efficient double sum of max (X_i, Y_i) (X & Y vectors)
For R gurus this may be a no brainer, but I could not find pointers to
efficient computation of this beast in past help files.
Background - I wish to implement a Cramer-von Mises type test statistic
which involves double sums of max(X_i,Y_j) where X and Y are vectors of
differing length.
I am currently using ifelse pointwise in a vector, but have a nagging
suspicion that there is a
2010 Sep 24
grep contents of file on remote server
I am attempting to grep the contents of a key file I have SCP'd to a
remote server. I am able to cat it:
[bluethundr at LBSD2:~]$:ssh root at sum1 cat /root/id_rsa.pub
root at lcent01.summitnjhome.com's password:
2004 May 27
Rcmd check, windows xp, perl (2)
Thank you for your help. I??m sorry that I found not the right
entries in the R-devel. Now, I have again a problem.
After installing all needed things I have run
Rcmd INSTALL -l ../mypkg and respectively
make mypkg
By running Rcmd check I get following message:
* checking for working latex ...Error: environment
variable TMPDIR not set (or set to unusable value) and no
2014 Sep 29
[LLVMdev] Alias Analysis across functions
I am trying to get the alias info for the following code. The alias analysis returns "MayAlias" for arrays "A" and "B" in both the functions instead of "NoAlias". What passes should I run in opt before the alias analysis pass to get the accurate result?
//Note: static and called by func() only.
static int sum(int *A, int *B) {
int i = 0,
2008 Nov 26
SSE2 code won't compile in VC
At least VS2005 (what I'm using) won't compile resample_sse.h with
_USE_SSE2 defined because it refuses to cast __m128 to __m128d and vice
versa. While there are intrinsics to do the casts, I thought it would be
simpler to just use an intrinsic that accomplishes the same thing
without all the casting. Thanks,
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ static inline double
2012 Feb 02
contar caracteres de los elementos de un factor
Hola, necesito contar la cantidad de caracteres de cada elemento de un
vector o factor
Por ejemplo si el factor es:
a<-c("jose", "javier", "mariano")
aplicando alguna funcion, el resultado q quiero es
4, para jose
6 para javier
7, para mariano
q es la cantidad de caracteres q tiene cada uno de los elementos del factor
probe usando length(a) y me da la
2006 Apr 12
Lattice, panel.grid and groups
Given the following plot, which shows following data:
a <- c(8.976000, 8.976000, 8.856000, 8.856000, 8.756000, 8.756000,
8.771000, 8.751000, 8.856000, 8.856000, 16.812000, 16.800000, 8.845000,
9.032000, 8.706000, 9.636000, 9.032000, 16.802000, 8.726000, 8.779000,
8.779000, 8.856000, 8.856000, 8.534000, 8.534000, 8.764000, 8.646000,
8.856000, 8.856000, 13.081000, 10.760000, 8.600000,
2005 May 30
How to access to sum of dissimilarities in CLARA
Dear All ,
Since dissimilarity is one of quality measures in clustering , I'm trying to access to the sum of dissimilarity as a whole measure. But after running my data using CLARA I obtain :
1128 dissimilarities, summarized :
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.033155 0.934630 2.257000 2.941600 4.876600 8.943700
But I can not find the sum of dissimilarity.How can i
2013 Mar 25
Faster way of summing values up based on expand.grid
# I have 3 vectors of values:
# In real life, all 3 vectors have a length of 25
# I create all possible combinations of 4 based on 10 elements:
# Removing rows that contain pairs of identical values in any 2 of
these columns:
2000 Feb 15
rpois gives a large number repeatedly (PR#439)
Full_Name: Kjetil Kjernsmo
Version: 0.65.1
OS: Digital UNIX 4.0
Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm experiencing problems with rpois. Occasionally, it draws a very high
Yeah, I know, this is statistics, things like that does happen, but this really
strange because a poisson distribution with a parameter of 3 shouldn't see the
number 1932 very often, but the same,
2018 Mar 16
Discrepancy: R sum() VS C or Fortran sum
Hi all,
I found a discrepancy between the sum() in R and either a sum done in C
or Fortran for vector of just 5 elements. The difference is very small,
but this is a very small part of a much larger numerical problem in
which first and second derivatives are computed numerically. This is
part of a numerical method course I am teaching in which I want to
compare speeds of R versus Fortran (We
2005 Mar 30
2d plotting and colours
I am new to R just 3 days in it and i apologize if my questions seem very
trivial and consumed your valuable time.
I am coding in perl and i stumbled upon R regarding plotting good
statistical graphs.
I tried the kmean clustering for a large matrix ,say > 150 * 150 . I tried
the example code given in the tutorial to perform 2d plot
# i ranges from 2 to 10
cl <- kmeans(x, i, 20)